Event 1 Friday-
300ish meter ocean swim
(400ish m beach run)
150 Cal Air Bike
1 mile ish Beach Run
38:something - 30th place
Waves were tough in ocean but swim is what it is, not terrible but breathing was higher and legs were more fatigued than normal 10 min swim.
Air Bike, just couldn't get up to speed early on like practiced but didn't drop off much. 14:30
Run was awful, really soft sand. Stopped and walked a good bit b/c of calves.
Event 2
Hang Snatch- 235, felt solid missed 245 once and ran out of time.
Clean- 295, felt bad. 255, 275, 295, 305 crushed. Felt weak in the squat which is not usually the case. Frustrating b/c squat should be the easy part. Finished 18th i think on this.
Event 3
Muscle Ups- All Unbroken except snatches. Breathing was the limiter and where people beat me was transitions and snatches obviously. Finished 8th on this one
Event 4
Breathing was definite limiter but I came in second in my heat and the guy that beat me got way ahead on the toes to bar. Don't know what's going on here or what I need to do but hip flexors HAVE to get stronger. I did 10 then 5's and I wouldn't say it was easy. Wall ball I did 32, 10, 8.
Shoulder to OH- 15, 10, 5 it actually felt great I just took 2 breaks to keep breathing somewhat under control
Dead Lifts- 5, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1- breathing was limiter here not the actual movement honestly.
Burpee BJO were not slow- I was literally wheezing after 2 reps but I finished strong since it was just 10 but it hurt REALLY bad and was hugging my box for probably 5 min after.
Took 21st place I think
Bench Press- 26 reps, 5th place
Broad Jump- 8'7", 31st place
Overall feel decent about the weekend. If you take out the triathlon and broad jump it looks a lot better. Still have a good bit of room to go but there were 10 regional athletes here. I think the triathlon training and doing it gave me a better idea of where my aerobic work needs to be as far as pacing. Now I know better where I need to hold pace on intervals or steady work in training.
Still, as we've known, for the most part, the movements are not the limiter but breathing during really high efforts. The triathlon surprisingly was the one that felt like breathing wasn't the limiter.
That being said, I think I need to at least have 1 day of squatting in just to be more confident in the clean position. I should be well over 300 but now on any given day.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
AM - Running into Swimming
RunSwimBike event practice
1 Mile Run
PM - DL int test + Jerk int + SN based EMOM
A. Split Jerk, work to a single
B. Squat Snatch. Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 @ 175lb per min x 10 mins
C. EMOM x 10 mins:
25 DU’s
3 touch n go Power Snatch @ 145lb
B. Complete, full snatch didn't feel great but hang snatch was good
C. Complete, not too bad
AM - LEnd mixed + EZ Aerobic
Event 4
15 min EZ AirDyne
PM - Skills
100ft as fast as possible
Heavy Barbell TGU practice
Triple Under Practice
Good Mornings @ 3010, 15 lite reps x 3 sets, 1 min
100ft HS Walk- 1:40 on sunday
GM's @ 75#'s on sunday
AM - MAP Cyclical
3 sets @ high effort:
2 min AirDyne
2 min Row
2 min Run
6 min rest
Did Row/Bike/Run to run off the bike- Row @ 1:50, 1:49, 1:47/500m's
Only rested 4 min b/w sets b/c I knew little boy was about to wake up which he did.
PM - SN int + CN int + Upper CP Battery
A. Hang Snatch, work to 185lb for a double
B. Squat Clean, work to 250lb for a single
C. Event 3
AM - LEnd tester + EZ Aerobic
10 sets:
20 sec Row ALL OUT
40 sec Row @ 2k PR pace
120 sec rest
40 sec @ about 1:50-1:52/500m
Recovery was good
PM - low load 10 min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP:
10 Chest to Bar
10 Box Jump Overs - 30”
10 Box Jump Overs - 30"
AM - SN emom + C&J emom + DL emom %’s
A. Hang Snatch, 1 rep @ 135lb per min x 10 mins
B. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 185lb per min x 10 mins
C. Deadlift, work to a moderate touch n go set of 5
PM - 15 min Muscular End test
Friday, September 12, 2014
A. built to 425, felt pretty good on this today.
B. 225, could have gone heavier but did Jerks yesterday b/c of getting behind with sickness and wanted to keep it sharp.
C. Complete, breathing was high the whole time after the first round of all of it but movements felt good.
3:45... just didn't have it
Was able to stay unbroken on both but system just isn't ready for this yet.
All Rows @ 1:50/500m
AD- played with different intervals and got the below #'s
Cont pace- 15
12/8- 16
10/5- 15
Cont- 15
12/8- 16
Ran about 220m each time.
Switched order b/c I wanted to run after the bike. I was pushing the bike pretty hard today. I'll be happy if I can keep close to 15 cal/min on triathlon.
