Monday, December 29, 2014


Week 3
AM - Rowing MAP
3 min Row @ 1:50/500m pace x 3 sets, 3-5 mins b/t
2 min Row @ 1:47/500m x 3 sets, 2-3 min b/t
1 min Row @ 1:44/500m x 3 sets, 1-2 min b/t sets

Did run b/c out of town. 100m/min for 25 min

PM - SN int + CJ int + LP2—>LEnd mixed
Muscle Snatch, work to a max
Muscle Snatch, 1 rep @ 90% highest from previous per min x 5 mins
Power Clean and Push Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set
30 Thrusters @ 135lbs
(6 min)
25 Power Snatch @ 135lbs
(6 min)
20 Power Clean and Overhead @ 135lbs
10 min EZ AirBike

A. 155, failed 165.  Never been good at this movement.
B. Complete
C. 245, felt really heavy especially in the clean.  Jerk actual felt pretty solid.
Thrusters- 1:06
PS- 2:40
PCtoOH- 1:40
felt terrible and took a while to recover.  Did thrusters unbroken and was smoked.  Sent more detailed email.

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
EMOM x 30 mins:
Mins 1—>5 - 3 tough touch n go Push Press
Mins 6—>10 - 1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft + 20ft HS Walk
Mins 11—>15 - 5 Ring Muscle-ups
Mins 16—>20 - 5 Strict HSPU + 5 Strict Pronated Pull-ups
Mins 21—>25 - 5 Kipping HSPU + 5 Chest to Bar
Mins 26>30 - 5 Ring Dips + 5 Toes to Bar

Sunday morning- did tuesday's a.m.
Outside on Pull Up bar with no chalk
Up to 12 on both CTB and HSPU Ladders- probably could have gotten 13 in gym with chalk and better warm up but not today.  Not super happy with this.

PM - DL int %’s + MAP (3/3+)
A. Deadlift, 1 rep @ 84% every 45 sec x 10 reps
B. 5 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Deadlift @ 225lbs
60 DU's
—5 min
5 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 11ft
10 Step Down Box Jumps @ 24"
—5 min
5 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 R Arm Hang KB Snatch @ 24kg KB
10 L Arm Hang KB Snatch @ 24kg KB
10 cal AirBike
—5 min
5 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Burpees onto 24 box
10 Alternating Pistols
—5 min
5 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Hang Power Clean @ 135lbs
60 DU's
SUnday afternoon
A. Done @ 380, felt decent
4 + 1, shoulders (teres minor area really burning on DU's)
5, leg burn on BJ limiter
3 + 20, avg about 58-60RPM
3+ 3, pistols harder than expected
3, just smoked at this point, had to break second set of DU's 20/20/20

AM - Running MAP
100m Run @ 85-90% per min x 30 mins

PM - OHS int + tng SN/CJ work + LP1—>LP2 (cyclical)
A. OHS @ 22X1, work to a tough double
B. 3 touch n go Power Clean and Overhead @ 185lbs per min x 3 mins
6 touch n go Power Clean and Overhead @ 135lbs per min x 3 mins
3 touch n go Power Snatch @ 165lbs per min x 3 mins
6 touch n go Power Snatch @ 135lbs per min x 3 mins
D. 5 sets @ 97%:
40 sec Rowing
4 min b/t

Did Rowing from Friday b/c I feel I get more out of that.
Completed at Rx'd pace with the minimum rest so 3/3, 2/2, 1/1, took a min or so extra rest b/c the sets
Meters completed were:
815, 816, 818
557, 557, 559
286, 287, 289

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
Achieve the highest unbroken Chest to Bar Ladder possible in 7 minutes - 1 rep, break, 2 reps, break, etc.
10 min rest
Achieve the highest unbroken Kipping HSPU Ladder possible in 7 minutes - 1 rep, break, 2 reps, break, etc.

A.M. from Saturday
Push Press @ 185#
Hardest part was the Rope Climb and HS Walk- mainly the HS Walk part.  Shoulders wouldn't work.
Muscle Ups were harder than expected too.  The rest was no problem.

PM - FSq int + SL int + Core + TGU's
A. Front Squat, work to a tough 3
B. Front Rack Barbell Reverse Lunges, 6/leg x 5 sets, 30 sec b/t legs - no alternating legs
C. Weighted Front Bridge, 1 min hold x 5 sets, 2 min rest
D. Turkish Get-ups @ 32kg, EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 2 L Arm TGU's
2nd - 2 R Arm TGU's
A. 325 w/ belt.  315 w/o belt
B. 135, 145, 145, 155, 155, 
C. 45# plate.  Tough
D. Got 5 x 2/arm done.  Not sure on time but it was not 10 min I know that.

