Thursday, February 26, 2015


Week 1
AM - Row high %’ int's
4 sets @ 85-90%:
600m Row
(1:30 min rest)
400m Row
(1:30 min rest)
200m Row
(1:30 min rest)
*pace should speed up as distance decreases
600's were about 1:55 down to 1:50 on last set
400's were about 1:52 down to 1:49
200's were bout 1:45 down to 1:40

PM - SN int + CJ int + Open 2015 prep
A. Squat Snatch. Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 - work to a moderate effort set
B. Squat Clean. Below Knee Hang Squat Clean. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a moderate effort set
C. 15.1 prep/practice
A. and B. just warmed up to decent weight
C. 192 + 281

AM - Upper CP + Upper EMOM + Upper Stamina
A. Push Press Cluster off blocks, 1.1.1 - work to a moderate set
B. EMOM x 10 mins:
2 touch n go Push Press @ 205lbs
2 Bar Muscle-ups
C. EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 20ft HS Walk + 10 Toes to Bar
2nd - 20ft HS Walk + 10 Pull-ups
D. 21,15,9 unbroken for time:
Clapping Push-ups
Bent Over Barbell Rows @ 115lbs

A. Push Press- build to 225, felt heavy
B. Only did 5 min worth b/c shoulder didn't feel great
C. Battle Ropes instead of TTB and Sled Push instead of Pull Ups
D. Front Lever Tuck Pull Ups instead of bent rows

PM - MAP 60/60 + 120/120
4 sets @ 85-90%:
1 min Box Jump Overs @ 30"
1 min rest
1 min No Push-up Burpees to 6 OH
1 min rest
2 sets @ 85-90%:
120 sec KBS @ 24kg (do wall balls here is there is a lot of bending in 15.1)
120 sec rest
120 sec DUs (do rowing here is there is DUs in 15.1)
120 sec rest
18 Box Jumps/set
19 Burpees/set
50 Wall Balls/set
Row @ 1:55/500m pace

AM - 20 min Low %’s
20 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
2 min Rowing
2 min AirBike
*MAKE sure you keep it moderate, just get the system warm for the test

Row about 2:00/500m, Bike- steady

PM - Open 2015
193 + 286
35-30-25-20-15 Unbroken Wall Ball- 7 min

AM - AirBike high %’s
30 cal AirBike @ 90% effort x 10 sets, 2-3 min b/t sets - I want to see same times per set, last 20-30 sec of each set should approach >90% effort
Row instead of bike
1:28, 1:24, 1:20, 1:18, 1:16, 1:16, 1:15, 1:14, 1:14, 1:12

PM - Skills + PChain + Core + TGU's
EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 5 Strict HSPU (facing the wall)
2nd - 20 sec Free HS Practice 
3rd - 20 sec Triple Under Practice
4th - 2 Rope Climb to 15ft - use legs
5 sets:
2 reps per arm of TGU @ 32kg KB
10 sec
20 sec L Sit from Pull-up Bar
10 sec
10 DB Back Extensions @ 20X2
2 min
2 sets:
15 sec L Side Bridge
15 sec Front Bridge
30 sec R Side Bridge
15 sec Front Bridge
15 sec L Side Bridge
1 min rest
2 sets:
15 sec R Side Bridge
15 sec Front Bridge
30 sec L Side Bridge
15 sec Front Bridge
15 sec R Side Bridge
1 min rest
Complete, 10 Strict CTB instead of Rope Climbs.  
Complete, 20# DB on Back Extensions

