Full-body CAR's
A. Front Squat - 5 x 6; rest 2:30 (90-100% of heaviest set last week across)
B. Deadlift - 5 x 6; rest 2:30 (90-100% of heaviest set last week across)
C1. DB Press + Scap Shrug/Depression @31X3 - 4 x 12; rest as needed (mod-across)
C2. Archer Ring Rows - 4 x 12 alt reps; rest as needed (setup so that you are 2-4 reps from failure)
D1. Seated 1-arm DB OH Triceps Ext - 4 x 15; rest 30sec
D2. Banded 1-arm Triceps Pull-down - 4 x 15; rest 30sec
5 Rounds:
10sec Rings Support Hold
10sec Bar-hanging L-Hold
20sec Rings FLR Hold (RTO)
20sec Floor V-sit Hold
*rest as needed b/t movements
A. 235, 240, 245, 250, 255
B. 235, 245, 255, 255
stopped here. Stressful day and had to judge someone
Full-body CAR's
XB - 3 x 10sec @ 100% effort; rest 90sec
Rest 3min
XB - 3 x 20sec @ 100% effort ; rest 2min
*target is to increase power-output from last week
Run - 6 x 60sec @ 80-85%; walk 30sec @ easy recovery pace
Rest 3-5min
x2 Rounds
24min EMOM
Min-1 - 10 Alt DB Santches @ 30-50# by feel
Min-2 - 15 Wallball
Min-3 - 10 GHD Sit-ups
Min-4 - 10 Burpees
Low-gait / Movement / Flow
10 sec sprints up to 38mph
20 sec sprints up to 36mph
Run @ 6:40-6:50 pace- felt good.
24 min EMOM
DB Snatches @ 55#
felt good. got really tough at the end but everything was good and unbroken across the board.
Finished with C1 C2 D1 D2 of yesterdays, just 3 sets of each.
Full-body CAR's
A1. BB Back Rack Box Step-up - 4 x 8 ea leg; rest as needed b/t legs + 60sec
A2. Archer Pull-ups - 4 x 7-8; rest as needed b/t arms + 60sec
B1. DB Single-leg Hip Thrust - 4 x 8 ea leg; rest as needed b/t legs + 60sec
B2. Archer Push-ups - 4 x 7-8; rest as needed b/t legs + 60sec
C1. DB 1arm Lying Tricep Extension - 4 x 15; rest 30sec
C2. Banded 1-arm Triceps Pull-down - 4 x 15; rest 30sec
4 Rounds
15 Stir the Pots ea direction
15 Landmine Anti-rotation Rainbows ea direction
40sec Hollow Rock
A1. 125, 145, 155, 155. harder on L side this week.
A2. 8/arm felt good and stronger but can still see serratus anterior lack of strength on left side. I can send you picture if you want.
B1. 35# x 2, 45# x 2
B2. Full of ROM and was definitely harder but glad to be at full depth.
C1. 10#
C2. red band. feeling stronger
3 rounds of core work
Mar-4 (Possible Open?)
Full-body CAR's
AB - 3 x 20sec @ 100% effort; rest 2min
Rest 2min
Run - 1mi @ Threshold effort (~85%, HR 170-180 BPM)
Rest 3-5min
x2 Rounds
20min EMOM
Min-1 - 8-10 BB Thrusters @ 75#
Min-2 - 12 GHD Sit-ups
Min-3 - 8-10 BB Muscle Snatch @ 75#
Min-4 - 45sec Row @ 80-85% effort
10min Cyclical Flush (choice modality)
20 sec sprints up to 36mph
First mile- 7:36
Second mile- 7:40
Legs felt heavy and this was fairly tough pace. HR rate topped at about 168bpm
EMOM did this
1st 10 BB Thrusters, 75#
2nd- 12 GH Sit Ups
3rd- 10 Muscle Snatch, 75#
4th- 45sec Row
2nd and 4th time through did 12-15 Toes to Bar instead of gH Sit Ups and 50 Double Unders instead of Row to test out for 16.2 possibly
Full-body CAR's
A. HB Back Squat - 3,3,2,2; rest 2:30 (3's mod-heavy, 2's build)
C. American Hip Thrust - 6,6,4,4; rest 2:30 (6's mod-heavy, 4's build)
B. Farmers Carry - 4 x 45sec; rest 90sec (heavy across)
D1. Bear Crawl Forward - 5 x 40sec continuous; rest 20sec (legs straight/hips high to simulate an OH position)
D2. Bear Crawl Backward - 5 x 40sec continuous; rest 20sec (same)
E1. Lizard Crawl Forward - 4 x 30sec continuous; rest 20sec
E2. Lizard Crawl Backward - 4 x 30sec continuous; rest 20sec
5 Rounds (complete one series all the way through on one arm then switch)
15sec Single-arm Plank w/ serratus activation
30sec Side Plank from hand
15sec Single-arm Ring-row Hold (bottom of RR, active scap)
A. 305, 325, 345, 365. heavy but good. 90% of all time squat PR so can't complain about that.
B. 275, 295, 295, 295
C. 115#/H. lighter but focused on staying consistent 45 sec instead of stopping and setting them down to turn around.
Skipped D and E for time sake
4 rounds of core work.
With that kind of strength work it's just hard for me to have the time to get all that in on saturdays.