Thursday, August 16, 2012


Friday2 - Jumping + Squat Clean intense + Squat with Chains + OHS/Pull intense + Core
A. Standing Triple Jump, 1 max effort rep x 7 sets, 1 min - make sure your hips/calves are warm 
B. Squat Clean, build to single
C. FSq with Chains @ 33X1, 2 reps x 3 sets, 5 min - full effort 
E1. OHS, AMRAP (-2) @ BWT x 3 sets, 3 min
E2. Wtd Shoulder Width Pronated Chin-ups @ 60X0, 2 reps x 3 sets, 3 min
F. Weighted GH Sit-ups @ 30X0, 10 reps x 4 sets, 1:30 min
A. all around 21 feet, i know, not good!
B. 285, felt good.  Just missed 295.  300 is there if we go for a 1RM.  Wasn't resting too much b/w attempts today.
C. 235, 255, 265 + 60lbs of chains.  Felt good.
E1. @ 185 (bwt 178). reps- 14, 12, 12
E2. 53, 62, 70.  Easier than expected
F. 25lbs, hurt.

AM - Z1 Run
Run 20 minutes @ 50% effort

PM - MAP Multi (low % - 10/10)
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Row 250m
10 Wall Balls - 20#
5 Toes to Bar
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Airdyne 15 cals
10 KBS - 24kg
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
5 x 20 unbroken Double Unders
5 Chin-ups
5 Hang Squat Snatch @ 65lb
Run complete
1st set- 5 rd + 100m row felt good, row stayed around 1:55/1:57 pace
2nd set- 5 rds even. Felt good
3rd set- 3 rounds even.  This is why the less technical stuff should be early in MAP sessions.  Didn't have much push here.  Shoulders were fatigued from OHS yesterday.  Tripped up on double unders around 15 reps 3 or 4 times which cost me some time.  Don't think 3 rounds is a true result of the effort given but I definitely slowed down.  

*we were rearranging the gym today so I had no access to a pull up bar so I did toes to RINGS and RING Pull Ups.  Not really harder but definitely slower.

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