Saturday, November 28, 2015

Up to Nov 28

I enjoyed this training as much as I could.  I think probably need to stick to single leg work b/c I can't load up belt squats heavy enough comfortably.  If A.M. pieces can be 60 min or less that'd be great.  Need to switch rest day back to Thursday if possible.  Keeping Saturday as a single session is necessary too.

**Rehab Protocol**
A1. Crossover Symmetry - 3 x Activation routine; rest 15
A2. Seated Neck Retractions (back to wall) - 3 x 10; rest 15
A3. Head Tilts - 3 x 10 ea side; rest 15
A4. 2.5# Plate Shoudler Circles - 3 x 10 ea arm; rest 15sec
A5. 2.5# Plate Vertical Scap Punches - 3 x 10 ea arm; rest 15sec
A6. Lying Prone Shoulder Angels - 3 x 10; rest 60sec

Done each time.  Only thing not positive I did correct was shoulder circles, just did slow big arm circles, fwd and backward

A1. Airsquat @3030 tempo  - 3 x 15; rest 0sec
A2. XB - 3 x 5min @ EN2; rest 60sec
B1. RLE Split Squat @3030 tempo - 3 x 12 ea leg; rest 0sec
B2. XB - 3 x 5min @ EN2; rest 60sec
C1. Unloaded Good Morning @3030 tempo - 3 x 15; rest 0sec
C2. XB - 3 x 5min @ EN2; rest 60sec

Complete all felt good.  RLE got a little tough at the end.  If possible need A.M. session to be 60 min or less

Upper-body Rehab Protocol
XB - 3 x 20sec @ maximal tolerable effort (MTE); rest 3-5min (as needed to complete recovery)
XB - 90sec @ 90-95% effort
XB - 60sec @ easy recovery pace
Rest - 4-6min (as needed)
x2 Rounds
Mobility - 20min

20 sec sprints- 35mph- 900+ watts
90 sec efforts- 350-370watts - 25mph

Rest / Optional EN1 Walk

A. Sled Drag - 6 x 40sec; rest 2min (very heavy, slow grinding turn-over, looking for strength response not metabolic)
B. Chain Squat - 5 x 5; rest 2min (build)
C. Wtd. Vest GHD Hip Extension - 4 x 12-15; rest 90sec (10-15# across)
XB - 30min @ EN1
***this can be the long-walk this week if you didn't complete on the 26th

A. 135#, 160#---> last 2 sets hurt bad, legs could barely move.  Caught me off guard.
B. Can't get this set up right to get much more than 100# on there so may need to stick to single leg work or high reps on this.  Not sure how to adjust
C. 10# DB in hand, didn't want to put vest on yet
Went into P.M. here b/c I had to do this in one session

Upper-body Rehab Protocol
XB - 5 x 10sec @ MTE; rest 2-3min (as needed to full recovery)
XB - 10min @ 85% effort (threshold...HR cap 180 BPM)
Rest - 2min
XB - 8min @ 85% effort
Rest - 2min
XB - 6min @ 85% effort
Rest - 2min
XB - 4min @ 85% effort
Rest - 2min
XB - 2min @ 85% effort
**average pace should be maintained across all 30min...should approximate your expected 30min TT pace

10 sec sprints- 35-36mph- 900-960 Watts **couldn't dig much harder than the 20 sec sprints 
10 min @ 240 watts- 100cals- 21.4mph
8 min @ 264 W- 89 Cals- 22.2mph
6 min @ 275W- 73Cals- 22.6mph
4 min @ 288W- 50Cals- 23.0mph
2 min @ 331W- 28Cals- 24.1mph

General Aerobic Warm-up - 10min
XB - 5min Time Trial
A1. Sled Drag - 2 x 3min; rest 0sec (light-mod load, constant tension, constant movement)
A2. XB - 2 x 5min @ EN2
B1. Reverse Sled Drag - 2 x 3min; rest 0sec (same)
B2. XB - 2 x 5min @ EN2
C1. Lateral Sled Drage - 2 x 90sec ea direction; rest 0sec (same)
C2. XB - 2 x 5min @ EN2

