Week 3
AM - Swimming Laps
25 meter Swim/Front Crawl @ high effort every minute x 20 mins
(5 min rest)
150 meter Front Crawl @ high effort x 2 sets, 4 min b/t efforts
Complete. 25m's felt good. 150's were tough. First one was about 3:10, second was about 3:25.
PM - BSq int sets + Deficit DL's + GH Raises + SL int
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, 3-3-3-3, 4 min - all tough sets, full depth, follow tempo
B. Deadlifts @ 11X1, 3-2-1-1-1, 2 min - moderate, stand on 4" elevated platform
C. GH Raises @ 20X0, 8-10 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
D. double KB Overhead Walking Lunges @ 24kg/arm, 6 reps per min x 15 mins (i.e. 3/leg)
A. 315, 335, 355, 355. Might could have done 365 but wanted to stick to tempo.
B. 335, 355, 365, 375, 385. All felt heavy, none moved fast.
C. Complete, 10#'s added on last 3 sets tough to get all the way to the top on last couple reps/set. Feeling better on these.
D. Complete, not too bad. Hardest part was just KB's against forearms. A little unstable OH but not bad. Legs felt good.
Saturday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
40 minutes @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(1 mile Run buy-in)
50 cal AirDyne
10 R Arm TGU - 16kg
10 burpees - no jump
10 L Arm TGU - 16kg
10 burpees - no jump
Mile run 8:30
Did 50 Cal Row instead of AD
2 + Row + 6 TGU's
Done all outside, starting to get hot here and not really used to it yet. It was humid! HR stayed about 155 during the run and first 10 min or so of next part. Stayed above 160 for last 10 min or so getting up to 165 at times.
Had to break TGU's every time. 5/3/2 on most sets. Shoulder fatigue.
Mile run 8:30
Did 50 Cal Row instead of AD
2 + Row + 6 TGU's
Done all outside, starting to get hot here and not really used to it yet. It was humid! HR stayed about 155 during the run and first 10 min or so of next part. Stayed above 160 for last 10 min or so getting up to 165 at times.
Had to break TGU's every time. 5/3/2 on most sets. Shoulder fatigue.
AM - SN int + C&J int + GH Raises + Squat stamina
A. Snatch, work to a moderately tough single
B. Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, 1.2.1 - work to a moderately tough set
C. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 tough reps x 8 sets, 1:30 min
D. double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm, 5 per min x 10 mins
A. Built to 225, no misses. 215 was shaky, 225 was solid though.
B. built to 275. Jerk was ugly as you saw. Pleased with this though. Clean & Squat felt pretty good for not having that heavy weight in front rack in a while.
C. 10#, 10#, 15#, 15#, 15#, 10#-----> 6 each set. Got tough towards the end.
D. Done, tough but not terrible. Really had to focus on pushing left elbow up or it would just collapse but I did it.
PM - Upper EMOM
EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 5 bar muscle-ups
2nd - 3 wall walks
3rd - 1 legless rope climb to 15ft + 1 rope climb to 15ft
4th - 12 strict hspu
Complete. All Unbroken except for last 2 strict HSPU's! This was tough though. Bar Muscle Ups weren't bad till last set was a challenge. Wall walks were all good. Rope climbs, the 2nd one was harder than first but definitely getting better. HSPU's easy first 3 rounds. 4th round paused at 10 but still unbroken, 5th round paused at 7, unbroken to 10 then dropped and got back up for last 2
Complete. All Unbroken except for last 2 strict HSPU's! This was tough though. Bar Muscle Ups weren't bad till last set was a challenge. Wall walks were all good. Rope climbs, the 2nd one was harder than first but definitely getting better. HSPU's easy first 3 rounds. 4th round paused at 10 but still unbroken, 5th round paused at 7, unbroken to 10 then dropped and got back up for last 2
Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
40 min @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(1 mile Run buy-in)
50 cal Rowing
30 step down box jump - 24”
10 right arm hang kb snatch - 16kg
10 left arm hang kb snatch - 16kg
9:30 mile, didn't have a stop watch on me and ran a different direction which I thought was a mile but may not have been (hoping it was long b/c this is slow).
4 rounds even.
HR 155 on the run and first row. Up to 160 till about 25 min or so then started getting to 170 on the box jumps. Felt really slow here, Snatches were easiest part.
9:30 mile, didn't have a stop watch on me and ran a different direction which I thought was a mile but may not have been (hoping it was long b/c this is slow).
4 rounds even.
HR 155 on the run and first row. Up to 160 till about 25 min or so then started getting to 170 on the box jumps. Felt really slow here, Snatches were easiest part.
AM - SNB + OH int + DL mod emom + Step-up/stamina
A. Snatch Balance, 1 rep per min x 15 mins - start @ 135lbs, add 5 lb per min - move fast
B. OHS, work to a challenging single
C. Deadlift @ 20X0, 2 tough reps per min x 10 mins
D. DB Alternating Step-ups onto 24” box:
30 reps @ no weight
30 reps @ 20/hand
30 reps @ 40/hand
A. Built to 205, much faster than last week but need to be faster
B. OHS- 285, PR is 300 but shoulders just collapsed at the bottom.
C. 355 x 1, 365 x 2, 375 x 4, 380 x 3 felt ok not great
D. no weight- 1:35, 20#- 2:10, 45#- 2:47- total time 6:32
A. Built to 205, much faster than last week but need to be faster
B. OHS- 285, PR is 300 but shoulders just collapsed at the bottom.
C. 355 x 1, 365 x 2, 375 x 4, 380 x 3 felt ok not great
D. no weight- 1:35, 20#- 2:10, 45#- 2:47- total time 6:32
PM - MAP (30/30)
4 sets @ high effort:
30 sec lite Sled Push
30 sec rest
30 sec Rowing
30 sec rest
30 sec Wall Bals - 20#
30 sec rest
30 set AirDyne
30 sec rest
30 sec OH BB Walking Lunges @ 45lb
30 sec rest
30 sec DU's
30 sec rest
Sled Push- same distance each time empty sled
Row @ 2:00/500m
Wall Ball- 16/round
AD- 32 revolutions/leg
OH Lunges- steps- 18/20/20/22
DU's- 50, 51, 51, 58
Sled Push- same distance each time empty sled
Row @ 2:00/500m
Wall Ball- 16/round
AD- 32 revolutions/leg
OH Lunges- steps- 18/20/20/22
DU's- 50, 51, 51, 58