Thursday, August 28, 2014


Week 1
AM - Running into Swimming
20 min EZ Run, into 10 min Swim @ high effort

Done in afternoon, run felt good.  swim was tough.

PM - DL int test + Jerk int + SN based EMOM
A. Deadlift, work to a single - not a max
B. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a max set
C. EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 10 OHS @ 155lb
2nd - 10 Bar Facing Burpees

A. 435, 415 felt great, 435 almost missed.
B. built to 245, felt ok not awesome.
C. Complete, this was tough.  Leg fatigue on squats and hip flexion on burpees.

AM - LEnd mixed + EZ Aerobic
3 sets ALL OUT:
30 sec Chest to Bar
30 sec Power Snatch @ 115lb
30 sec AirDyne
9 min b/t
15 min EZ AirDyne

Hellooo LE!  This was terrible.  Took more than 15 min on bike to recovery and my EZ pace was very easy.  
CTB Pull Ups- 26, 24, 25 unbroken every time 
PS- 8, 10, 9 (first set work gym grips and broke up snatches b/c of them, second round didn't wear them, third round wore them for pull ups then took them off for snatches.  These were tough regardless.
AirBike- RPM's- 73, 68, 69.

Hurt bad!

PM - Skills
TGU’s @ 32kg, 3/arm x 3 sets per arm, rest as needed
Handstand Hold practice - free standing
Handstand Walk practice

AM - MAP Cyclical
5 sets @ high effort:
1 min Rowing
1 min rest
1 min AirDyne
1 min rest
1 min Running
1 min rest

Complete.  Felt great.  Done out of bed fasted w/ some BCAA's.  
Row- 1:55, 1:50, 1:45, 1:45, 1:42
AD- 60-65 right foot turns each time, speed up throughout (at home no monitor)
Run- at home, no exact distances but speed up each time. 

PM - SN int + CN int + Upper CP Battery
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, work to a tough 3 - no dropping b/t
C. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 Strict HSPU to 10” Deficit
1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft

Did skill stuff from saturday as warm up
A. 205, didn't feel heavy just left shoulder was missing it. 
B. 255, felt REALLY heavy.  First try only got 1 and barely got it.  Only reason I went for it again is b/c I hit 275 at that comp so I knew I had to get at least 255.
C. 7 rounds even.  HSPU's were the limiter.

AM - LEnd tester + EZ Aerobic
For time:
9 Thrusters @ 135lb
12 Lateral Barbell Burpees
15 Power Clean @ 135lb
12 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Thrusters @ 135lb
15 min EZ Row 

3:03, fell apart.  Burpees were pretty quick first set.  15 PC's unbroken.  Second set of burpees were probably a good bit slower then I picked up the bar and did 2 thrusters and dropped.  Took a break and then finish the 7 unbroken.  Just not there yet.  Quads were smashed.
15 min Row @ 2:25 pace, not sure what easy is.  Back was tight for last 8-9 min on the rower.

PM - low load 10 min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP:
15 Pull-ups
12 Wall Balls - 20# to 10 ft
9 Burpees to 6” OH

I think it was 5 + 21.  Maybe 6 but i think 5.  Couldn't dig this afternoon.  Everything felt ok but just couldn't go there and was kind of seeing spots afterwords even though I never felt dizzy or sick.  Not sure what was up but first round was about 90 sec I believe.  Should do much better on this one. 

AM - SN emom + C&J emom + DL emom %’s
A. Power Snatch, 1 rep @ 175lb per min x 7 mins
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 205lb per min x 7 mins
C. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 76% RM per min x 5 mins - reset b/t reps

A. Done felt sharp and fast.  Was moving bar pretty quick 
B. Same, felt solid on both power clean and jerk.
C. @ 340, felt ok not great.

PM - 15 min Muscular End test
For time:
100 cal AirDyne
50 double kb front squats @ 24kg/arm
40 Box Jump Overs - 24”
30 Alternating Pistols
20 Box Jump Overs - 24”
10 double KB Thrusters @ 24kg/arm

100 Cal Assault Bike- 10 min
FSQ's- 20, 15, 15.  Shoulders were biggest limiters not legs.  Breathing was high but I'd still say shoulders were the limiters.
BJO- slow and steady
Pistols- unbroken but not super fast
BJO- slow and steady but a little faster pace than 40's
Thrusters unbroken and no problem.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


AM - Running into Swimming
20 min EZ Run into 10 min continuous Pool Swim

Complete, felt pretty good.  Practiced some underwater swimming.