5 min TT- 72Cals- 25mph avg 330-350avg watts


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Oct 29-31

General Warm-up - 10min
Specific Warm-up + DROM - 15min
Self Directed cyclical EST work (between EN1-EN3 by feel)
Choice Cyclical - 10min @ En1

10 min Row building EN1-EN3
rest 2 min
10 min Bike building EN1-EN3

FG Qualifier #4 / #5
Clean & jerk 1rm in 5 min
10 thrusters 185
10 dead lifts 315
10 box jump over 30""
200m row
A1. Bent Hollow Hold - 3 x 30-40sec; rest as needed
A2. Straddle Hollow Hold - 3 x 20-30sec; rest as needed
A3. Arch Body Rock - 3 x 20-30sec; rest as needed
A4. Seal Rolls - 3 x 10-12 rolls; rest as needed
B1. KB Thoracic Reach-overs - 2 x 10-12; rest as needed (KB in t-spine, reach over KB w/ both arms into thoracic extension and take one deep belly breath in and out)
B2. Prone Grip Passive Bar Hang - 2 x 20-30sec; rest as needed (hang at absolute bottom of ROM, cycle deep belly breaths)
B3. Feet Elevated Gymnastics Bridge - 2 x 15-20sec; rest as needed (focus on pushing chest through and creating thoracic extension vs lumbar extension)

280 on Cl&J, Jerk was really ugly.
2:15.  All unbroken, deads were steady definitely not fast box jumps were relatively slow.  Row pace around 1:35/500m.  Deads were slow but being able to do 10 unbroken after those thrusters is decent for me.  When that was a regionals workout the first time I could barely get 10 unbroken doing max effort.
A1. 40 sec
A2. 20 sec **smoked hip flexors and couldn't get very wide on these
A3. 30 sec, this is really tough for me.
A4. Done but not very smooth at all
B1. Complete felt good
B2. 30 sec/ set
B3. 20 sec/side. I liked this, I could get in a much better position than on ground.

General Warm-up - 10min
Specific Warm-up + DROM - 15min
Self Directed cyclical EST work (between EN1-EN3 by feel)
Choice Cyclical - 10min @ En1

30 sec Row @ 1:45
rest 30 sec
30 sec Air Bike @ 70RPM
rest 30 sec
x 8

Wall ball 20#
Power snatch 95#
Pull ups
A1. DB 2-arm Lateral Crossover Box Step-up (14-16"") - 3 x 8-10 ea leg; rest as needed (mod)
A2. BB Glute Bridge - 3 x 8-10 ea leg; rest as needed (mod)
A3. DB 1arm Elbowing Row - 3 x 8-10 ea arm; rest as needed (mod)
A4. KB TGU - 3 x 3 ea arm; rest as needed (mod)
Mobilty - as needed

WB all unbroken
Power Snatch smoked me- 8/7/6/5/4, 1/1/1/1/1/1/5/5/4, 6/4
Pull Ups- 30, 12/8, 10
Breathing was limiter here for sure.  Was smoked after first round, probably shouldn't have done 30 unbroken pull ups but I figured that was my only chance of keeping up a decent time.
A1. 20#/H light
A2. 65#- 8/leg
A3. 35#
A4. 45# DB, KB was hurting forearm too much

**I liked both of these circuits to finish last two days.  Felt good to do this kind of work

A. Jerk Balance - accumulate 15 total reps @ light to mod loads; rest as needed
B. Pause Split Jerk x1 + Split Jerk x1 - 10 moderate sets of the complex; rest as needed
C. Split Jerk - 4 perfect singles; rest as needed
5-4-3-2-1 reps for time
Deadlift @ 225#
Bar Muscle-up
Rest to complete recovery
Power Clean @ 165#
CTB Pull-up

A. up to 95#, felt solid
B. up to 185# felt really good till it didn't feel good
C. skipped
2:01, pull was just gone so couldn't push the pace going to BMU.
3:14- Pull was gone so had to break pull ups more than I wanted to.  Power Cleans I did 8, 4/4/4, singles, 2

Nov-1 *fittest games workouts due
Rest...and go from here