Thursday, June 26, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
25m Swim ALL OUT per min x 30 mins

Done, first 10 about 22 seconds, then 10 @ about 24 seconds, last 10 I had to shorten the rest and they were about 25-27 sec

PM - DL Cluster %’s + Jerk int + SNB 
Deadlift Cluster, @ 60% RM x 4 sets, 2 min - pull hard, drop every rep
Split Jerk Cluster off blocks, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set
Snatch Balance, work to a tough single

DL @ 275 felt good.
SJ- 225, 245 for 2, I don't have blocks so I lowered it down and racked it for 5-10 sec.  245 felt good on 1 & 2 so I could have gotten it if I had blocks but oh well.
SB- 255, need to work on speed and staying back in heels

AM - Row based 30 min Low
30 min @ 75%:
250m Row
30 sec Right Side Bridge
30 sec Left Side Bridge
250m Row
60 sec Front Bridge

6 + Row + Side Bridges (31 min to finish side bridges).  Kept Row @ about 1:57 for first half then last have more like 1:53.  Felt good here, treated it basically like 60/60 Row MAP session.  Pace felt good.

PM - Running based 30 min Low (rounds)
30 min @ 75%:
200m Row
10 KBS - 24kg
10 Air Squats

15 + Run.  Estimated run at house by running 30 sec out on the first run so it may have been a little far.  Pretty much kept same pace throughout, little slower towards the end just wiping my hands before grabbing KB. Low back is tight today (sunday).

AM - tng DL emom %’s + Snatch int + Thruster int
Deadlift, 5 touch n go @ 60% RM per min x 5 mins
Halting Snatch DL. Squat Snatch, 1.1 - work to a moderate set
Fat Bar Thruster, build to a max set of 5 - bar taken from floor

DL done @ 275, felt pretty good.  Back was still a little sore I guess from Friday and Saturday going into it.  Got somewhat tough last set or 2.
Snatch Complex- built to 200#.  Felt solid, no misses.  Might have had a little more in me but wanted to end on a successful lift.
Thruster- 205# with fat bar.  Pretty tough with fat bar, I like the variety.  I've done 245 for 3 in competition with regular bar.

PM - Press battery + Pull battery + ABC
Strict HSPU to Deficit, 2 tough reps per 30 sec x 10 mins
Weighted Shoulder Width Pronated Chin-ups, 2 tough reps per 30 sec x 10 mins
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 10-15 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 10-15 sec L Sit from Pull-up Bar

HSPU @ 10" deficit.  Got very tough at the end.  Last 4-5 sets were very hard.  I was pleased to get this.
Pull Ups @ 35#'s, probably could have done 44# but I didn't really know where to start on this one.  Felt pretty good, felt it a bit in my left shoulder but not bad at all.
10 min EMOM done- mostly 10 seconds each time with a couple of 11 or 12 sec in there.

AM - AirDyne based 30 min Low
30 min @ 75%:
21 cal AirDyne
3/arm TGU’s @ 16kg

I think 6 + 10 sec Bike.  Used Assault Bike, not sure if I should have adjusted Cal b/c it's slower but oh well.  Kept about 21.5 mph 

PM - Running based 30 min Low (chipper)
30 min @ 75%:
800m Run
500ft Bear Crawl
800m Run
50 Step Down Box Jumps - 24"
800m Run
Row remaining time

Runs were 4:15, 3:45, approx 4:00.  Bear Crawl 5ish min.  did 200ft unbroken then broken every 100ft for about 10 sec
50 Box Jumps (don't remember time but pretty consistent good pace)
1940m Row to finish.  Wanted 2k but could only hold about 2:05/500m pace.

AM - BSq int + 3rd Snatch + 3rd Clean + TGU/Carry work
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5-5-5, 4 min - all tough sets
B. High Hang Squat Snatch, work to a challenging set of 3
C. High Hang Squat Clean, work to a challenging set of 3
D. double Overhead KB Carry @ 24kg/arm, 15 sec walk per min x 5 mins
E. double KB OHS Squats @ 24kg/arm, practice

A. 315, 335, 335, felt pretty tough, got on my toes a bit on 5th rep last 2 sets.
B. 175, solid.  There's more there
C. 225, same as above.  The high hang position for me in the clean is tough.  I think grooving this position really helps with my full lifts though.
D. Complete.  This was difficult.  It's almost impossible for me to do it without hyperextending low back.  This is really going to help overall if this gets better.
E. Yeah right on the 24kg.  I sent you video.  Did some with 20# KB's then did some narrow(ish) grip barbell OHS. 

