Week 2
AM - Swimming Laps
25 meter Swim/Front Crawl @ high effort every minute x 20 mins
(5 min rest)
100 meter Front Crawl @ high effort x 3 sets, 3 min b/t efforts
Complete, didn't feel as good as last week. Stomach hasn't completely recovered so I think that was most of it. Tried to push pace on 25m more this time and kept most below 24 seconds. 100m I played with a smoother slower stroke and time was a bit slower, 1:02, 1:11, 1:04. Some swim team people were next to me and I watched them what looked like slow motion but they were averaging like 18-20 sec/25m. Didn't work for me.
PM - BSq int sets + Deficit DL's + GH Raises + SL int
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, 4-4-4-4, 4 min - all tough sets, full depth, follow tempo
B. Deadlifts @ 11X1, 4-4-2-2-2, 2 min - moderate, stand on 4" elevated platform
C. GH Raises @ 20X0, 8-10 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
D. double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 24kg/arm, 6 reps per min x 15 mins
A. 295, 305, 315, 325
B. 295, 335, 355, 365, 375, stayed with double over hand and hook grip from last week. felt pretty strong. May have been a hair higher than last week. Need to use same plates each week for platform but I didn't. Will video next week, I forgot again this week.
C. 10 reps each with hands on temples. got tough on last 2 sets, no weight added
D. Did 6 total reps/min hope that was right. This wasn't bad at all. Less time in the rack position was way better.
Saturday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
35 minutes @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(1 mile Run buy-in)
21 cals AirDyne (changed to 90 sec)
15 step down box jumps - 24”
9 burpees - no jump @ top
Mile (tracked in neighborhood by mapmyrun phone app)- 8:45
8 rounds + 15 Box Jumps + 4 Burpees
*felt good throughout this whole thing, which I had a monitor that worked on AD b/c I don't think I'd be getting 21 Cal in 90 sec but I tried to stay same pace every time. Great day out in the sun!
Mile (tracked in neighborhood by mapmyrun phone app)- 8:45
8 rounds + 15 Box Jumps + 4 Burpees
*felt good throughout this whole thing, which I had a monitor that worked on AD b/c I don't think I'd be getting 21 Cal in 90 sec but I tried to stay same pace every time. Great day out in the sun!
AM - SN int + C&J int + GH Raises + Squat stamina
A. 3 position hang power snatch (high hang, above knee, below
knee), 1 rep per position - build to a tough set, no dropping b/t reps
B. Power Clean. Split Jerk, 2.3 - build to a tough set, touch n go on the power cleans
C. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 tough reps x 6 sets, 2 min
D. 7 unbroken touch n go squat clean @ 115lb per min x 10 mins
A. built to 185, not 1RM but tough set. 185 actually felt better than 175 but went ahead and stopped.
B. built to 245. Power Clean started to get a little wide stanced and low catch on shoulder but other wise good. I wouldn't go as far as to say the Jerk feels good but it definitely feels better and I'm confident in at this weight which is not always the case.
C. all 6 reps w/ 10lbs hur today.
D. This was very tough. Felt more like a metcon. All under 20 sec and straight through though but it was a mental battle. I was concerned I wouldn't complete it so i'm glad I did.
A. built to 185, not 1RM but tough set. 185 actually felt better than 175 but went ahead and stopped.
B. built to 245. Power Clean started to get a little wide stanced and low catch on shoulder but other wise good. I wouldn't go as far as to say the Jerk feels good but it definitely feels better and I'm confident in at this weight which is not always the case.
C. all 6 reps w/ 10lbs hur today.
D. This was very tough. Felt more like a metcon. All under 20 sec and straight through though but it was a mental battle. I was concerned I wouldn't complete it so i'm glad I did.
PM - Upper EMOM
EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 1 rope climb to 15ft + 5 strict HSPU
2nd - 1 rope climb to 15ft + 5 strict pronated chest to bar
This didn't go well. Rope climbs still don't feel great, I'm getting them in about 3.5 times of moving my feet. Not sure if that's good or bad for my height. HSPU's were fine and actually added about 2" depth on them. Strict Pull Ups were tough. I did only 4 sets CTB then went to just pull ups and did 3/2 ever set for the last 6. Could not get my CTB, wasn't even easy on the first set. Strict CTB has always been hard.
This didn't go well. Rope climbs still don't feel great, I'm getting them in about 3.5 times of moving my feet. Not sure if that's good or bad for my height. HSPU's were fine and actually added about 2" depth on them. Strict Pull Ups were tough. I did only 4 sets CTB then went to just pull ups and did 3/2 ever set for the last 6. Could not get my CTB, wasn't even easy on the first set. Strict CTB has always been hard.
Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
35 min @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(1 mile Run buy-in)
90 sec AirDyne
15 kbs - 16kg
50ft bear crawl
Mile (straight away from gym) 8:13
9 rounds + 60 sec AD
felt good all the way through on this one.
Mile (straight away from gym) 8:13
9 rounds + 60 sec AD
felt good all the way through on this one.
AM - SNB + OH int + DL mod emom + Step-up/stamina
A. Snatch Balance, work to a tough single
B. touch n go Push Jerk, work to a tough triple
C. Deadlift @ 20X0, 3 tough reps per min x 7 mins
D. DB Russian Step-ups onto 20” box, 15/leg x 3 sets, 45 sec b/t legs - start @ 40lb DB’s hand
A. up to 235 but too slow. You saw video. Need to work on speed under it and stay lighter
B. up to 235, tough but not terrible. Tried 245 and missed first rep. First rep was always the hardest for some reason.
C. 325, 345, 345, 355, 355, 355, 360. Didn't feel great, all these felt really heavy, I thought I'd be able to get heavier.
D. Don't have 40's so I used 45# DB's every set. This was very tough. Breathing got heavy and quads were burning pretty bad last 3-5 reps on last 2 sets.
PM - MAP (30/30)
4 sets @ high effort:
30 sec Alternating DB power snatch @ 75lbs
30 sec rest
30 sec Shuttle Running
30 sec rest
30 sec Thrusters @ 30lb/hand
30 sec rest
30 set Rowing
30 sec rest
30 sec Hand Release burpees
30 sec rest
First 3 rounds felt great, last round got tough but maintained the whole time.
Snatches- 8 total/round (4/arm)
Run- same distance each time
Thrusters- 12, 14, 14, 14 (thought these would be worse so I kinda paced the first round too much) (left shoulder caved at the bottom on 1 rep but stayed up the rest when I focused on it.)
Row- kept 1:51 pace
HR Burpees- 9/set
DB Snatches definitely the hardest thing here. Low back didn't feel strong, not sure if it was from dead lifts or from monday and tuesday or what but bending didn't feel as good as it has been today. Like that we're hammering it though. I also like (need work on) all the DB work.
First 3 rounds felt great, last round got tough but maintained the whole time.
Snatches- 8 total/round (4/arm)
Run- same distance each time
Thrusters- 12, 14, 14, 14 (thought these would be worse so I kinda paced the first round too much) (left shoulder caved at the bottom on 1 rep but stayed up the rest when I focused on it.)
Row- kept 1:51 pace
HR Burpees- 9/set
DB Snatches definitely the hardest thing here. Low back didn't feel strong, not sure if it was from dead lifts or from monday and tuesday or what but bending didn't feel as good as it has been today. Like that we're hammering it though. I also like (need work on) all the DB work.

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