Saturday, May 31, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
25m Swim @ high effort x 10 sets, rest as needed
50m Swim @ high effort x 6 sets, rest as needed
100m Swim @ high effort x 2 sets, rest as needed 
Complete.  Did the 25m on the 45 sec mark, 50m on the 90 sec mark and 2 min b/w 100m

PM - DL int + BSq mod slow %’s + ABC + DB Back Extension 
A. Deadlift, work to a challenging touch n go set of 5
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 3 reps @ 80% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C1. L Sit from Bar, 20 sec x 5 sets, 1 min 
C2. DB Back Extensions @ 40X0, 6-8 tough reps x 5 sets, 2-3 min 
A. built up to 375.
B. all @ 320#
C1.  First 3 sets held L last 2 I just did tuck getting my knees as high as possible, all 20 sec UB
C2. 55# for 8 

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
65 min @ 75%/moderate:
(2 mile run buy-in)
1k Row
25 unbroken DU’s x 3 sets
20 Alternating TGU’s - 16kg KB
15 DB Man Makers @ 20lb per hand (don’t push too hard here) 
Ran 19 min.  Hoping distance is wrong but I didn't take anything to measure or pace.
1k averaged about 2:07/500m
Got 2 + Row + DU's + 4 TGU's
First set of Man Makers did singles slowly, second set I did slowly but consistent and never took hands off DB's actually felt better than the first set.  Very humid today. 

AM - SN int + C&J int + Speed DL + ALEnd
Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, work to a tough double - no dropping b/t reps
Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
Deadlift, 1 max effort/fast pull every 45 sec @ 68% RM x 16 reps - pull hard, drop each rep
AirDyne, 10 sec ALL OUT per 1:30 min x 10 sets

185, didn't feel too bad but I missed it the first attempt so I stopped here.  Again, hang power is my worst.
245, 255 for 2 cleans but missed the second jerk.  These didn't feel very strong at all.
DL @ 305, felt good.
Done- much tougher than last time for some reason. 

PM - Upper Stamina
50 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups for time - goal is sub 12 min

10:45, there's more there.  Definitely can get sub 10 I think.

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
65 min @ 75%/moderate:
(5k Row buy-in)
400m Run
20 Burpees - no jump
10 left arm Hang KB Snatch @ 16kg
10 right arm Hang KB Snatch @ 16kg

5k in 21:20 or so then 7 rounds, I think the runs were about 2:20/400m, burpees 1:30 each time.  Took breaks b/w movements.  

AM - FSq int + SNB + Upper Battery
A. Front Squat, work to a tough set of 2
B. Pressing Snatch Balance, build to a max
C. Snatch Balance, 2 reps per min x 5 min - start @ 135lb, increase per set by about 15-20 lbs
D. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 unbroken Press @ 145lb
1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft

A. built to 325, used a belt felt solid.
B. 135, warmed up with CrossOver and shoulder felt a lot better but still left shoulder limited.
C. 135, 155, 175, 195, 215
D. 15 min:  8 rounds total- 6th round did 1 push press, 7th round did 2, 8th round did 3.  Press was by far the limited, left shoulder had a hard time locking out at the end. 

PM - MAP (60/60)
2 sets @ high effort:
60 sec Thrusters @ 65lb
60 sec rest
60 sec DU's
60 sec rest
60 sec Rowing
60 sec rest
60 sec Power Snatch @ 65lb
60 sec rest
60 sec DU's
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDyne
60 sec rest 

Thrusters- 29, 29- shoulder fatigue the limiter on speed but all unbroken
DU's- 92, 92- tripped once first time then twice second time.
Row- 1:55/500m pace
PS- 20, 20- shoulder fatigue
DU's- 100, 93- Unbroken both times
AD- 60, 65 revolutions 
*felt pretty good here.  Shoulder fatigue was the biggest limiter, breathing actually felt pretty good. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
50m Swim @ high effort x 20 sets, rest as needed

Wasn't able to get to this.  At regionals.  May try to get to it sunday.

PM - DL int + BSq mod slow %’s + ABC + DB Back Extension 
A. Deficit DL, build to a single - standing on 2” platform 
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 4 reps @ 75% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C. 1 L Sit Rope Climb to 15ft x 7 sets, rest as needed b/t - hold L Sit on the way down too
D. DB Back Extensions @ 20X2, 6-8 tough reps x 5 sets, 2-3 min

A. built to 405, felt pretty decent.
B. @ 300- all solid
C. done on the minute, last 2 were tough.  Not perfect L, knees never completely lock.
D. 8/set, 25#, 40#---> Hold at the top was where I felt it the most for sure. 

