Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday 12-28-11

A. Power Jerk/Split Jerk/Back Power Jerk/Back Split Jerk- 1 of each- build to heavy sets
135, 165, 185, 205, 225 felt ok. From the back felt really good.
B. Power Clean @ 80% 1RM Power Clean- 10 x 2 EMOM @ 215- felt good
10 min AMRAP
Double Unders
*emom do 5 T2B
530 Double Unders went @ about 80% effort felt good
Pretty tired today so it was a pretty good day for some skill work on the strength side and just some basic conditioning/skill work.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday 12-27-11

Warm Up w/ snatch balance triple up to 185#
A. OHS @ 41X1; 6, 4, 2; rest 3 min 175, 185, 215. Felt good, could have gone heavier
B. Front Squat @ 30X0 (strict no rest at top); 3 x 5; rest 3 min 235, 245, 245. Tough @ temp0
C. 20' Rope Climb- 5 min amrap 4 on the min + 1 more. Tough, still working on using feet. Needs practice

Run 5 min @ Z1
Run 800m sets 1, 3, 5 were against the wind- 3:35, 3:30, 3:34, 3:31, 3:38, 3:33
Rest 3 min
x 6
Row 5 min @ Z1

10 min Ice Bath- very painful and cold!

Monday, December 26, 2011

12-26-11 monday

A. Dead Lift- heavy single quick 410#
3 sets; rest 5 min
10 Dead Lift @ 75% 1RM
15 GHD Sit Ups
20 Box Jumps, 24"
25 Double Unders
This was kinda a progression from last week. Used 320# on the Dead Lift- times were 1:48, 1:48, 1:52. Felt pretty good, dead lift got heavy towards the last set

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday and Friday 22 and 23rd

Just played around on this day.
A. Snatch- 155 x 3, 165 x 1, 175 x 1, 185 x 1
B. Power Clean & Power Jerk- 185, 205, 225 x 3, 245 x 1
C. Power Snatch 3 TnG EMOM @ 135 for 5 min
D. 20' Rope Climbs x 5 practicing foot work, not good at it!

3 sets; rest 6 min after 1st set, 8 min after 2nd
10 KB Swings, 106#
20 Pull Ups
30 Wall Ball, 25#
40 Double Unders
106# KB is AWFUL! Thanks Derrick!
2:19, 2:40, 3:40
Should have been a 10 min rest here misjudged the difficulty and stimulus. Would have been a great Anaerobic Lactate Endurance session but too little rest changed the dose response I was looking for.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A. Power Clean- tough double 235 didn't feel great, no good pop
B. Clean Pull @ 100%- 10 x 2 EMOM 285 felt ok
C. Snatch Balance- tough double 185, really focused on fast drop, no heaving
D. Front Squat @ 60% + 55# chains; 3 x 6; rest 3 min 205 + chains- felt good
Airdyne only did 8 sets b/c output dropped
5 min @ Z1
5 sets; rest 2 min
20 sec @ 100%
rest 5 min
5 min Z1

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12-21-11 Wednesday

A. Split Jerk @ 70%- 10 x 2; EMOM 195#
B. Pull Up @ 70%- 10 x 2; EMOM 88#
C1. Back Ext Weighted @ 4022; 3 x 8; rest 1 min 15#
C2. DB Ext Rotation @ 30X0; 3 x 8/arm; rest 1 min 15#

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday 12-19-11

A. Axle Bar Dead Lift- heavy single quickly 405
B. Back Squat @ 30X0 @ 80%; 3 x 8; rest 3 min 275
3 sets; rest 5 min
10 Dead Lift @ 70%1RM
15 Toes To Bar
20 Box Jumps, 24"
DL's @ 295

A. Trap-3 @ 30X0; 3 x 8; rest 45 sec b/w arms
5 sets; rest 3 min
20m Prowler Sprint w/ 90#
50m Sprint
Rest 8 min practicing HS Walking
5 sets; rest 2:30
Sprint 200m

Friday, December 16, 2011

12-16-11 Friday

A. Snatch Balance- heavy single 255 (was not really a snatch balance, need to work on speed dropping under bar)
B. Front Squat @ 80%- 3 x 3; rest 2 min @ 265 felt pretty good
5 rounds for time
3 Sq Clean, 225#
6 KB Swings, 88#
9 Box Jumps, 36"
6 Muscle Ups
3 Ring HSPU
21:57 This was what I wanted today. Basically ATP/CP endurance training meaning lots of hard work, heavy movements, and heavy breathing for a extended period of time. Squat cleans and Box jumps were the only things that weren't unbroken. Everything else was unbroken and easy even the KB Swings @ that weight and the Muscle Ups.
Ready for a big rest weekend!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

12-15-11 Thursday

A. Squat Clean- build to heavy single quickly, not 1RM 205, 225, 245, 265
B. Power Clean @ 75% 1RM Clean- 10 x 2 EMOM 215 all felt good
10 min
Row 2k + AMRAP Double Unders 140 DU's. Row was tough, legs were fatigued from cleans

Reverse Med Ball Toss- 3 x 3; rest 1 min
5 sets
Prowler Sprint w/ 90#'s 20m; 0 rest
Sprint 50m; rest 3 min
5 sets; rest 2 min
Sprint 150m

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12-14-11 Wednesday

A. Split Jerk Cluster- x 3; rest 4 min 205, 225 (failed 3rd rep so called it, not happy)
B. Power Jerk TnG- 3 x amrap (w/ 70% of 1RM Split Jerk) w/ 185- 12, 10, 7
C. 1/3 Bodyweight Weighted Pull Up @ 20x0; 4 x amrap 8,6,5,4