AM - BSq mod %’s + SN tech + CJ tech + DL tng work
A. Back Squat, 5 reps @ 72% RM x 5 sets, 2 min
B. Halting Snatch Deadlift. Snatch Pulls, 1.1 every 90 sec x 5 sets - reset b/t reps, start @ 225lbs, add 5 lbs per set
C. Squat Snatch. OHS, 1.2 @ 155lbs every 45 sec x 10 sets
D. Above Knee Hang Power Clean. Push Jerk, 3.3 every 2 mins x 7 sets - start @ 165lbs, add 5 lbs per set, 3 cleans then 3 touch n go push jerks
E. Deadlift @ 265lbs, increasing on the minute until a tough set - 3 reps in min 1, 4 reps in min 2, 5 reps in min 3, etc. 
A. Complete at 285#
B. Done, Dead Lift part felt light but felt slow on the pull
C. Complete, no problem
D. Done, felt solid
E. built to 8 reps and called it just to be conservative

PM - MAP 7/7 x 3
7 min @ 85-90%:
5 Squat Clean Thruster @ 155lbs - drop each rep
5 Ring Muscle-ups
7 min rest
7 min @ 85-90%:
10 Chest to Bar
15 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
20 DU's
7 min rest
7 min @ 85-90%:
Toes to Bar - 3,6,9,12,15,etc.
Burpees to 6 OH - 3,6,9,12,15,etc.
4+2- thrusters felt really heavy
5 even
through round of 15 + 9 toes to bar.
Didn't feel great.  Very winded

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Week 6
@ 85-90% effort:
100 cal Rowing
200 DU's
(5 min rest)
100 cal AirBike
200 DU's
Did bike first and just did 7 min on the Air Dyne
Took about 2 min for DU's, broke randomly several times just tripping on rope
Row took 5:30ish and about 2 min on DU's again.  112/88.  broke do more to fatigue in shoulders

PM - SN int + CJ mod + LEnd tester
Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, 1.2.3 @ 205lbs eveyr 2 mins x 5 sets
Power Snatch, work to a moderately tough touch n go triple
“Isabel as rx'd
10 min EZ Run
Clean Complex, complete.  Felt pretty solid, definitely fatigued OH by the end.
PS- 185, felt heavy and just stopped. 
2:29, 6, 6, 4, 2 or 3 then singles.  Not fun one for me.  Felt sloppy towards the end.
AM - DL int (varied) + CP Battery Tester
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
unbroken Ring Muscle-ups - 1,2,3,4,5,etc.
unbroken Deadlift @ 315lbs - 1,2,3,4,5,etc.
Got through the round of 8.  Felt pretty good.  Felt like I paced it right.  DL felt pretty decent, honestly the mu's staying unbroken was more my concern on 7 and 8 than the DL's.

PM - 10 min MAP x 3 (high gym)
10 min @ 90%:
15 Box Jump Overs @ 30"
15 Chest to bar
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
15 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
15 Toes to Bar
15 Shoulder to OH @ 95lbs
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
15 Push-ups
15 DU's
15 Hang Power Clean @ 95lbs
15 DU's
BJ/CTB- 6 rounds, all unbroken (maybe a little too much)
WB/TTB/StoOH- 3 + 33 was pretty drained already.  WB unbroken till last round, TTB first 2 rounds unbroken, StoOH Unbroken but rested before pretty good.
PU/DU/HPC/DU- 5 rounds even.  No gas here

Felt like maybe I didn't eat enough between sessions or something.  Just had no gas after that first 10 min.  Shoulders were toast after 1 round of WB/TTB/StoOH.  Wasn't thrilled with this performance.

For time @ 85-90%:
75 cal Rowing
75 cal AirBike
(5 min rest)
75 cal AirBike
75 cal Rowing

Complete.  Row took about 4:15 both times.  Bike for remaining time of 10 min on Air Dyne and vice versa on second time.

PM - CJ int + SN mod + LEnd tester
A. Squat Clean Thruster. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Power Snatch, 1 rep @ 155lbs every 15 sec x 30 total reps
C. 9,6,3 for time:
Bar Facing Burpees
Squat Clean @ 155lbs
A. built to 255, barely got the jerk.
B. Complete, not bad
C. 2:05, legs felt like cement after the 9's.  Had to break the 6 cleans, 3/3.  rest unbroken.  I literally didn't feel like I could extend my hips on the clean b/c my legs felt so heavy so quick.