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
60 min @ 75%/moderate:
200m Run
5 Burpees
50ft Bear Crawl
200m Run
5 Burpees
15 KBS - 16kg

12 rounds even.  Stayed consistent with this one.

AM - SN int + C&J int + Speed DL + ALEnd
Squat Snatch, work to a single
Power Clean. Above Knee Hang Power Clean, 1.1 - work to a tough set
Deadlift, 1 max effort/fast pull every 45 sec @ 64% RM x 18 reps - pull hard, drop each rep
AirDyne, 8 sec ALL OUT per min x 12 mins

Flew in from regionals and did this about 2 hours later.
A. Snatch- 215, just wasn't there today.
B. 245- again just didn't feel strong.
AD- is what it is. 

PM - Upper Stamina
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
3 rope climb to 15ft
3 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit
3 rope climb to 15ft
6 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit
3 rope climb to 15ft
9 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit 
3 rope climb to 15ft
12 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit
3 rope climb to 15ft
15 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit
3 rope climb to 15ft
18 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit 
3 rope climb to 15ft
21 kipping HSPU To 10” Deficit

Got through 15 HSPU's + 3 Rope Climbs, emailed you about this but I felt like it should have been better, was wondering what a good score would be.
Did this Tuesday morning. 

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
60 min @ 75%/moderate:
(2 mile Run buy-in)
30 cal Rowing
5 Right Arm TGU @ 16kg
15 step down Box Jumps - 24”
5 Left Arm TGU @ 16kg

Run about 18:30
I think 6 rounds.  Started too fast on the rower.  Wanted to maintain about 950 Cal/hour but ended up just above 800 Cal/hour.  Not sure if you realize how humid it is here but it's REALLY humid.  And it rained for first 5 min of run which made it even worse. 

AM - FSq int + SNB + Upper Battery
A. Front Squat, work to a tough set of 3
B. Pressing Snatch Balance. Heaving Snatch Balance. Snatch Balance, 1.1.1 - build to a max set - again
C. “Event 7” from Regionals

A. Built to 305. Shoulders caved forward a little so I stopped.
B. 115 again, left shoulder pain
C. 2:13, Pull Ups- 50/10/4, OHS Unbroken.  Wanted more pull ups unbroken but grip blew up a little which made for painful OHS b/c I couldn't hold strong grip.  Have video if you want it.

PM - MAP (60/60)
3 sets @ high effort:
60 sec Burpee Jumping Chin-ups - try to use a bar that is about 6” about your reach
60 sec rest
60 sec KBS - 24kg
60 sec rest
60 sec Goblet Squat - 24kg
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDYne
60 sec rest

BJCU- 12, 13, 13
KBS- 28---->
Gob Squat- 28, 28, 30
AD- 61, 61, 62  

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Week 1
AM - Swimming Laps
50m Swim @ high effort x 15 sets, rest as needed

Complete, all about 55-65 seconds, 45-50 sec rest b/w sets.  Definitely harder than 25m on the min

PM - DL int + BSq mod slow %’s + ABC + DB Back Extension 
A. Deadlift, work to a tough single
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 5 reps @ 70% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C. EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 10 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 10 sec L Sit from Bar
D. DB Back Extensions @ 30X1, 8-10 tough reps x 5 sets, 2-3 min

A. built to 445 for a 15# PR, went for 455 and couldn't budge it off the ground.  Pleased with PR though.
B. @ 280, not a problem.
C. Pathetic.. not good at these at all.  Quads started cramping on the first set.  Managed 10 sec each min but heels were definitely not above hip level.
D. 40#'s for 10 each set.  heaviest DB they had but low back definitely started to feel it. 

