Friday, January 9, 2015


Week 5
AM - Rowing MAP
5 x 2:30 min Rowing @ 85-90%/2:30 min rest on Rower

Complete felt good. Kept 1:48 pace

PM - SN int + CJ int + LP2—>LEnd mixed
Power Clean, work to a touch n go 5
“2015 OCT Snatch Ladder Event"
*Set-up 5 barbells
“2015 OCT Event"
4 min AMRAP:
21 Pull-up
21 Thruster @ 95lbs
15 Chest to bar
15 Thruster @ 125lbs
9 Bar Muscle-up
9 Thruster @ 155lbs

235, 255 for a double but didn't try for a 3rd rep.  Wasn't feeling to powerful.
Hit 185 and 200# bar in Snatch ladder and wasn't even close on 215.  Felt like 250#
4 min AMRAP= Finished 5 Thrusters @ 155.  Was doing it with another girl and we went to same bar for BMU's and had some confusion.  I'm confident I could finish if I did it again.  Did all unbroken.
AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
10ft HS Walk every 30 sec x 20 sets
3 sets:
10 Toes to Bar
10 Ring Dips
1 min rest
3 sets:
10 Toes to bar
10 Clapping Push-ups
1 min rest
3 sets:
10 Toes to Bar
10 Push Press @ 95lbs
1 min rest

PM - DL int %’s + MAP (3/3+)
A. Deadlift, 1 rep @ 88% every min x 6 reps
B. 10 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
25 Deadlift @ 115lbs
25 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
—10 min
10 minutes @ 85-90%/high effort:
25 cal AirBike
25 Box Jumps @ 24"

A. DL @ 395 felt pretty good.
DL/WB piece- 4 + 38.  All unbroken.  Stayed smooth and steady on DL's.  Felt pretty good here.  Really happy to stay unbroen.
Bike/BJ- 2 + 33.  If I remember right, I held 60RPM on bike.  Too slow, sped up last
A.M. (couldn't get to it in the morning.
All Done.  All Unbroken. Felt really good.  TTB started getting tough on last 3 sets but other than that it was good.

AM - Running MAP
100m Row @ 90% x 30 sets, 40 sec rest

Done- 1:44/500m pace felt great.  Got under 1:40 on the last 2 sets

PM - OHS int + tng SN/CJ work + LP1—>LP2 (cyclical)
A. Heaving Snatch Balance, work to a tough single
B. EMOM x 10 mins:
4 Strict HSPU
2 touch n go Power Snatch @ 155lbs
EMOM x 10 mins:
2 Ring Muscle-ups
2 touch n go Power Clean and Overhead @ 155lbs
C. 3 sets @ 97%:
60 sec AirBike
6 min b/t

A. 255.  Felt pretty good, didn't go any higher
EMOM's- Done unbroken, weights felt really light.
60 sec BIkes- RPM's @ 75, 75, 74.  Should have tried to dig a little more but it was all I had the last 10-15 sec every set.

AM - Upper Volume Accumulation
5 sets @ high effort:
20 Chest to Bar
20 Push-ups
50 DU's
2 min b/t sets

1:15 first 4 sets and 1:11 on last set.

All unbroken.  Finally started to get rhythm on CTB on last set.   Double unders unbroken but harder than should have been.  Overall felt good

PM - FSq int + SL int + Core + TGU's
A. Front Squat, work to a tough 1
B. OH Barbell Walking Lunges, 2/leg heavy per min x 10 mins
C. Accumulate 2 minutes of L Sit on Rings in shortest time possible

A. build to 335 w/o belt, 355 w/ belt.
B. Done @ 175#.  Felt better OH but still weak in the core
C. Awful.  5 min to get first 60 sec and it started to get real sloppy so went to tuck holds for next 6 min.

AM - Good Morning + PChain + MAP Low %’s
A. Good Morning @ 2011, 2-3 reps x 6 sets, 2 min
B. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 reps x 6 sets, 1 min
C. 20 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
1 min AirBike
1 min Front Bridge
1 min Rowing
1 min Front Bridge

A. 185, 205, 225, 225, 235, 235.  Feeling a little better
B. Blue band, felt hard
C. Got 3 rounds done and had a meeting, did another 3 rounds after pm session

PM - mixed MAP Sets (short)
EMOM x 30 minutes @ high effort:
1st - 5-8 Ring Muscle-ups
2nd - 15 OHS @ 95lbs
3rd - off
4th - 10 Bar Facing Burpees
5th - 15 Hang Power Clean @ 95lbs
6th - off

8 Muscle Ups/set (10 on last one)
OHS under 22 sec every set
BFBurpees under 24 sec
HPC under 20 sec 

Felt great, no issues

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