Friday, July 13, 2012


Friday - Snatch intense + Power Clean moderate + Front Squat with Chains + GH Raise (intensity)
A. Snatch, build to 95% RM for a single - try not to fail any reps, if 95% feels EZ, then try ONE more set
B. High Hang Power Clean off blocks, build to a tough single
C. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1 @ tough single from B. x 3 sets, 4 min
C1. Front Squat with Chains @ 22X1, 1 reps x 4 sets, 20 sec - all tough sets
C2. Strict GH Raise @ 21X1, 5-10 reps x 4 sets, 5 min - lower from the top position to parallel with floor/legs straight, hands on ass, then rise back to the top, avoid excessive spinal extension - these will humble you
A. Got to 205, tried 215 and failed.  Weight felt ok off the ground but just wasn't feeling it today.
B. Got to 245 and it was extremely tough.  Disappointed in this.
C. @ 245- very tough, no pop
D1. 255, 275, 295 (f)- felt awful also
D2. easiest thing of the day.  Way better than I thought they'd go.  Got 10 reps every time.

Very frustrating day of strength training.  Got to get stronger!

Saturday - AM - Flow + Oly Skills, PM - MAP Multi (low % - 10/10)
High Hang Squat Snatch from blocks. Snatch Balance, 1.1 @ 70% RM x 5 sets, 2 min
Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 225lb x 5 sets, 1:30 min
Handstand Walk tech work - 10 min
20 min Row @ 2:05/500m
Built to 185 from the blocks on snatch then did the Sq Snatch/Snatch Balance @ 155 x 5; felt great, moved my hands in about an inch to where I used to grip it.  Felt much better so we'll see how this feels next time we go heavy.
Split Jerks felt solid
HS Walking, about 10m at a time, felt pretty good
Ran 2 miles- 16:25, couple guys at the gym were bout to run so did that instead

10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Row 150m
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down
--5 minute recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Run 200m
5 Toes to Bar
10 Push-ups
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Airdyne 15 cals
15 Unanchored Sit-ups
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort
25 Double Unders
5 OHS @ 45lb
Set 1- 8 + 50m
Set 2- 6 + Run
Set 3- 6 + 5 Cal
Set 4- 13+ 13 DU's
felt good, breathing was controlled throughout.

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