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
55 min @ 75%/moderate:
400m Run
10 Right Arm TGU @ 16kg
10 Left Arm TGU @ 16kg
200ft Bear Crawl
25 Burpees - no jump @ top
25 KBS - 16kg

3 rounds + Run + 20 TGU's.  Felt slow and sluggish this morning.  Had to do it early which I haven't been doing lately.  Had to break TGU b/c of shoulder fatigue, hamstrings burned on Bear Crawl.  Burpees steady and KBS Unbroken

AM - SN int + C&J int + Speed DL + ALEnd
Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, work to a tough single
Power Clean and Push Press Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to a max set
Deadlift, 1 max effort/fast pull every 45 sec @ 60% RM x 20 reps - pull hard, drop each rep
AirDyne, 7 sec ALL OUT per min x 15 mins

 HSqSnach- 215, felt heavy.  Stuff from the hang is the worst for me.
PC+PP- 225, thought PP would be more of the limiter, it was but PC didn't feel easy by any means
DL- @ 265 felt sharp and fast
AD- 12 rotations/leg/set.  Felt good 

PM - Upper Stamina
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Strict HSPU - 2,4,6,8,10,etc.
Shoulder to Overhead @ 135lb - 3,6,9,12,15,etc.
Strict Pronated Chin-ups - 4,8,12,16,20,etc.

Got up to 12 HSPU's, 18 StOH, PU- 20 reps of the set of 24.  
All HSPU's unbroken.  StOH UB up to 15's I think I did 10/5 then 12/6
Pull Ups- UB, UB, 8/4, 4's, 4's 

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
55 min @ 75%/moderate:
(2 mile Run buy-in)
50 cal Row
60 sec Front Bridge
90 sec Alternating Step-up onto 20” box
120 sec Farmer Walk @ 16kg/arm

Ran for 18 min, no distance measured
Row @ about 870 Cal/hour
FB- unbroken
30 steps ups/90 sec
FW- unbroken constant
4 rds 

AM - FSq int + SNB + Upper Battery
A. Front Squat, work to a tough set of 5
B. Pressing Snatch Balance. Heaving Snatch Balance. Snatch Balance, 1.1.1 - build to a max set
C. Snatch Balance, 3 reps @ high effort from B x 5 sets, 1 min
D. 7 rounds for time:
1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft
3 unbroken Ring Muscle-ups

A. 285- build heavy.  Been a while, shoulders caved forward a little bit still but not bad.
B. 115.  Left shoulder didn't feel good at the start of the press off the shoulder. started at 75# and added 10#'s set.
C. 165, 175----> wanted to keep it fast, not sure what weight you meant by high effort from B
D. 7:05.  RC hardest part pretty much walked straight to rings and did MU's each time. 

PM - MAP (60/60)
3 sets @ high effort:
60 sec lite Sled Push
60 sec rest
60 sec Burpees to 6” OH
60 sec rest
60 sec Wall Balls - 20#
60 sec rest
60 sec Box Jump Overs - 20”
60 sec rest

This was way harder than 30/30's
Sled Push, empty sled, about 100m, 100m, 90m
Burpees- 16, 16, 13
WB- 32, 31, 26 (15/11)
BJ- 22, 20, 20 (step downs)
Sled push got my breathing jacked up.  Wall balls shoulders burning on second round breathing was fine.  Started wheezing on 3rd round mainly b/c of sled. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
25 meter Swim/Front Crawl @ high effort every minute x 20 mins
(5 min rest)
400 meter Front Crawl @ high effort x 1 set
25m/min felt fine.  400m was tough and I lost count so not sure I made it 400, may have just been 350 but I was running short on time so I had to go.  Swims haven't been really improving much.  I think I need to get some lessons if I want them to improve.

PM - BSq int sets + Deficit DL's + GH Raises + SL int
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, 1-1-1-1, 4 min - all tough sets, full depth, follow tempo
B. Deadlifts @ 20X0, work to a challenging set of 3
C. GH Raises @ 20X0, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
D. DB Reverse Lunges off 2” step @ 10X0, 5/leg x 6 sets, 1:30 min - alternate legs per rep

A. 365, 375, 385, 400.  PR!  Pumped about this.  375 felt really tough, then 385 felt good so I went for it and it wasn't terrible.  Never doubted I would get up with it.  Tempo was there too, maybe 3 seconds but still slow.
B. 385 for 3.  Very tough, did not feel strong at all.  Not sure if it's just where we are in the phase but DL still feels weak.  Everything else is improving nicely.
C. 25#, 35#, 45#, 45#
D. 70#/hand heaviest KB's they had at gym I was at.  Movement never really got hard or lost tempo but man this got the top of the hamstring insertion like I've never felt before.  After set 3 I was getting that almost cramping feeling.  Very sore the next day from it.  I really liked this b/c I've never felt that before.