AM - Good Morning + PChain + MAP Low %’s
A1. Good Morning @ 2011, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 10 sec
A2. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 2 min
B. 20 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
21 Russian KBS @ 24kg
21 Air Squats
21 cal AirBike
A1. 185, 195, 195, 205, 205, 185.  Dropped back on last set to go a little deeper and it made a big difference on difficulty.  I have know idea what kind of weights I should be doing on these relative to BSQ or DL but feels really weak.
A2. done with light band.
B. 5 rounds + 42 reps then finished last 21 Cal on bike

PM - mixed MAP Sets (short)
EMOM x 30 minutes @ high effort:
1st - 50ft Shuttle Run x 5 lengths
2nd - 10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 135lbs
3rd - 10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
4th - 50ft Shuttle Run x 5 lengths
5th - 10 Power Clean @ 135lbs
6th - 10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
Complete, done all about same time/set unbroken and fairly quick.  Breathing was high pretty much the entire time but kept it moving consistent. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Week 2
AM - Rowing MAP
3 min Row @ 1:50/500m pace x 5 sets, 3-5 mins b/t

PM - SN int + CJ int + LP2—>LEnd mixed
High Hang Squat Snatch, work to a single
Power Clean. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, - work to a tough set
3 sets ALL OUT:
25 sec AMRAP Thrusters @ 135lbs
25 sec Rowing
6 min b/t
3 sets ALL OUT:
25 sec AMRAP Power Clean @ 135lbs
25 sec Burpees
6 min b/t
10 min EZ AirBike
A.M. Complete- rested 3 min b/w first 3 and 4 b/w last 2
Hang Snatch- 215
Clean Complex- 255
Thrusters- 13/set
Row @ 1:35/500m
PC- 13/set
Burpees- 13, 14, 14

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
EMOM x 20 mins:
Mins 1>5 - 3 tough CGBP
Mins 6>10 - 3 Ring Muscle-ups + 3 Strict Ring Dips
Mins 11>15 - 3 Bar Muscle-up + 3 Strict HSPU
Mins 16>20 - 1 Rope Climb to 15ft (use legs) + 10 Push-ups
Mins 21>25 - 10 Chest to Bar

BP @ 245
All else complete, felt good.

PM - DL int %’s + MAP (3/3+)
A. Deadlift, 1 rep @ 82% every 45 sec x 12 reps
B. 4 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 double KB Thrusters @ 16kg/arm
50 DU's
—4 min
4 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Deadlifts @ 135lbs
10 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
—4 min
4 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
AirBike Cals
—4 min
4 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Back Squats @ 135lbs - taken out of rack
50 DU's
—4 min
4 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
10 Deadlifts @ 135lbs
20 Air Squats
—4 min
4 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
Rowing Cals

DL @ 365 felt decent
3 + 15
4 + 10
Air Dyne @ home
3 + 5
4 + 10
**Leg burn was limiter, especially on DL sets. 

AM - Running MAP
100m Run @ 85-90% per min x 25 mins

PM - OHS int + tng SN/CJ work + LP1—>LP2 (cyclical)
A. OHS, AMRAP @ 265lbs x 1 set
B. 6 touch n go Power Snatch @ 135lbs per min x 3 mins
8 touch n go Power Snatch @ 115lbs per min x 3 min
10 touch n go Power Clean @ 95lbs per min x 3 mins
D. 5 sets @ 97%:
30 sec AirBike
4 min b/t

A.M.- did Row repeats w/ 3 min rest b/w all 5 b/c I'm going to have to run friday instead b/c I'll be out of town.
OHS- 8 reps, wrist was limiter.  Everything else felt solid and could have kept going
TnG work- complete.  tougher than expected.
Air Bike- 88RPMish each round, got really tough to keep it there for 30 sec

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
10 min AMRAP Strict HSPU to 10 Deficit
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 unbroken Chest to Bar Ladder for time
5 Strict Ring Dips per min x 10 mins - 1 sec pause in full depth each rep

PM - FSq int + SL int + Core + TGU's
A. Front Squat, work to a tough 4
B. Weighted Alternating Pistols, 10 alternating reps x 3 sets, 2 min - control movement, nothing crazy heavy 
C. L Sit on Pull-up Bar, 10 sec per min x 10 mins
D. Turkish Get-ups @ 32kg, 1 rep per arm per min x 20 mins

33 HSPU's - went like 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, singles...
7:38, again harder than expected
Done unbroken, not bad.

