Sunday, December 11, 2011


Training post comp. Wanted to stick with some testing and maybe get some #'s. We'll see how I feel wants I get moving in the gym

A. Front Squat @ 30X0- 1RM 315, 335 (f)
B. Front Squat @ 85%- 1 x max reps 270, 7 reps
C. Power Clean- heavy single 245
D. 1 mile run TT Ended up doing some extra strength work, wasn't feeling the run.
To talk a little about the 85% test.. So this is a muscle fiber test that can tell us a little bit about how to strength train and our "essence". Testing our Neuromuscular Efficiency (NME). The higher then NME the lower reps one would score. The lower the NME, one would score higher reps w/ 5 reps being the middle ground. A workout for a person who only got 2 reps may look like: A. Front Squats- 10 sets of 2; rest 2 min where as for someone like me a strength workout may look more like this: A. Front Squats @ 30X0; 5 x 5; rest 3 min. This is just scratching the surface on this topic so if it interest you please feel free to ask.
Testing 1RM front squat, then muscle fiber 85% test to see what type of strength work I may need to be doing. Testing Power Clean to see what it is relative to my Back Squat which was tested a few weeks ago (365 High Bar). Front Squat we'll also be compared to back squat for %'s. Front Squat @ 315 is 86% of Back Squat, thinking I could have done more fresh tells me my posterior chain is the weakness especially knowing my dead lift is only 425 (116% of BS, it should be 125%) Also, my power clean being 245 (which I've done 265 several times so I know I can) 245 is 67% of BS which is balanced but using 265 it is 72% of BS which tells me I'm faster than I am strong. Also, we can use power snatch (205) which is 56%, it should be 51%. So I'm going to focus on absolute strength for a bit while continuing speed work b/c I definitely do not want to slow down. Onward!
1 mile run to see where I am now and get a goal in mind for where I want to be come competition time.

Again, these #'s may be a little skewed from yesterday's testing but it'll still give me rough #'s for me to program off of.

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