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
50 minutes @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(2 mile Run buy-in)
150 cal Row
400m Farmer Walk @ 16kg KB/arm
150 cal AirDyne
200m Bear Crawl
Row for remaining time

2 miles- 17:00
150 Cal Row @ 820ish Cal/hour- about 13 min I think
400m FW- set KB's down @ 200 and 300m, not sure but guessing about 5 min
150 Cal ROW again, no Air Dyne where I was
75m Bear Crawl.
Felt pretty good, I think I sweat about 10#'s worth of water weight but felt good and consistent the whole time.

Went to a clients gym who I'm training for regionals and forgot HR monitor 

AM - SN int + C&J int + GH Raises + Squat stamina
A. Snatch, work to a single
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set
C. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-5 tough reps x 10 sets, 1 min
D. 5,10,15,20,25 for time:
Front Squats
*Start @ 225lb, reduce load by 30lb each round (i.e. use 195lb for 10 reps)
*Bar taken from floor each time

A. Built to 235 no misses, just missed 240
B. Built to 245, power clean felt really heavy.  Split Jerk actually felt decent
C. 25# each time.  Felt harder than usual.  Do you want me doing the back extension portion of this or just lowering down to parallel?
D. 7:18. UB, UB, 10/5, 15/5, 20/5.  More about breathing and being uncomfortable in rack position then legs. 

PM - Upper EMOM
EMOM x 21 mins:
1st - 20 sec max effort handstand walk
2nd - 5 ring muscle-ups
3rd - 2 rope climb to 15ft

Complete.  HS walks 12m first 3-4 sets then got shaky real fast, barely got any on the last one.
Muscle Ups all unbroken but tough.  Actually missed 5th rep on 6th set but didn't let go and tried again and got it.
Rope climbs, still not fun.  Lat fatigue started to really set in last 2 sets. 

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
50 min @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(2 mile Run buy-in)
30 cal Row
30 sec right side bridge
30 sec left side bridge
30 sec front bridge
30 walking lunges

18:30- 2 mile... phone said 1 mile at the turn around but 2.3 when I got back so I don't know
5 + 9 Cal  

AM - SNB + OH int + DL mod emom + Step-up/stamina
A. Snatch Balance. OHS, 1.1 - work to a tough/quality set
B. Deadlift @ 20X0, 3 touch n go @ 315lb per min x 15 mins
D. Barbell Russian Step-ups, 15-20/leg x 3 sets, 1 min b/t legs

A. 2 sets @ 185, 2 sets @ 205.  Just felt really slow today.  OHS was easy but I was slow getting under the Snatch balance, keep the snatch balance work coming...
B. Done, didn't feel great.  Low back felt weak.  Sent you the video's
D. 20/leg @ 45# for 2 sets, 15/leg @ 65# last set.  Just leg burning. 

PM - MAP (30/30)
6 sets @ high effort:
30 sec lite Sled Push
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees - no jump
30 sec rest
30 sec step down box jumps - 24"
30 sec rest
30 set alternating db power snatch - 65lb DB
30 sec rest 
30 sec DU's
30 sec rest

Had to Air Dyne instead of sled push b/c of rain.
AD- 34-35 rotations/leg
Burpees- 12, ---- 13 last set
BJ- 12 first 4 sets, 13 last 2 sets
DB Snatch, 75#'s b/c I don't have a 65#- 8 total up to last set I got 10
DU's- 52-55 reps/set

Felt pretty good here.  DB snatch was the only thing that really got me.  Sled push would have been worse than AD but overall felt good.  Last 2 sets catching my breath in 30 sec after the DB snatch was pretty tough. 

Friday, May 2, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
25 meter Swim/Front Crawl @ high effort every minute x 20 mins
(5 min rest)
300 meter Front Crawl @ high effort x 1 set 
Done in P.M. on vacation so had to get strength work in first.  Swim was not exact measures so for the 300m I just swam for 7:30 b/c I figured that's about what it would take.