AM - DL int (varied) + PChain + SL int + Core
A. Deadlift, work to a moderate effort touch n go double
B. Alternating Pistols, 50 reps as fast as possible x 1 set
C. EMOM x 15 mins:
1st - 15 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 15 sec Weighted R Side Bridge
3rd  -15 sec Weighted L Side Bridge

A. Just 355 and stopped
B. 1:23
C. Done

PM - CF Tester
15 min AMRAP:
15 cal Rowing
12 Deadlift @ 135lbs
9 Hang Power Clean @ 135lbs
6 Front Squats @ 135lbs
3 Shoulder to OH @ 135lbs
*I got 6 rds + 15 cal Rowing
5 + 27.  Low back was limiter.  It was tight to start from the deads but this made it worse for sure.  It got so weak towards the end I felt it in the squats.  Did 11 DL's then 12th into the hang cleans unbroken to the squats and StoOH till the 5 set then I separated it.  Rowing slowed way down to a 950Cal/Hour b/c of my back not b/c of breathing. 
AM - MAP Low %’s (skills/core)

PM - IGT (potential + fatigued)
AMRAP unbroken Ring Muscle-ups x 1 set
5 sets @ high effort:
75 DU's
15 Burpees to 6 OH
1 Bar Muscle-up
2 Strict Pronated Chest to Bar
3 Chest to Bar
4 Pull-up
5 Toes to Bar
3 min b/t sets
12,9,6,3 for time:
unbroken HSPU
unbroken Ring Dips

MU's- 20 again, just missed 21.  Didn't feel as strong as last time but got it done.
2:15, 2:15, 2:16, 2:20, 2:12. 2nd and 5th sets of DU's unbroken.  Tripped once on the other sets
Everything on the bar was unbroken but got tougher than expected for sure.
3:20.  Somewhat skewed, I finished the 6 at 2:20 and went to write my time down and realized I had to do 3's too so is what it is.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Week 5
5 sets @ 85-90%:
2 min Rowing
2 min rest
2 min AirBike
2 min rest
Kept row around 1:50
AirDyne 65+RPM

PM - SN int + CJ mod + LEnd tester
Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
Below Knee Hang Power Clean. Split Jerk, 3.3 x 6 sets, 2 min - start @ 185lbs, add 5 lbs per set
For time:
45 Pull-ups
45 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 min EZ Run

205 on snatch, felt pretty solid
Cl&J complex felt pretty good.  Jerk felt better
2:30 on metcon.  Pull Ups were a bit harder than expected.  Broke thrusters @ 33 reps then finished 12.  Really wanted to go unbroken but lockout over head was the struggle.
10 min run done 

AM - DL int (varied) + CP Battery Tester
Deadlift @ 315lbs, 5 touch n go every 45 sec x 6-9 sets - # of sets is ability dependent
For time:
30 Hang Power Clean @ 185lbs
10 double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm
20 Hang Power Clean @ 185lbs
20 double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm
10 Hang Power Clean @ 185lbs
30 double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm

DL- 6 sets complete felt REALLY heavy.
Metcon- 15:18
Broke it up like this:
6's on HC for set of 30
10 UB
8/7/5 for set of 20 HC
20 UB
10 UB HC
15/15 last set of squats
**I don't think I do well with heavy weights in the morning.  I got plenty of sleep and wasn't rushed this morning.  DL felt really have and it was a real fight to just get the 6 sets.
Then on the Hang Cleans they felt REALLY heavy to start. Sets of 6 was harder than the final set of 10 almost.  Only limiter on the squats was left shoulder being able to keep the KB's up in front rack.
I think I could shave a pretty substantial amount of time off this if I redid it and it mattered.  I wanted to keep pretty big sets on the hang cleans just to gain some confidence on them.

