Week 4
AM - Rowing MAP
10 x 1 min Rowing @ 85-90%/1 min rest on Rower
1 x 3 min Row @ 85-90%
Complete- Kept 1 min row's @ 1:45 or less3 min @ 1:50
Felt pretty solid. Like the 1 min/1min felt I could push the pace a little
PM - SN int + CJ int + LP2—>LEnd mixed
BTN Split Jerk, work to a single
Squat Snatch, 2 touch n go reps every 90 sec until failure - start @ 175lbs, add 5 lbs per set
(no additional rest)
Squat Clean, 2 touch n go reps every 90 sec until failure - start where you left off with Snatches, add 5 lbs per set
9,6,3 ALL OUT for time:
Bar Muscle-ups
Thrusters @ 135lbs
(Rest 6-8 min b/t sets)
9,6,3 ALL OUT for time:
Bar Facing Burpees
Power Clean @ 135lbs
(Rest 6-8 min b/t sets)
30 Squat Clean @ 135lbs for time
BTN Split Jerk- 305, caught 325 but left shoulder gave out before standing all the way up with it.Sq Snatch- only up to 205, didn't feel good the whole time.
Sq Clean- 275, missed the second on 280. Felt great on the cleans.
BMU/Thrusters- 1:56
Burp/PC- 1:49
Sq Cleans- (time cut out on my picture) but I think it was like 3:30ish. I know it was in the 3's. Really bad. Did 10 unbroken relatively slow to try to pace but had to do singles after that. Legs were toast.
AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
EMOM x 30 mins:
Mins 1—>10 - 15ft HS Walk + 3 Ring Muscle-ups
Mins 11—>20 - 1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft + 3 Kipping HSPU to 10” Deficit
Mins 21—>30 - 3 Toes to Bar + 3 Chest to Bar + 6 Clapping Push-ups
1-->10 done no problem's- HS Walks got tough
11--->20- Couldn't do HSPU's b/c of neck so I did ring dips followed by HS Hold to work OH position. RC felt better than expected
21--->30 easy.
PM - DL int %’s + MAP (3/3+)
A. Deadlift, 1 rep @ 86% every min x 8 reps
B. 7 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
15 double KB Front Squats @ 16kg/arm
75 DU's
—7 min
7 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
15 Shoulder to Overhead @ 95lbs
20 Deadlift @ 95lbs
25 Air Squats
—7 min
7 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
20 cal AirBike
20 Pull-ups
3 + 27, unbroken
3 even- unbroken
Felt pretty solid on this. 2nd one was pretty hard on muscular fatigue. Last one biceps/grip blew up a little on last set but still got it unbroken right as clock ended.
AM - Running MAP
100m Run @ 85-90% per min x 30 mins
PM - OHS int + tng SN/CJ work + LP1—>LP2 (cyclical)
A. OHS, work to a tough single
B. EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 3 fast hang squat snatch @ 135lbs
2nd - 3 fast power snatch @ 135lbs
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 3 fast hang power clean @ 185lbs
2nd - 3 shoulder to overhead @ 185lbs
C. 4 sets @ 97%:
50 sec Rowing
5 min b/t
A.M.Did Air Dyne 20 sec instead of run b/c it was like 20 degrees here. Freezing
OHS- 295, missed it first try and unstable second try. Felt heavy the whole time building up. Was hoping for a PR
EMOM's complete fast and easy
Row's - 277, 281, 281, 283
Recovered fast, just couldn't dig much harder than about 1:27/500m
AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
AMRAP unbroken Chest to Bar x 1 set
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Strict Pronated Chest to Bar - 1,2,3,4,5,etc.
Strict HSPU to 2” Deficit - 1,2,3,4,5,etc.
AMRAP Rope Climb to 15ft (use legs) in 5 minutes
PM - FSq int + SL int + Core + TGU's
A. Front Squat, work to a tough 2
B. Weighted Alternating Pistols, 10 tough reps x 3 sets, 2 min - 5/leg
C. 10 sets:
1 R Arm TGU @ 32kg
1 L Arm TGU @ 32kg
10 sec Hollow Rocks
20 sec L Side Bridge
20 sec R Side Bridge
1 min b/t sets
CTB AMRAP- 33, had really good warm up and felt good about it but this sucked. I've done like 46 before. very disappointed in this #
15 min amrap- got up to 11, all HSPU's unbroken and relatively easy. Was doing singles and doubles on pull ups after about set 5
Shoulder was hurting so didn't do RC's but didn't single arm bent rows- 3 x 5 @ 20X2 w/ 55#'s
Grid League Scores
20 sec for 2RM Cl&J, 265#
15 Ground to OH, 135#
10 Lateral Bar Burpees
15 Ground to OH, 135#
2:53- No good, went 10/5 on first set, then 10 burpees, then 1/3/3/3/2/3
AM - Good Morning + PChain + MAP Low %’s
A. Good Morning @ 2011, 3-4 reps x 6 sets, 2 min
B. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 1 min
C. 20 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
100ft R Arm Farmer Carry @ 32kg KB
100ft L Arm Farmer Carry @ 32kg KB
100ft Bear Crawl
500m Row
A. 185, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225- I noticed if I let back round even the slightest bit, I'll crumble. May I should practice some light rounded back GM's???B. Blue band across- really felt hammies on this today and felt good.
C. 4 rounds plus carries and crawl. Row @ 2:05/500m
PM - mixed MAP Sets (short)
EMOM x 30 minutes @ high effort:
1st - 20 Thrusters @ 65lbs
2nd - 15 Burpees - no jump
3rd - off
4th - 20 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
5th - 15 KBS @ 32kg
6th - off
Thrusters- 38 sec/
Burpees- 41 sec/ (slower than expected)
WB- 38 sec/
KBS- 30 sec/
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