A. build up to 215, missed first rep on 220 and just stopped. Felt solid. Was snatching from the hip with a slight torso lean forward. Practiced that for comp, it's stronger than going down thigh for me.
B. Built up to 270. This got really tough the last two sets. rested a little more between the triples on the 270 but the rest were fast. Feel good about this #.
C. 14:58.
21 HSPU's- 9/3/2's to finish. Shouldn't have done 9 to start, really gassed out and this took a good bit of time
18 Pull Ups- 6/6 pronated and shoulder was popping and kind of hurting so switched to supinated and did last 6
15 Kipping- 5 sets of 3
12 Pull Ups 9/3 pretty quick
9 wall walks- slow, was pouring sweat and slipping some
6 Pull Ups unbroken.
Pressing was definitely the limiter, not the pull ups.
Did competition WOD
10 Thrusters, 155
7 MU
10 Snatch, 155
7 MU
10 OHS, 155
7 MU
4:58. Unbroken except Snatches. 3/2/1/1/1/1/1 too slow. Gotta dig better during snatches.
15 min Bike instead of row. Read it wrong but needed the practice on the bike. got 142 Cal at higher than easy effort.
6 + 1. Felt pretty decent, box jump overs were slow.
A. Complete. Snatch felt heavy. That oly work on monday wore me out. My pull felt week. Snatch Balance was no problem.
B. @ 375. felt ok
C. Complete, decent
16:25 All Unbroken. Pushed the pace on the bike and kinda paid for it. Did wrong order, I started with the bike. Got 21 Cal @ about 75RPM, did some intervals on 18/15/12 by the 9's I was down to 55-58 RPM avg. Pull Ups and OH felt good except left shoulder doesn't feel great.
AM - Running into Swimming
Run/Swim event practice
PM - DL int test + Jerk int + SN based EMOM
A. Deadlift, work to a tough double - not touch n go, 5 sec reset b/t reps
B. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set
C. EMOM x 16 mins:
1st - 5 Ring Muscle-ups
2nd - 5 touch n go Squat Snatch @ 135lb
3rd - 5 Bar Msucle-ups
4th - 10 Overhead Barbell Wlaking Lunges @ 135lb
B. 225, could have gone heavier but did Jerks yesterday b/c of getting behind with sickness and wanted to keep it sharp.
C. Complete, breathing was high the whole time after the first round of all of it but movements felt good.
AM - LEnd mixed + EZ Aerobic
15,12,9 for time:
Power Clean @ 115lb
10 min rest
15,12,9 for time:
Power Clean @ 115lb
*Goal is sub 3 min on both, don’t hold back on the 1st one
*Make sure you perform proper reps
15 min EZ AirDyne
2:56... burpees got slow and just gassed out3:45... just didn't have it
Was able to stay unbroken on both but system just isn't ready for this yet.
PM - Skills
10 ft handstand walk per min x 15 mins - work on speed
L Sit on Rings, 10 sec hold per min x 5 mins
L Sir from Pull-up Bar, AMSAP x 3 sets, 3 min b/t
Triple Under Practice
Back Extensions @ 2020, 10-12 reps x 5 sets, 1 min - lite load
AM - MAP Cyclical
5 sets @ high effort:
1 min AirDyne
1 min Row
1 min Run
3 min rest
AD- played with different intervals and got the below #'s
Cont pace- 15
12/8- 16
10/5- 15
Cont- 15
12/8- 16
Ran about 220m each time.
Switched order b/c I wanted to run after the bike. I was pushing the bike pretty hard today. I'll be happy if I can keep close to 15 cal/min on triathlon.
PM - SN int + CN int + Upper CP Battery
A. Hang Snatch, 2 reps every 90 sec until failure - start @ 175lb, add 5 lb per interval, not touch n go, drop each rep, fast reset b/t reps
B. Squat Clean, 3 reps every 90 sec until failure - start @ highest snatch load completed, add 10lb per interval, go right from snatch interval into clean interval, no additional rest
C. For time:
21 Strict HSPU to 5” Deficit
18 L Pull-ups
15 Kipping HSPU to 10” Deficit
12 L Pull-ups
9 Wall Walks
6 L Pull-ups
B. Built up to 270. This got really tough the last two sets. rested a little more between the triples on the 270 but the rest were fast. Feel good about this #.
C. 14:58.
21 HSPU's- 9/3/2's to finish. Shouldn't have done 9 to start, really gassed out and this took a good bit of time
18 Pull Ups- 6/6 pronated and shoulder was popping and kind of hurting so switched to supinated and did last 6
15 Kipping- 5 sets of 3
12 Pull Ups 9/3 pretty quick
9 wall walks- slow, was pouring sweat and slipping some
6 Pull Ups unbroken.
Pressing was definitely the limiter, not the pull ups.