Grid League Score stuff...
4 RC's for time- 35 seconds
80 sec AMRAP MU's- 20 *going to redo
FSQ- stopped at 295 just for time sake, felt pretty heavy
Pistols- 2 sets @ 53#, 1 set @ 70#, all under 23 seconds smooth and controlled.
10 min of TGU b/c ran out of time.

AM - Good Morning + PChain + MAP Low %’s
A. Good Morning @ 5010, 5 reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
B. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 1 min
C. 20 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
10ft HS Walk
30 sec R Side Bridge
10ft HS Walk
30 sec L Side Bridge
10ft HS Walk
30 cal Rowing

PM - mixed MAP Sets (short)
EMOM x 30 minutes @ high effort:
1st - 6 Thrusters @ 95lbs + 6 Toes to Bar
2nd - 6 Kipping HSPU + 6 Russian KBS @ 32kg
3rd - 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24"

12 days of Christmas in the A.M.
1- 300m Row
2 P Snatch, 155
3 Thrusters 155
4 MU's
5 Burpees
6 Toes to Bar
7 CTB Pull Ups
8 KBS, 97#
9 Box Jumps, 30"
10 HSPU's
11 Ground to OH, 155#
12 Man-Makers, 45#

Good Mornings- 165, 165, 175, 175, 175
GH Raises- 0, 15#'s--->
15 min Air Bike Z1
*every min for first 10 min, 10 sec L-sit on Rings

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Week 1
AM - Rowing MAP
3 min Row @ 1:50/500m pace x 5 sets, 3-5 mins b/t
Complete more like 1:51-2 pace.  legs were dead for some reason.  Rested 3 min each time, hardest part was just getting it down to 1:50, not so much breathing although it was high too b/c I was having to push so hard.

****Did first OCT wod with HS Walks and all with a buddy who's competing b/c he wanted me to push him.
Got through all but 5 pistols and last HS Walk.  Breathing was much more of a factor than I though it would be.  Finished first have in 5:01 so I definitely slowed down a good bit.
Did all HS Walks unbroken
First set of pistols smooth and steady
Snatch- 10/5
Lunge Unbroken
WB- 10/5
MU Unbroken
Only difference on the way back was more breaks b/w movements and broke pistols 5/5.
He's been to regionals last few years and qualified for OCT.  He got to the HS Walk before the last set of pistols so happy about that.  Although that workout is not at all up his alley.

PM - SN int + CJ int + LP2—>LEnd mixed
Below Knee Hang Power Clean. Power Clean. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set - go touch n go on the cleans
Squat Snatch, 2 touch n go every 90 sec until failure - start @ 175lbs, add 5 lbs per set
5 sets ALL OUT:
20 sec touch n go Power Snatch @ 135lbs
20 sec AirBike
4-6 min b/t
10 min EZ AirBike

A. 255, Hang Power Clean was the limiter, everything else felt decent.
B. Built up to 210, missed the first rep at 215 and called it.
8-9 PSnatch/set
Got up to about 80RPM each set
**Just couldn't dig in quite hard enough but still got that almost sick feeling that you only get from Lactate training.  Did 40 sec straight of work so really only about 15 sec on the bike each time, wasn't sure if you wanted it like that or 20 sec from when I started.
Need to be above 90RPM on something like this I feel like.

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 15 Pull-ups
2nd - AMRAP unbroken Strict HSPU to 10 Deficit
3rd - 5 Ring Muscle-ups
4th - 10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 115lbs

HSPU's- 10, 6, 6, 5, 5.
Everything felt fine except I didn't warm up my shoulder enough so it was pretty achey. 