PM - DL int + Hang Oly int + Oly EMOM battery
A. Deadlift, build to a challenging single
B. High Hang Squat Snatch, work to a single
C. Power Clean. Thrusters, 2.2 @ 185lb per min x 15 mins - touch n go on cleans

A. 435, may have had 5 more pounds in me.
B. 205#, didn't feel awesome
C. complete, non problem

AM - Row LP1 + Rowing Based MAP Sets
225m Row ALL OUT x 4 sets, Rest 6 x work time
4 sets @ high effort/85-90%:
1 Rope Climb to 15ft - use legs
15 double kb hang snatch @ 16kg/arm
15 cals Row
15 hand release push-up burpees - no belly/thighs touching floor at bottom
1 Rope Climb to 15ft - use legs
Rest same as work time

Kept 1:27'ish pace for the sprints.  Recovery was good, couldn't dig much harder for some reason.
**KB Snatches gassed me.  Also, those burpees were harder than expected, really felt it in hip flexors.

PM - Skills/Core
Handstand Hold Practice
Handstand Walk - 100ft for time
Sotts Press from Snatch
Sotts Press from Clean practice
1 perfect L Pull-up every 30 sec x 30 reps

Done monday as warm up.
HS Walk- 1:30- 50' unbroken then 40' unbroken and shoulders gave out for last 5-10'.  Felt much better this week though.
Sotts press still very tough
L-Pull Ups- complete no problem

Noon - SN int + C&J int
A. Snatch, max
B. C&J, max

PM - CP Battery
For time:
10 Snatch @ 155lb
10 Snatch @ 165lb
10 Snatch @ 175lb
10 Snatch @ 185lb
*power or squat

A. 240 Snatch- solid, no misses.  Good day
B. 275, basically dead lifted 295 and just had nothing there.  Felt ridiculously heavy.
13:30.  Low back gave out and had to start squatting on 175's.  155 was done and weights changed in under 2 min.  Missed 3 reps @ 185.  Low back was the limiter for sure.

AM - AD ALEnd + AD Based MAP Sets
20 sec AirBike near ALL OUT x 4 sets, 4 min b/t sets
4 sets @ high effort:
1 min AirDyne
1 min Box Jump Overs - 24”
1 min AirDyne
1 min DU's
4 min rest

Complete. 95RPM on bike, recovery was good just couldn't really dig any harder but was trying.
Air Bike stayed about 55-57RPM
BJ's- 18, 18, 18, 19
DU's- 89, 89, 85 (1 trip), 84 (2 trips)

PM - IGT (Running 1st + Gym)
For time:
1,600m Run
15 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
10 min rest
For time:
1,600m Run
15 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups

8:03 Run - 11:26 total
7:55 Run- 10:55 total
Runs felt decent, REALLY hot.  Quads feel heavy running.
First bar muscle up (which is every rep on burpee mu's) is tough for me to get my hands and shoulders over.  Maybe due to shoulder mobility and getting over bar fast enough.
Burpee Ring Muscle Ups feel easier than bar but really feel it in my gut/abs I guess from all the hip flexion in the burpee and muscle up.

AM - DL emom %’s + SL int/GHR + Core
A. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 72% RM per min x 6 mins - do this on the minute, not when you feel like it, pull as hard as possible, reset b/t reps
B. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-5 reps x 5 sets, 1 min
C. For time:
40 Alternating Pistols
30 Alternating Pistols + 16kg KB
20 Alternating Pistols + 24kg KB
10 Alternating Pistols + 32g KB

A. DL @ 320, felt good and sharp
B. Done with 35#'s, didn't feel great
C. 7:53, back was smoked, quads were pretty beat too

PM - 10 min AMRAP
For time:
250m Row
15 KBS - 32kg
25 Burpees
15 KBS - 32kg
500m Row
15 KBS - 32kg
25 Burpees
15 KBS - 32kg 
250m Row
*Goal is sub 9 min

9:33, I know I didn't hit the time but was really nervous that I was going to be far off of the target when you sent it just based off my most recent time dong the single version of this.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Week 3 of 4
AM - Running into Swimming
20 min EZ Run into 10 min continuous Pool Swim

PM - DL int + Hang Oly int + Oly EMOM battery
A. Deadlift, build to a challenging touch n go double
B. Below Knee Hang Power Clean, build to a single
C. 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 3 OHS @ 155lb per min x 10 mins

Done, felt good.  Swimming feeling a little better.

415 for a double, didn't feel great
B. Built to 255, was hoping to get higher since I got 245 for 5 a few weeks ago.
C. Complete, it was easy.