AM - LEnd tester + EZ Aerobic
For time:
9 Thruster @ 135lb
12 Lateral Barbell Burpees
15 Power Clean @ 135lb
12 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Thruster @ 135lb
*Goal is sub 2:30 min
15 min EZ Row
10 Thrusters, 155
7 MU
10 Snatch, 155
7 MU
10 OHS, 155
7 MU
4:58. Unbroken except Snatches. 3/2/1/1/1/1/1 too slow. Gotta dig better during snatches.
15 min Bike instead of row. Read it wrong but needed the practice on the bike. got 142 Cal at higher than easy effort.
PM - low load 10 min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP:
10 Toes to Bar
8 Wall Balls - 20# to 10 ft
6 Box Jump Overs - 24”
4 Burpees to 6” OH
2 Power Snatch - 115lb
AM - SN emom + C&J emom + DL emom %’s
A. Squat Snatch. Heaving Snatch Balance, 1.1 @ 175lb per min x 10 mins - pause in full depth for 1 sec every rep
B. Deadlift @ 11X1, 1 rep @ 84% RM per min x 4 mins
C. Power Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep per min x 10 mins - 5 min @ 205lb, 5 min @ 225lb
B. @ 375. felt ok
C. Complete, decent
PM - 15 min Muscular End test
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 for time:
Chest to Bar
Push Jerk @ 95lb
AirBike Cals
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Week 2
AM - Running into Swimming
20 min EZ Run, into 10 min Swim @ high effort
PM - DL int test + Jerk int + SN based EMOM
A. Deadlift, work to a touch n go triple
B. BTN Split Jerk, work to a single
C. EMOM x 10 mins:
3 touch n go Power Snatch @ 155lb
3 Ring Muscle-ups
B. 315, finally got this OH. Felt good on this today. Technique felt better getting under it. Left shoulder and core strength were limiter or I could get more.
C. complete, all under 30 sec but got fairly tough.
AM - LEnd mixed + EZ Aerobic
3 sets ALL OUT:
30 sec Thrusters @ 115lb
30 sec Pull-ups
30 sec Burpees
9 min b/t
15 min EZ AirDyne
Thrusters- 15, 15, 15
Pull Ups- 24, 25, 26
Burpees- 12, 13, 12
Core work
30 min walk w/ wife and son.
PM - Skills
Single Arm OH KB Squat Practice
Handstand Hold practice - free standing
Handstand Walk practice
AM - MAP Cyclical
200m Run @ high effort every 90 sec x 10 sets
rest as needed
500m Row @ 2k PR pace x 4 sets, 2 min
Row complete @ 1:50/500m. Tough on both leg drive and breathing.
3 min Air Bike @ 58-60 RPM. Tough
PM - SN int + CN int + Upper CP Battery
A. OHS, work to a single
B. Power Clean, work to a touch n go 5
C. For time:
1—>4 unbroken Ring Muscle-up Ladder
5—>8 unbroken HSPU Ladder
9—>12 unbroken Chest to Bar Ladder
12—>9 unbroken Toe to Bar Ladder
8—>5 unbroken HSPU Ladder
4—>1 unbroken Ring Muscle-up Ladder
A. OHS- 315, glad to finally hit this. 295 felt easy so I went for it. Legs felt great, shoulder stability was hard part obviously
B. 245, tough but pleased with it. Catching it kind of low.
14:20. Not super happy with this. Toes to Bar took the bulk of the time. Did my set of 12 then had to rest a good bit b/c I barely got it, each set was a struggle to the point of on the set of 9 I had to hang and get the last 2 reps. Everything else was fine. CTB got a little tough but not too bad. MU's at the end were definitely hard but still got them pretty quick.
AM - LEnd tester + EZ Aerobic
For time:
30 Thrusters @ 95lbs
500m Row
*Goal is sub 2:40 min
15 min EZ Row
15 min @ 2:25ish
PM - low load 10 min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP:
5 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
21 OHS @ 45lbs
50 DU's
AM - SN emom + C&J emom + DL emom %’s
A. Power Snatch. Below Knee Hang Power Snatch, 1.1 @ 165lb per min x 10 mins
B. BTN Split Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1 - work to a tough set
C. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 80% RM per min x 4 mins - reset b/t reps
B. 265, just barely missed split jerk on 275. BTN felt solid
C. @ 355, complete felt good.
PM - 15 min Muscular End test
For time:
50 cal AirBike
500ft Unloaded Prowler Push
50 double KB Hang Snatch @ 16kg/arm
500ft Unloaded Prowler Push
50 cal AirBike
First 50 Cal done in 4 min @ about 60-62 RPM
Sled Push done w/ a break at 250'
KB Snatches done by 10's w/ too much rest, couldn't catch breath at all from sled push
Sled Push broke 4x.
50 Cal done in about 6 min @ 50-52 RPM for first 40 Cal then finished last 10 @ about 58RPM.
This hurt bad. It's REALLY hot out here. I had stomach bug wednesday so I just did both these today. Good to go now though.
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