PM - DL int %’s + MAP (3/3+)
A. Deadlift, 1 rep @ 80% every 45 sec x 15 reps
B. 3 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
50 DU's
7 KBS @ 32kg
—3 min
3 minutes @ 85-90%:
10 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
10 Step Down Box Jumps @ 24"
—3 min 
3 minutes @ 85-90%:
10 Hang Power Clean @ 95lbs
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
—3 min
3 minutes @ 85-90%:
50ft Walking Lunges
2 Rope Climb to 15ft
—3 min
3 minutes @ 85-90%:
500m Row
AMRAP DUs in remaining

3 + 5, shoulders burning from DU's was limiter
3 + 12, quads on box jumps were screaming and just heavy, wall ball felt good
3, quads on burpees and breathing.  This is the only one of the first 4 where breathing was a factor
3 + 50', too much break between RC's
1:51 500m, 85 Double Unders **tripped up a few times getting started on DU's and then once with about 10 sec left.
AM - Running MAP
100m Run @ 85-90% per min x 20 mins

PM - OHS int + tng SN/CJ work + LP1—>LP2 (cyclical)
A. OHS, work to a tough single
B. 3 fast hang power snatch @ 135lbs every 30 sec x 21 total reps
C. 2 touch n go Power Clean and Overhead @ 135lbs every 20 sec x 20 total reps
D. 6 sets @ 97%:
25 AirBike
3-4 min b/t

Estimated about 17-18 seconds, walked it off after and it was probably closer to 120m.  I was pushing almost full speed. 

A. built to 315, felt really solid, there's more in the take.  Looking forward to testing 1RM towards the end of this.
B. Complete felt solid
C. Felt good
D. Got b/w 85-88 RPM each time

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
10 min AMRAP:
5 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
10 Strict Pronated Pull-ups
—10 min rest
10 min AMRAP:
5 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups
10 Strict HSPU - no deficit

5 + 5 reps.  Pull Ups felt heavy from the start
4 + 3.  Really surprised me on the HSPU's.  Got the first 10 unbroken but was a struggle.  After that it was at least 3 sets/time

PM - FSq int + SL int + Core + TGU's
A. Front Squat, work to a tough 5
B. Overhead Barbell Walking Lunges, work to a max set of 5/leg
C. Toes Through Rings @ 2020, 5 reps per min x 10 mins
D. Turkish Get-ups @ 32kg, 1 rep per arm per min x 15 mins
A. Built to 305 no felt.  Felt Decent
B. 135, 185, 205 only got 3 steps.  I know 205 was going to be reaching but I didn't want to stop after just two sets.  This was really tough.  Felt a disconnect at the bottom of the lunge holding weight OH.  Midline stability is lacking in that position and glutes need more work.  Keep it coming

AM - Good Morning + PChain + MAP Low %’s
A. Good Morning @ 5010, 6 moderate reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
B. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 1 min
C. 20 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
20ft HS Walk
20 cal Rowing
20 unbroken DUs x 3 sets

A. 135, 155---> actually pretty tough, probably more than moderate.  Really excited about having this A. and B. consistently in the program to see how it helps.  Felt it in low back obviously but I felt it a TON in my abs.
B. 0, 10's------> added.  Felt better than usual first weeks on these.  didn't want to go too heavy b/c I know my hammies are going to be smoked tomorrow anyway.
6 + Walk + 10 Cal
Row stayed at about 1050Cal/hr.
HS Walks Unbroken
Had 2 trips on DU's on 15 and 18.  Felt pretty smooth

PM - mixed MAP Sets (short)
EMOM x 30 minutes:
4 Toes to Bar
4 Push-ups
4 Front Squat @ 95lbs
*Perform quickly
*Adjust work order each set
Done in A.M.
All Under 17 seconds/round.  Felt smooth and fast.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


AM - Running MAP + test
200m Run @ 85-90% every 90 sec x 8 sets
5 rounds for time:
200m Run
12 Toes to Bar

All runs under 41 seconds
6:44 unbroken.  Last 2 sets were tough

PM - DL int + DL tng emom + HSPU/Rope Climb
A. Deadlift, work to a challenging touch n go double
B. Deadlift, 2 touch n go @ 315lbs every 20 sec x 5 sets
C. EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 1 Weighted Legless Rope Climb to 15ft
2nd - 3 Kipping HSPU to Deficit + 3 Strict HSPU to same deficit

A. built to 405, felt pretty good.
B. felt easy
EMOM- done, HSPU @ about 7" deficit, 20# vest on Rope Climb

AM - Rowing MAP + test
1,000m Row @ 85-90% x 3 sets, 4 min
AMRAP in 2 minutes:
30 Pull-ups
20 Chest to Bar
10 Bar Muscle-ups

3:46.5, 3:45.3, 3:45.2  felt decent.  I believe my PR is 3:29.
barely finished the CTB Pull Ups.  Very disappointed in this. Did 30 Pull Ups unbroken. then I could only barely do 5 Unbroken CTB then 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.  Very frustrating how hard it was to get CTB.  I've done 40+ CTB unbroken before and no where near that.

