Week 1
AM - Running into Swimming
20 min EZ Run, into 10 min Swim @ high effort
PM - DL int test + Jerk int + SN based EMOM
A. Deadlift, work to a single - not a max
B. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a max set
C. EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 10 OHS @ 155lb
2nd - 10 Bar Facing Burpees
B. built to 245, felt ok not awesome.
C. Complete, this was tough. Leg fatigue on squats and hip flexion on burpees.
AM - LEnd mixed + EZ Aerobic
3 sets ALL OUT:
30 sec Chest to Bar
30 sec Power Snatch @ 115lb
30 sec AirDyne
9 min b/t
15 min EZ AirDyne
CTB Pull Ups- 26, 24, 25 unbroken every time
PS- 8, 10, 9 (first set work gym grips and broke up snatches b/c of them, second round didn't wear them, third round wore them for pull ups then took them off for snatches. These were tough regardless.
AirBike- RPM's- 73, 68, 69.
Hurt bad!
PM - Skills
TGU’s @ 32kg, 3/arm x 3 sets per arm, rest as needed
Handstand Hold practice - free standing
Handstand Walk practice
AM - MAP Cyclical
5 sets @ high effort:
1 min Rowing
1 min rest
1 min AirDyne
1 min rest
1 min Running
1 min rest
Row- 1:55, 1:50, 1:45, 1:45, 1:42
AD- 60-65 right foot turns each time, speed up throughout (at home no monitor)
Run- at home, no exact distances but speed up each time.
PM - SN int + CN int + Upper CP Battery
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, work to a tough 3 - no dropping b/t
C. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 Strict HSPU to 10” Deficit
1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft
A. 205, didn't feel heavy just left shoulder was missing it.
B. 255, felt REALLY heavy. First try only got 1 and barely got it. Only reason I went for it again is b/c I hit 275 at that comp so I knew I had to get at least 255.
C. 7 rounds even. HSPU's were the limiter.
AM - LEnd tester + EZ Aerobic
For time:
9 Thrusters @ 135lb
12 Lateral Barbell Burpees
15 Power Clean @ 135lb
12 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Thrusters @ 135lb
15 min EZ Row
15 min Row @ 2:25 pace, not sure what easy is. Back was tight for last 8-9 min on the rower.
PM - low load 10 min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP:
15 Pull-ups
12 Wall Balls - 20# to 10 ft
9 Burpees to 6” OH
AM - SN emom + C&J emom + DL emom %’s
A. Power Snatch, 1 rep @ 175lb per min x 7 mins
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 205lb per min x 7 mins
C. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 76% RM per min x 5 mins - reset b/t reps
B. Same, felt solid on both power clean and jerk.
C. @ 340, felt ok not great.
PM - 15 min Muscular End test
For time:
100 cal AirDyne
50 double kb front squats @ 24kg/arm
40 Box Jump Overs - 24”
30 Alternating Pistols
20 Box Jump Overs - 24”
10 double KB Thrusters @ 24kg/arm
100 Cal Assault Bike- 10 min
FSQ's- 20, 15, 15. Shoulders were biggest limiters not legs. Breathing was high but I'd still say shoulders were the limiters.
BJO- slow and steady
Pistols- unbroken but not super fast
BJO- slow and steady but a little faster pace than 40's
Thrusters unbroken and no problem.