AM - Row LP1 + Rowing Based MAP Sets
200m Row ALL OUT x 5 sets, Rest 6 x work time
5 sets @ high effort/85-90%:
15 cals Rowing
15 Wall Balls - 20# to 11ft
15 Box Jumps - 24"
15 Pull-ups
15 cals Rowing
Rest same as work time

Sprints, held 1:24-1:27, last 2 sets were tough.  All about 34 or 35 seconds
Legs were dead.  Box Jumps were tougher than they should have been.
Row on both ends about 950 Cal/hour

PM - Skills/Core
Handstand Hold Practice
Handstand Walk - 100ft for time
Single Arm OH practice
Narrow Grip OHS practice
L Sit on Rings, accumulate 2 minutes of holding

Done monday a.m.
HS Practice- not much progress
HS Walk- 50ft in 35 seconds, total time 1:45, better than last week.
Single Arm OHS- 26# KB- getting better
Same with this.
2 min would take forever to did some gymnastics progressions seen on focusing more on quality and developing the skill.  Going to practice this on a daily basis.

Noon - SN int + C&J int
A. Snatch, max
B. C&J, max

Snatch- 205, missed 225 three times.
B. 275, hit 295 clean but caught it a little forward and it took everything out of me.  Started to try the jerk but nothing was there.

PM - CP Battery
For time:
Legless Rope Climb to 15ft - 3,2,1
Squat Clean and Split Jerk @ 225lb - 1,3,5

8:20.  Should have pushed harder.  Rope climbs were easy but clean & jerk got tough but doable.

AM - AD ALEnd + AD Based MAP Sets
16 sec AirBike ALL OUT x 6 sets, 3 min b/t sets
5 sets @ high effort:
30 cals AirDyne
15 double KB Front Squats @ 24kg/arm
5 Hang KB Clean and Push Press @ 24kg/arm
Rest same as work time

97-98 RPM on sprints
**Messed up MAP sets and only did 15 Cals/set until the 5th set and realized it was wrong
4:30**30 Cals
**not sure if this made it easier, I think it actually made it harder b/c it made it about 4 min less time between the KB work which was the hardest.  The Cl&PP was very tough and awkward.

PM - IGT (Running 1st + Gym)
For time:
200m Run
6 Bar Muscle-up
200m Run
6 Bar Muscle-ups
200m Run
6 Bar Muscle-ups
200m Run
10 min rest
For time:
200m Run
6 Kipping HSPU to 10"
200m Run
6 Kipping HSPU to 10"
200m Run
6 Kipping HSPU to 10"
200m Run 
10 min rest
For time:
200m Run
6 Ring Muscle-ups
200m Run
6 Ring Muscle-ups
200m Run
6 Ring Muscle-ups
200m Run  

5:10 (last Run I had to row b/c quads were cramping.  Not sure if runs were that much slower or if ring muscle ups are that much slower??)
All felt pretty good, breathing got really high but recovery was quick as soon as i finished each piece.  All unbroken

AM - DL emom %’s + SL int/GHR + Core
A. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 68% RM per min x 8 mins
B. Overhead Barbell Walking Lunges, build to a max set of 50ft
C. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 1:30 min
D. Weighted Front Bridge, 1 min hold x 3 sets, 3 min - make it ridiculously hard

A. Done @ 305, didn't go on the min though I completed it in about 4 min, just found a rhythm and tried to rip it off the ground as fast as possible.  Made sure to keep speed up.
B. 165.  Only did 2 sets, 1 with 155 and 1 with 165.  Tough to keep it locked out overhead.

PM - 10 min AMRAP
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 OHS @ 135lb
15 Toes to Bar
20 cal Rowing 

3 + 20.  Unbroken- Row about 850 Cal/hour.  Should have pushed a tough harder.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Week 2 of 4
AM - Running into Swimming
20 min EZ Run into 5 min continuous Pool Swim
Complete, ran farther than last week and swam about 7 min

PM - DL int + Hang Oly int + Oly EMOM battery
A. Deadlift Cluster, 1.1 - build to a max set
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, work to a tough single
C. 7 unbroken touch n go Power Snatch @ 135lb per min x 5 mins

A. 425, didn't feel as good as last week.  The second rep felt better every time even at 425.
B. 225, missed 235
C. Complete this was REALLY hard.  Barely got them all as power.  I'm not sure I could have made 1 more min.  Way harder than the thrusters were.