PM - 10 min MAP x 3 (high gym)
10 min @ 90%:
100 cal Rowing
AMRAP Burpee Ring Muscle-ups in remaining time
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
100 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24 in remaining time
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
10 Toes to Bar
25 DU's
10 Ring Dips
25 DU's

1st- Finished row at about 5:30, then 21 BMU's.  Pull on the MU's felt really weak.  Surprisingly the muscle up was more the hard part than anything
2nd- Wall Ball done in about 4:30ish (I did 45/15/15/15/10)  Wanted to get to 50 but it would have been basically max effort.  Then I kinda settled down after the first set of 15.  WBs been feeling pretty good if I can break them into smaller sets.  That 45 was still a pretty tough effort.  I got 45 BBJO's.  Just stayed pretty smooth and consistent on those.
3rd- 6 rounds + 8 TTB. Just took this at bout 80% till the end b/c I know if I wasn't careful I could easily start out too hot with these movements.  All unbroken the whole time

1 set @ 85-90%:
10 min AirBike
10 min rest
10 min Rowing
AirDyne- kept around 65RPM
Row- Kept @ 2:00/500m or under

PM - CJ int + SN mod + LEnd tester
A. Squat Clean. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, 1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Power Snatch. OHS, 1.2 @ 175lbs per min x 15 mins
1 min CJ @ 95lbs
1 min rest
1 min Burpees to 6 OH
1 min rest
1 min Rowing
*Goal is 85+ total reps

A. 255
B. Complete felt great
C. 77 reps.  Time got away from me.  I did it unbroken but just needed to go faster.  I can't make up enough ground on the rower.
22 CJ's
23 Burpees
32 Cals

AM - DL int (varied) + PChain + SL int + Core
A. Deadlift, work to a moderately tough single
B1. Good Mornings @ 50X0, 2 reps x 4 sets, 10 sec
B2. GH Raises @ 50X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
C. 5 sets:
20 sec L Sit on Rings
10 sec
10 tough Front Rack BB Walking Lunges

A. 390 felt really heavy
B1. 205 felt tough
B2. done
C. L-Sit done but more of a tuck position.  Lunges done w/ 205# every set.  Did reverse lunges b/w I was in my garage. 

PM - CF Tester
3,6,9,12,15,18,21 for time:
Bar Facing Burpees
Thrusters @ 95lbs
11:54.  Pretty happy with how this felt.  There's a little more in the tank.  Did it all unbroken.  Felt 1000% better than last year.

AM - MAP Low %’s (skills/core)
30 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
25ft HS Walk
20 unbroken DU’s x 3 sets
15 cal Rowing
10 Strict Knees to Elbows
5 R Arm TGU @ 16kg
5 L Arm TGU @ 16kg
4 + 8 Cal Row.  Shoulder burn all around on this.  

PM - IGT (potential + fatigued)
4 sets @ high effort:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
5 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups
2 min No Push-up Burpees
3 min b/t sets
4 sets @ high effort:
30 Box Jump Overs @ 24"
20 Chest to Bar
10 Strict HSPU
3 min b/t sets

First sets- All MU's unbroken and finished BRMU about 57 seconds (for both MU's and BRMU's) Burpees were 37, 32, 35, 34
Second sets- All Unbroken- 2:05, 2:00, 1:55, 2:01.  Felt pretty good.  Legs were heavy I think from yesterday but not bad.  Last set hurt a little.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Week 4
10 sets @ 85-90%:
1 min Rowing
1 min rest
1 min AirBike
1 min rest

Row stayed about 1:43/500m avg
Air Dyne no monitor

PM - SN int + CJ mod + LEnd tester
Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, work to a tough double - no dropping b/t reps
Power Clean. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, every 90 sec x 8 sets - 4 sets @ 205lbs, 4 sets @ 225lbs
Every 2 minutes @ 100% x 4 sets:
12 Chest to Bar
9 Thrusters @ 115lbs
6 Bar Facing Burpees
*Record split time
*I want you to go in reverse order on sets 2 and 4 (i.e. burpees>thrusters>chest to bar)

Hang Snatch 195, no misses
Clean Complex got very tough, 225 felt like a max on the last 2 sets
48, 48, 50, 49. Hit chalk bucket with hand on 3rd set.  Harder than I expected.