A. Axle Bar Dead Lift- build to a heavy single 385
B. Snatch Pull @ 21X1; 4 x 5; rest 2:30 225
C. Snatch Balance- build to heavy double (focus on fast drop underneath the bar) 225


30 sec @ 90%
30 sec @ 50%
x 10
Run 5 min @ Z1
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 9:51
Box Jumps, 24"
Toes To Bar
Push Ups
Run 5 min @ Z1
30 sec @ 90%
30 sec @ 50%
x 10

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Training post comp. Wanted to stick with some testing and maybe get some #'s. We'll see how I feel wants I get moving in the gym

A. Front Squat @ 30X0- 1RM 315, 335 (f)
B. Front Squat @ 85%- 1 x max reps 270, 7 reps
C. Power Clean- heavy single 245
D. 1 mile run TT Ended up doing some extra strength work, wasn't feeling the run.
To talk a little about the 85% test.. So this is a muscle fiber test that can tell us a little bit about how to strength train and our "essence". Testing our Neuromuscular Efficiency (NME). The higher then NME the lower reps one would score. The lower the NME, one would score higher reps w/ 5 reps being the middle ground. A workout for a person who only got 2 reps may look like: A. Front Squats- 10 sets of 2; rest 2 min where as for someone like me a strength workout may look more like this: A. Front Squats @ 30X0; 5 x 5; rest 3 min. This is just scratching the surface on this topic so if it interest you please feel free to ask.
Testing 1RM front squat, then muscle fiber 85% test to see what type of strength work I may need to be doing. Testing Power Clean to see what it is relative to my Back Squat which was tested a few weeks ago (365 High Bar). Front Squat we'll also be compared to back squat for %'s. Front Squat @ 315 is 86% of Back Squat, thinking I could have done more fresh tells me my posterior chain is the weakness especially knowing my dead lift is only 425 (116% of BS, it should be 125%) Also, my power clean being 245 (which I've done 265 several times so I know I can) 245 is 67% of BS which is balanced but using 265 it is 72% of BS which tells me I'm faster than I am strong. Also, we can use power snatch (205) which is 56%, it should be 51%. So I'm going to focus on absolute strength for a bit while continuing speed work b/c I definitely do not want to slow down. Onward!
1 mile run to see where I am now and get a goal in mind for where I want to be come competition time.

Again, these #'s may be a little skewed from yesterday's testing but it'll still give me rough #'s for me to program off of.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Saturday 12-10-11

Construction Series Part 2
Big Dawg Competition from OPT

Part 1
in 25 min
Find 1 RM Power Snatch (kg)
1 set max rep CTB Pull Ups
Score is kg + reps 93kg (205#), 38 CTB
rest 45 min

Part 2
"Little Liz"
Squat Clean, 135/95#
Ring Dips
score is total time 2:26
rest 2 hours

25 min for guys/27 min for girls
Row 5k, remaining time do max Burpees
Score is # of burpees 72 burpees (Row 20:17)

Pretty pleased w/ todays testing. PR on Power Snatch, CTB could have been better but ok. Unbroken on "Little Liz" w/ a couple of pauses in the hang position on set 10 of sq clean. Long rowing is not my strength considering my height so pleased w/ the time, burpees were rough but ok w/ the #. Like I said, pleased w/ the results considering where I am in my training regiment right now.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday 12-8-11

A. Power Snatch x 1/Snatch x 1- 4 sets; rest 2:30 155, 175, 185 (f-Sn), 185 (f-Sn) Power Snatches felt good, Full Snatches didn't
B. Snatch Pull @ 110% of Snatch- 3 x 3; rest 2 min 245
Air Dyne Sprint @ 100%- 20 sec; rest 2:40 x 4

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


5 min amrap 6 rounds
10 double unders
5 ring dips
5 Kb snatch, L, 70#
5 kb snatch, R, 70#

rest 2 hours

For time @ 97% 5:27
10 Cl & J, 175
Row 250m
10 Cl & J, 155
Row 250m
10 CL & J, 135

rest 2 hours

21-15-9 3:53
OH Squat, 95#


A. Split Jerk- heavy single quick 245.. failed 255
B. Power Jerk @ 70% above- 3 x max; rest 3 min 175#- 12, 10, 10
C. Rope Climbs legless- amrap 15 min 20' 8
D. 50 HSPU for time 6 min

Sunday, December 4, 2011



A. Dead Lift- build to a quick heavy double 405 felt heavy

B. Dead Lift @ 42X1; 3 x amrap(-2) w/ 70% of above max; rest 3 min 285# w/ straps- 8, 8, 6

C. Hang Squat Clean; 3 x 10 heavy; rest 2 min 155, 175, 175. Felt good, legs were smoked just wanted the volume

D. GH Raises w/ band; 3 x 12; rest 2 min complete, legs were smoked at this point


Run 5 min @ Z1

Run 800m; rest 1:1 x 6 (goal is 3:20-3:30/800m)

Rum 5 min Z1

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A. Snatch- heavy single in 10 min 205, 215 (f) felt ok just quick warm up and quick lifts
B. Cl & J- heavy single in 10 min 255, 275 (f) these all felt heavy
C. Dead Lift- heavy single in 10 min 415 felt heavy
5 sets; rest 4 min (playing w/ speed training)
Prowler Sprint heavy 15m
Sprint 15m @ 100%
no time
rest 1 hour

3 sets; rest 12 min
10 Squat Snatch @ 115#
15 KB Swings, 88#
Row 400m 2:40, 2:48, no time for third
over all not a very good training day, felt rushed the whole day just having some other work to get done.
Resting tomorrow to get ready to attack next week.