AM - Row LP1 + Rowing Based MAP Sets
175m Row ALL OUT x 5 sets, Rest 6 x work time
10 sets @ high effort/85-90%:
10 cals Rowing
5 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Hang Power Clean and Overhead @ 135lb
Rest same as work time
Sprints- all @ 1:27/500m or less.  Last one was about 1:25/500m. 30-32 seconds
10 sets were all about 1:20-1:30.
This was one of the hardest MAP sets I've done.  Very hot and humid in my garage.  Recovery was pretty good and stayed consistent with times but felt I had to dig pretty deep.  Last set was 1:20.  Kept row pace around 1200 Cal/hour or a little more.

PM - Skills/Core
Handstand Hold Practice
Handstand Walk - 100ft for time
Barbell TGU practice
Sotts Press from Clean practice
Sotts Press from Snatch practice
Pistols @ 33X0, 3/leg x 5 sets, 1 min - alternate legs per rep

AM - SN int + C&J int
A. Snatch, max
B. C&J, max

PM - CP Battery
unbroken for time - change weights on one barbell:
10 Ring Muscle-ups
9 Thrusters @ 140lb
8 Ring Muscle-ups
7 Thrusters @ 160lb
6 Ring Muscle-ups
5 Thrusters @ 180lb
4 Ring Muscle-ups
3 Thrusters @ 200lb 
2 Ring Muscle-ups
1 Thruster @ 220lb  

Missed saturday's P.M. workout
Started warming up and building on snatch and it didn't feel good at all. Hit 205 then missed 215 twice, moved on to Clean & Jerk and hit 225 twice and it felt terrible so I stopped.
Did 100ft HS Walk- my gym is 50ft so I did 50ft down unbroken, 35 seconds. Hit a wall once I dropped.  Took me 2 min to get back.
Pistols done, hardest part about it holding the off leg up.  If I held my foot they are easy.
Clean grip sotts press didn't really happen.  Snatch felt ok.

Snatch again, built to 225, missed 235 twice, barely. 
Clean & Jerk- hit 275, 290 (PR), 300 PR!  Pumped to finally get this OH.  285 is previous PR.
MU/Thruster metcon- 8:53. Unbroken but too much rest b/w sets.  Only set of Muscle ups that got hard were the 8's.  Everything else felt pretty good.  Breathing was just high.  2 of my favorite movements if I were to pick for a comp.  Would like to know what a good score is there.

AM - AD ALEnd + AD Based MAP Sets
13 sec AirBike ALL OUT x 7 sets, 2:30 min b/t sets
10 sets @ high effort:
30 DU's
10 cals AirBike
5 DB Push Press @ 55/hand
Rest same as work time

Complete, AB sprints hurt this morning.  Had to force myself to start aerobic work.
All aerobic sets unbroken and under 90 sec.  Last one was about 70 sec b/c I sprinted DU's and pushed harder on bike.
Stayed at about 58RPM on bike, last set was about 65RPM

PM - IGT (Running 1st + Gym)
2 sets @ high effort:
400m Run
30 sec max handstand walk
2 min rest
5 min rest
2 sets @ high effort:
400m Run
60 sec max rope climb to 15ft - use legs
2:30 min rest
5 min rest
2 sets @ high effort:
400m Run
15 GH Sit-ups
15 Hand Release Push-ups
3 min rest

400's were 1:42, 1:40, 1:38, 1:38, 1:37, 1:40 (cramped up before this one)
HS Walks- 40' both times
3 Rope Climbs each time.
Didn't do GH Situps or Push Ups the second time through b/c quads were cramping during the first one.

AM - DL emom %’s + SL int/GHR + Core
A. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 64% RM per min x 10 mins
B. Weighted Alternating Pistols, 10 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
C. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
D. 10 sec L Sit from Pull-up Bar + 5 Straight Leg Raises @ 2020 from pull-up bar x 5 sets, rest as needed

Done @ 1:00p.m.
A. Done @ 285 felt good and fast.
B. 53 fist 3 sets, 62 on 4th set, 70# KB on last set.  felt good once i figured out best way to hold the KB.
C. GH Raises with 25# for 5/set.  Tough.  I got up to a 45# w/ these before.
D. Worked on L-set for a while and going to start putting some gymnastics skills specific to L-sit in warm up b/c hip flexors are major weakness.

PM - 10 min AMRAP
AMRAP in 10 mins:
10 Squat Snatch @ 95lb
10 Chest to Bar
*Goal is 6+ rds 

6 + 3.  I think goal should be 7+ or close to 8 here. Didn't feel great.  Broke up from the start so maybe I just paced it properly.
Snatches went- 5/5, 4/3/3, 2/2/2/2/2, singles--->
Pull Ups- 5/5 the whole time.
Low back was kind of tight and TnG Snatches take it out of me.
Had to do at 6p.m. b/c morning got messed up.