PM - mixed MAP sets
10 sets @ high effort:
3 Ring Muscle-ups
6 Box Jump Overs - 24”
9 KBS - 24kg
1 min b/t sets
*Mix and match work order every set. 

Complete, 42-45 sec/round.  Didn't keep up with the different versions I did but I just started somewhere different each time.  This was fun.  I could feel it in my gut the last couple sets.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
1,000m Swim  for time

29:30.. breathing was ok, I think my last 5 laps were the fasted.  Started a little slow with breaks every 50m just to be safe.  Shoulders were burning pretty good.

PM - DL int + BSq mod slow %’s + ABC + DB Back Extension 
A. Deadlift, work to a single - NO FAILS
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, build to 92-95% for a single @ tempo
C. For time:
accumulate 2 minute of L Sit from bar
10—>1 unbroken Strict Knees to Elbow ladder for time

A. 425, felt REALLY heavy so stopped there.
B. Built to 385, felt fine.
C. L-sit took 8:30, K2E- 5:54.  L-sit terrible as usual

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
5k Run for time
rest as needed
20 min @ moderate/75%:
250m Row
10 Air Squats
100ft left arm farmer walk @ 32kg KB
100ft right arm farmer walk @ 32kg KB
10 Walking Lunges

5k- ran for 26 min, think it was longer than 3.1 miles.  Clock said 8 min at 1 mile so I sped up, monitor stopped at 1.5 miles and I know I was faster on the way back in, especially the last 800m or so.  Don't think it would have been a PR but wish I had an accurate reading b/c it felt pretty good.
rest about 7 min
20 min- 7 rounds even.  Kept row under 1:58/500m

AM - SN int + C&J int + Speed DL + ALEnd
C&J, work to a single
OHS, work to a single
Deadlift, 1 max effort/fast pull every 45 sec @ 80% RM x 8 reps - pull hard, drop each rep
AirDyne, 20 near sec ALL OUT per 4 min x 4 sets

Cl&J- 265, missed Jerk @ 275 twice, felt terrible.  Kept going with clean, hit 285, missed 300.  No good today
OHS- 265- missed 280, shoulders felt weak. 
DL @ 355- felt ok not great
20 sec, kept around 1000 watts

PM - Upper Stamina
30 Ring Muscle-ups for time

3:22, started off too hot I think.  I have video I did 8 in my first set but pulling so hard that I barely was doing a dip.  May not have done that.  Did 5 on next set then 3's.  I think this is a PR I can't remember last time.  I want sub 3.

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
5k Row for time
rest as needed
20 min @ moderate/75%:
10 cal AirBike
10 KBS - 24kg
10 Push-ups
25 unbroken DU’s x 2 sets

5k Row- 19:51.  I know this isn't blazing but I'm happy, First time under 20 minutes on this.  Low back was burning most of the time.  HR was around 160 after 2k and up to about 170 for last 1k.  Not the limiter though, low back and butt just being fatigued felt like more the limiter.
6 min rest
20 min- 5 rounds + 10 Cal, Kept RPM @ about 53 on this.  Shoulders felt really fatigued

AM - FSq int + SNB + Upper Battery
A. Front Squat, work to a tough set of 2
B. Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance, 1.1 per min x 10 mins - 5 min @ 155lb, 5 min @ 175lb
C. 30 Kipping HSPU to 10” Deficit for time

A. 345, felt solid.  I don't think I've ever even done 335 for 1.  Last week doing 335 for 3 then this week 345 for 2, feeling good on these.
B. Complete, felt smooth and fast
C. 4:47, first 20 done under 2 min.  Did 5's up to 15 then 4, 1 b/c I fell, then 3, 3, 2, 2

PM - MAP (60/60)
10 rounds for time:
4 Burpees
6 KBS - 32kg
8 Wall Balls - 20# to 10 ft
*9:30 min is your best here, I think 

10:29, emailed you about this and my thoughts on it.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
off this week only

PM - DL int + BSq mod slow %’s + ABC + DB Back Extension 
A. Deadlift, work to a tough touch n go double
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 1 rep @ 90% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C. L Sit Rope Climb to 15ft, 1 rep x 5 sets, rest as needed b/t
D1. Weighted Front Bridge, 20 sec heavy x 5 sets, 1 min
D2. Weighted DB Back Extension @ 40X0, 5-6 reps x 5 sets, 1 min