AM - DL int (varied) + CP Battery Tester
Deadlift @ 315lbs, 2 touch n go every 20 sec x 10-20 sets - # of sets is ability dependent
10 rounds for time:
4 unbroken hang power clean @ 205lbs
4 unbroken kipping hspu to 10 deficit

PM - 10 min MAP x 3 (high gym)
10 min @ 90%:
Toes to Bar - 10,10,10,10,10,etc.
Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft - 3,6,9,12,15,etc.
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
100 Burpees to 6 OH
AMRAP Alternating Pistols in remaining time
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
15 hang power clean and push press @ 75lbs
20 deadlift @ 75lbs
25 box jump @ 24"

DL- 15 sets, probably could have squeezed out a couple more sets but got pretty tough and honestly was worried about next part.
10 rft- 17 min, HSPU were about 13" deficit (didn't measure till after) but they were still relatively the easy part.  Hang Cleans were tough from set 1.  Breathing never got high at all.  Hang Power is my worst version of any lift.

Up to 24 Wall Ball + 10 Toes to Bar- all WB unbroken
100 Burpees in 7:45 + 40 Pistols
3 rounds + 25 reps
**7p.m. after a day of traveling with fam.  no warm up but honestly felt pretty good untill the last piece.  It was the worst, shoulders were burning like crazy with that hang clean to OH.

2 sets @ 85-90%:
5 min AirBike
5 min rest
5 min Rowing
5 min rest

Air Dyne, kept above 60RPM
Row Kept about 1:55/500m

PM - CJ int + SN mod + LEnd tester
A. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, work to a moderate single
B. 2 touch n go Squat Snatch @ 155lbs every 30 sec x 15 sets
C. 2 x 90 sec time cap @ 100%:
300m Row
AMRAP Thrusters @ 95lbs in remaining
3 min b/t sets
265 Cl&J
B. Complete felt good, back started getting a hair tight but not bad.
First set- Row 57.7, 11 Thrusters
Second set- Row 56.8, 13 Thrusters
Honestly, didn't hurt too bad.  Pace on row was about 1:35 which started to hurt but the thrusters felt find and didn't get my breathing any higher, just burned my legs.

AM - DL int (varied) + PChain + SL int + Core
A. Deficit Deadlifts @ 22X1, work to a challening triple - standing on 2 platform
B1. Good Mornings @ 50X0, 3 reps x 3 sets, 10 sec
B2. GH Raises @ 50X0, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, 2 min
C. Front Rack Barbell Reverse Lunge, 6-5-4/leg, 2 min b/t sets
A. Build to 355, felt pretty good.  Got to 315 with clean grip no hook grip
B. 185, 205, 205
C. on Ground
C. 185, 205, 225. Felt strong

PM - CF Tester

208!  Pumped that I got back to the rower finally.  Push the row a little harder on the front end, then slowed down.  Did 5's on TTB and 10's on WB.  5, 5, 4, 3, 3 on muscle ups.  Much better than last time.

AM - MAP Low %’s (skills/core)
30 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
5 min No Push-up Burpees
4 min Rowing
3 min Alternating Step-ups onto 24"
2 min Single Unders
1 min Bear Crawl

About 62 burpees both times
Row around 2:02/500m
About 58 step ups
completed the rest

PM - IGT (potential + fatigued)
5 sets @ high effort:
5 pull-ups + 5 chest to bar + 5 bar muscle-up
2 min box jump overs @ 30"
3 min b/t sets
5 sets @ high effort:
25 Russian KBS @ 32kg
25 Air Squats
25 Push-ups
2 min b/t sets

Had to drop and reset b/w CTB and BMU but unbroken
35 Box Jump Overs every time- breathing got high but legs feeling heavy was limiter.

1:45, 1:35, 1:31, 1:30, 1:26- felt good