I get this question every so often from my CrossFit clients. "Why do we do ____ every week?" Some people say we get on "kicks" of certain movements or I get stuck on certain movements in my program design. I just wanted to give a bit of an explanation.
CrossFit, classically known for "random" program design. This is true but is "random" really the best we can do? In my opinion, this is very lower order thinking. If we randomly threw movements out there you will NEVER improve as well as you could be. Fitness is just like anything else and MUST have some organization to it to get the results that are desired. This is why it's called PROGRAM design. If I randomly through a workout up the night before, this almost guarantees a lack of quality programming and increase risk of injury along with decreased results.
Now, let me clarify, for someone coming off of 10 years of bad eating and NO fitness. Yes, you will see results (with a high risk of injury) w/ random CF b/c you are doing something as opposed to nothing!
If you have a random program, there is NO possible way to create structural balance. Ask your coach how they ensure structural balance, which greatly decreases risk for injury, without a structured program!? (If you are a coach, ask yourself this)
In my opinion, if you do NOT get on "kicks" or "get stuck on movements" in your programming then you are doing something WRONG!
Clients, ask your coach (program designer), WHY are we doing this?! If he/she can't give you an answer, that's a problem. Find a new coach that CAN explain to you why you are doing what you're doing!!
You would not do yourself this dis-service with ANYTHING else...
Ex. If you are readying a book, would you read one page from book #1 on Monday then one page from book #2 on tuesday and so forth until you get to day 100 when you finally read the second page of book #1?? This makes no sense! You would never learn anything about any of the books!
Ex. You go to a dentist. Doc why are we doing this to my tooth? Eh I'm not sure but I did it to my last patient so I'm going to do it to you too.
Do yourself a favor and make sure your coach knows what they are doing!
End of soap box! Thanks for reading! Any comments are gladly welcomed and I'll gladly reply!