A. built to 425, felt pretty solid.
B. @ 365, felt tough but good.
C. Done on the min. Tougher than last time I think. Grip felt more fatigued.
D1. Did GH Sit Up Bench Press @ 3030 w/ 30lbs (holding face up), it's only thing I could think of hard enough for 20 sec of work.  I was at gym alone and could only get 45# on my back for Bridge.
D2. 75#, pause at the top  

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
75 min @ 75%/moderate:
(2 mile run buy-in)
60 sec Front Bridge
200m Farmer Walk @ 24kg/arm
30 sec left side bridge
30 sec right side bridge
800m Row

Run 18:35
4 rounds + Bridge + Farmer's Walk, had to cut it 5 min short do to unexpected time conflict.  Breathing was fine, kept row about 2:05 or 2:07.  Shoulders were burning pretty bad the whole time with the farmer's carry and bridge combo.  Had to break the Walks 1-2x's each set after the first one b/c of shoulders burning.

AM - SN int + C&J int + Speed DL + ALEnd
Snatch, work to a single
Power Clean, work to a single
Deadlift, 1 max effort/fast pull every 45 sec @ 76% RM x 12 reps - pull hard, drop each rep
AirDyne, 15 sec ALL OUT per 3 min x 6 sets

Snatch- 225
PC- 275
DL- 345
* snatch didn't feel good, PC felt pretty good, 285 is a PR and I almost got it, only tried it once.  Snatch feels heavy off the floor but PC feels ok off the floor 
DL felt a little slow but it's getting up there in weight for me so I guess it's expected.
Assault Bike!!- Did this after PM session b/c I know it was coming in today.  SOO much better! Avg about 1000 watts during 15 sec sprints 

PM - Upper Stamina
AMRAP in 15 minutes - wearing a 20lb vest:
2 Rope Climb to 15ft - always assume you use your legs unless I say legless or L Sit
9 Strict HSPU

5 + 1 RC, this got tougher than expected on grip and pull.  Wore gloves at first and after 4 rounds my grip was shot, took gloves off and it was pretty big difference but still tough.  I thought I'd get a little more here.  

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
75 min @ 75%/moderate:
(3k Row buy-in)
200m Run
100ft bear crawl
100ft walking lunges
30 cal AirDyne
100ft right arm farmer walk @ 32kg KB
100ft left arm farmer walk @ 32kg KB

3k Row in 12 min, 2:00 pace.  This may be the longest I've held 2:00/500m for.
7 rounds + run.  Felt great on this, really enjoyed this session.  Starting to enjoy these long ones. 

AM - FSq int + SNB + Upper Battery
A. Front Squat, work to a tough set of 3
B. Drop Snatch, work to a challenging single
C. Snatch Balance, work to a challenging single
D. 5 rounds for time:
4 unbroken Ring Muscle-ups
8 unbroken Shoulder to Overhead @ 155lb

A. 335 for 3, definitely a PR.  I've never hit 335 for 1 even.  Felt great.  Tried to video but cut out.
B. 155 for sure, 175 may have been more of Snatch Balance.
C. 245, PR
D. 6:22, breathing was probably the limiter.  Last rep or 2 on shoulder to OH last 2 sets were tough.  Wanted sub 5.  MU's were easy. 

PM - MAP (60/60)
1 set @ high effort:
30 sec Squat Snatch @ 115lb9
30 sec Back Squat @ 115lb15
60 sec rest
60 sec unloaded Prowler Push 100m
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDyne60 RPM
60 sec rest
30 sec Toe to Bar20
30 sec Push-ups25
60 sec rest
60 sec unloaded Prowler Push100m
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDyne57RPM
60 sec rest   
30 sec Squat Clean @ 115lb7 slow but unbroken
30 sec Front Squat @ 115lb9 slow but unbroken
60 sec rest
60 sec unloaded Prowler Push80m
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDyne52RPM
60 sec rest
30 sec Chin-ups20 (20 sec regular kip, 10 sec butterfly)
30 sec Hand Release Push-ups15
60 sec rest
60 sec unloaded Prowler PushRan 200m instead to try to keep it aerobic
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDyneBack up to 59 RPM
60 sec rest  

I should have never told you the 60/60 last week felt good.  This was awful!  Sled Pushes killed me but everything hurt here.  I don't think I ate enough between a.m. and p.m. b/c muscles felt just dead on everything.  The squats were burning my legs from the start and even the push ups my shoulders were burning pretty bad.  I can tell I haven't done much hip flexion b/c TTB got tough too.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