PM - BSq int sets + Deficit DL's + GH Raises + SL int
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, 2-2-2-2, 4 min - all tough sets, full depth, follow tempo
B. Deadlifts @ 11X1, 1 rep per min x 5 mins - heavy, stand on 4" elevated platform
C. GH Raises @ 20X0, 6-8 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
D. OH Barbell Walking Lunges, 4 reps per min x 10 mins - all tough sets 
A. 315, 335, 355, 375.  Probably shouldn't have counted 315 but I haven't even hit 375 for a single in a while so I was pleased. Felt pretty good, kept tempo.
B. 365, 385---> tough, wanted to try to hit 400 but 385 was tough and couldn't go up.
C. 10#, 20#---->
D. 135, 135, 155, 155, 165---> 
Felt pretty good this morning, was somewhat worried b/c I had to do it early am on vacation but felt good. 

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
45 minutes @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(1.5 mile Run buy-in)
25 cal Rowing
50m Bear Crawl
100m Farmer Carry @ 24kg/arm
25 cal Rowing
50m Walking Lunges
100m Overhead Barbell Carry @ 65lb

About 13 min on 1.5 miles, don't remember.
3 + Row + Bear Crawl
HR stayed about 150 throughout today.  Little cooler here than it has been on the last few plus these are easier movements I think.  Everything felt good, shoulders burned on Farmer's Carry and OH Carry.  Went a little wider than press grip on OH.  First set did press grip and felt a little overextended in lumbar. 

AM - SN int + C&J int + GH Raises + Squat stamina
A. Squat Clean. Front Squat, 1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Power Snatch, build to a tough triple - drop each rep
C. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-5 tough reps x 10 sets, 1 min
D. touch n go Squat Snatch @ 95lbs, 15 unbroken x 5 sets, 2 min b.t

A. built up to 300.  Pumped about this b/c I haven't hit a 300# clean in over 2 years.  Not to mention we've only been doing cleans 1x/week and lots of aerobic work.
B. 195, pretty shot after cleans and was just catching lower than I wanted, might could have gone higher but had to move on.
C. 10#/set for 5's.  Got tough at the end.
D. seconds- 41, 50, 52, 47, 45... this was BRUTAL.  All unbroken but man it was tough.  Grip was smoked at the end I could barely hang on.  Last 2 sets felt like lactate training, I tried to speed up to save my grip.  Fell out after the last set and was wheezing on the ground and couldn't get comfortable for a while like I did a 500m row TT or something. 

PM - Upper EMOM
Regional Event 5
21,15,9,6,3 for time:
Strict HSPU
Bar Facing Burpees
Event 5- 5:10, should have been sub 5.  Hesitated before jumping up the rope on the last 2-3 reps.
rest about 8 min
8:16 on part 2.  21 HSPU's UB easy, then it was 5's and 3's after those burpees, burpees were slower than needed to be.  

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (30-->75 mins)
45 min @ 75%/moderate effort - wear a HR monitor:
(1.5 mile Run buy-in)
60 cal Rowing
max distance hand stand walk (stop if more than 50ft)
60 sec right side bridge
60 sec left side bridge

13 min 1.5 mile run
3 + Row + HS Walk + 60 sec bridge..  
 Bridges were tough especially on left side.  Even broke once.
HS Walk were 12-15m each time

AM - SNB + OH int + DL mod emom + Step-up/stamina
A. Snatch Balance, 2 reps per min x 10 min - start @ 155lb, add 5 lb per min
B. Push Press, work to a single
C. Deadlift @ 20X0, 1 tough reps per 30 sec x 10 mins 
D. DB Russian Step-ups onto 20” box holding 40/hand, for time:

A. Done up to 200#, working on speed but still fairly slow
B. 245, missed 255.  Lock out didn't feel strong.
C. 365, 385, 395, 395, 395, -, 365----> felt really heavy, I guess I started too heavy.
D. 7:05 total time, 21's done in like 2:45 this was tough.  Again w/ 45#'s b/c I don't have 40's. 

PM - MAP (30/30)
5 sets @ high effort:
30 sec Thruster @ 65lbs
30 sec rest
30 sec Shuttle Running
30 sec rest
30 sec Power Snatch @ 65lb
30 sec rest
30 set Shuttle Running
30 sec rest 
30 sec Burpee to 6” OH
30 sec rest 
30 sec Shuttle Running
30 sec rest 

15 thrusters/set
3 trips/run
12 Snatches (some power some muscle)
10 Burpees/set
Got tough on the last 2 sets.  Felt pretty good though.  Low back was starting to get tight.