PM - BSq emom mod + Leg Stamina + EZ AD
A. Back Squat @ 22X1, 1 rep per min x 15 mins - 5 min @ 265lbs, 5 min @ 295lbs, 5 min @ 325lbs
B. For time:
100ft KB Walking Lunges @ 24kg/hand
30 double KB Front Squats @ 24kg/hand
50ft KB Walking Lunges @ 24kg/hand
15 double KB Front Squats @ 24kg/hand
C. 15 min AirBike @ EZ

A. BSQ felt good.  325 was a little slow coming out of the whole but not bad.
5:45.  Only break was on the 30 FSQ I did 15/15 but just took breaks between movements.  Rack position is definitely better but left shoulder still collapses first.
bike @ about 45 RPM

Monday, December 8, 2014

OPEX Athlete Camp

A. Shoulder Press, build to 1RM
B. Wtd Pull Up @ 30X0, build to 1RM
C. Front Squat @ 30X0, build to 1RM
D. Squat Clean, build to 1RM in 12 min
rest 3 min
E. 8 min AMRAP Squat Clean @ 90% 1RM

A. 205, surprised I got this much with the way the shoulder has been lately.  Left shoulder was still the limiter but I'm ok with 205 for sure.
B. 123lbs added.  This needs to come up.  at bwt of 179#
179+123= 302/205(press)= 68%
C. 355#- BIG PR here.  This really surprised me just b/c i haven't front squatted in so long.  Really happy to see this and the potential for my oly lifts.  Last time I clean 305 I could only front squat about 335.
D. 295, basically dead lifted 305.  Speed just isn't there but that's ok for right now I know it's not a focus.  Front Squat was 120% of squat clean
E. 15 reps @ 265 which matches my 8 min AMRAP Power Clean w/ 265#.  Actually got into a groove and got more the second half.  Got 3 in the last minute.  Paced too much based off know how I do on the power clean test.  Showed me, again, how much more I'd rather squat than just bend.

Rest a couple hours
3 min AMRAP sets of 3 Toes to Bar
rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP HSPU's on 25# plates and abmat
**First set, max unbroken then continue as much as possible

19 sets of TTB.  Need this a little higher.  A couple of people got 20-22.
45 Unbroken kipping- 68 total reps
Pretty happy with this.  Still for me and my size, could be better.

rest a couple hours
For time:
Row 250m
15 KBS, 70#
25 Burpees
15 KBS, 70%
Row 250m

4:01- paced too much.  I've done this 3:47 before and when I did my second row was @ 1:45 pace.  Today, my first row was about 1:46, paced burpees a little too much and last row was under 1:35 pace the whole time.  Just couldn't dig in early enough.  I believe last time I did this it was like 4:17 though and this felt better than that one.  Recovered really fast.

A. Scratch test- 6" on Left arm on top, 4" Right arm on top.  Right arm internal rotation is the imbalance.
B. Sorenson Hold- 2 min, very tough though
(for CNS Prep)
C. Back Squat @ 31X1, 3, 2, 1 @ 80% effort-
10 min EMOM
1st- 5 TnG Power Snatch, 135#
2nd- 30 sec FLR on Floor
3 min AMRAP Muscle Ups
rest 90 sec
4 x 30 sec AMRAP Double Unders, 30 sec rest
rest 90 sec
4 x 30 sec AMRAP Row for meters, 30 sec rest
A. done
B. Done
C. 255, 275, 305, felt sharp it was just CNS prep so wanted it to be fast out of the hole so kept it relatively light.
10 min EMOM, done all snatches about 10 sec
Muscle ups- 30 total, when 8/7 on first too sets.  Last time I did 30 for time I did no more than 5 at a time so wanted to test it.  5's  I got sub 3 for 30.
DU's- 55, 55, 48, 40- just tripped up a lot on last two.
Row- 168, 155, 153, 160- hurt but recovered relatively fast.  Just can't dig in hard enough.  Need more power on the front end.

Rest a couple hours
4 sets for fastest CONSISTENT times:
Row 400m
20 Wall Ball, 20#-10'
20 Box Jumps Step Down, 24"
15 Dead Lifts, 115#
15 Ring Dips
rest 4 min b/w sets

3:53, 3:38, 3:46, 3:46
Felt good on this one.  Box Jumps were the slowest, hardest part by far.  Everything else was solid.

Overall really good weekend.  Where I am right now I believe i just need to push the intensity/power as we build to the open which is exactly what the plan is.  Recovery felt good and body feels good.