AM - Swimming Laps
100m Swim @ high effort x 2 sets, rest as needed
50m Swim @ high effort x 6 sets, rest as needed
25m Swim @ high effort x 10 sets, rest as needed

Complete felt good.  100's were 2:02 and about same on second one, 3 min rest b/w (meant to only take 2 but someone was talking to me.
50's were about 60 sec each, 45-50 sec rest b/w 
25's were about 25 sec each, 15-20 sec rest b/w 

PM - DL int + BSq mod slow %’s + ABC + DB Back Extension 
A. Deadlift Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to a challenging set, drop every rep
B. Back Squat @ 40X1, 2 reps @ 85% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C. L Sit on Rings, 20-30 sec x 5 sets, 1 min b/t
D. DB Back Extensions @ 20X2, 6-8 reps x 5 sets, 1 min b/t

A. built to 405, felt pretty good, more there.
B. @ 340 all felt good
C. did with tuck position and still had to break it to 10's most sets
D. w/ 75#'s x 8 reps each set 

Saturday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
70 min @ 75%/moderate:
(2 mile run buy-in)
60 sec Front Bridge
200m Farmer Walk @ 24kg/arm
30 sec left side bridge
30 sec right side bridge
800m Row

So I ended up doing the "Tait" wod in honor of the local CF coach.  There were 111 people that showed up to do it so I couldn't do my own thing.  Took if fairly comfortable pace like I could have maintained it for another 30 min.
60 min @ 70%
Run 400m
14 Push Ups
14 Pull Ups
14 Burpees
*12 rounds
3 rounds not for time:
14 Power Snatch, 95#
14 Bench Press, 135#
14 "Taits" (Curls), 50#
14 Back Squats, 135#
*no idea on time just moved through it.

Felt great today.  Not sure if it was all the people but I think it was more sipping on carbs throughout the whole workout.  Not too sore today (monday) just a little bit in my biceps 

AM - SN int + C&J int + Speed DL + ALEnd
Split Jerk, work to a single
Power Snatch, work to a single
Deadlift, 1 max effort/fast pull every 45 sec @ 72% RM x 14 reps - pull hard, drop each rep
AirDyne, 12 sec ALL OUT per 2 min x 8 sets

SJ- 265, felt terrible, missed 275
PS- 195, again felt terrible, missed 205, 3x's
DL @ 320, felt solid and fast
AD done, so ready to get assault bike in.  Peddle is jacked up. 

PM - Upper Stamina
For time:
20 Rope Climbs to 15ft
60 Kipping HSPU

15:00 even.  RC in 10:30, HSPU's in 4:30.  Probably could have pushed the RC a little more but they got tough.  HSPU's 21, 9, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2

Tuesday - MAP Low %'s (55-->75 mins)
70 min @ 75%/moderate:
(2k Row buy-in)
120 sec AirDyne
15 unbroken DU’s x 4 sets
60 sec Rowing
5/arm TGU’s @ 16kg

8:15 Row
I think I got 7 + AD + DU + Row for 90 sec to finish.  Felt great, sipped on carbs and bcaa's throughout. 

AM - FSq int + SNB + Upper Battery
A. Front Squat, work to a tough set of 5
B. Drop Snatch, work to a challenging set of 3 - this is just a snatch balance without using the legs to drive the bar up…only drive under the bar, move feet from jumping stance to landing stance 
C. Snatch Balance, 2 reps per min x 7 min - start @ 135lb, increase per set by about 10 lbs
D. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 for time:
Strict Pronated Chest to Bar
Strict Ring Dips

A. 315, this was a 5RM but happy to get it.
B. 155 drop snatch.  Felt good and fast
C. Done last set @ 195 felt good.
D. 6:57.  RD's unbroken throughout. CTB unbroken through 4 then started breaking it up to doubles and singles 

PM - MAP (60/60)
2 sets @ high effort:
30 sec OHS @ 95lb
30 sec Power Clean @ 95lb
60 sec rest
60 sec Box Jump Overs - 24"
60 sec rest
60 sec AirDyne
60 sec rest
30 sec Power Snatch @ 95lb
30 sec Back Rack Barbell Walking Lunges @ 95lb
60 sec rest
60 sec Box Jump Overs - 24"
60 sec rest
60 sec Rowing
60 sec rest  

OHS- 15/15
PC- 10/10
BJO- 21/21
AD (had to row- 1:55 pace)
PS- 10/11
Lunges- 13/13
BJO- 21/21
Row- 1:55 pace

Felt pretty, quick warm up and had to do it early thursday morning b/c I'm in orlando.