Thursday, January 22, 2015


Week 2
4 sets @ 85-90%:
2 min Rowing
2 min AirBike
4 min rest

Done felt good.  Kept row under 1:50 and Air Bike about 60 RPM

PM - SN int + CJ mod + LEnd tester
Snatch, work to a challenging touch n go double
CJ, 1 rep per min x 6 mins - start @ 205lbs, add 5 lbs per min
Thruster/Rope Climb/DU Fittest Games Event

Snatch, 205.  Missed first rep at 215 b/c of shoulder giving out
Cl&J- build up to 245 OHS for 3 from the ground instead
FG WOD- 7:27, harder than expected, need to really focus on getting feet higher up on each pull on the rope.

AM - DL int (varied) + CP Battery Tester
Deadlift, AMRAP touch n go @ 315lbs x 1 set
AMRAP Strict HSPU to 10” Deficit in 10 mins

PM - 10 min MAP x 3 (high gym)
Fittest Chipper Event

DL- 16 reps and my grip failed.  Surprised this was the limiter.  I was not expecting that.
39 HSPU's felt pretty good. Did like 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2's the rest of the time till the last 2 singles.

Chipper- like 8:27 or so.  Broke KBS 30/10 then 5's on the Pull Ups, rest unbroken

4 sets @ 90%:
2 min AirBike
2 min Rowing
4 min rest

Done, Bike @ 63RPM and Row @ 1:49/500m

PM - CJ int + SN mod + LEnd tester
A. Squat Clean. Hang Squat Clean, 1.1 - work to a max set
B. 2 touch n go Power Snatch @ 175lbs per min x 7 mins
C. For time:
21 Chest to Bar
18 Thrusters @ 95lbs
15 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Thrusters @ 95lbs
9 Chest to Bar

A. build to 255, felt heavy
B. Complete, felt solid
C. 2:30ish I think.  All Unbroken

AM - DL int (varied) + PChain + SL int + Core
A. Deadlifts, work to a challenging single - not a max
B. Good Mornings @ 2010, 10 reps x 3 sets, 2 min - again, nothing too heavy
C. AMRAP Alternating 24kg Weighted Pistols in 2 minutes
D. EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 10 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 10 sec L Sit from Pull-up Bar

A. 405, felt really heavy, not max but heavy
B. 135, 155, 165
C. 26, got more uncomfortable just holding the KB than anything else
D. Complete

PM - CF Tester
The next Fittest Games event @ 90% - I am sure they will have another one announced by then. Go at it at 90%, not max effort. Just get experience.

TTB, Farmer Carry, FSQ- 9:17.  All unbroken.  Was able to hook grip the DB's, Still not sure on the distance or weight on carries so this could be totally different

AM - MAP Low %’s (skills/core)
30 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
5 min Running
4 min Rowing
3 min Alternating Step-ups onto 24"
2 min Farmer Carry @ 24kg/arm
1 min Burpees - no jump @ top

Run about 1000m, farther the second run
Row @ 1:58/500m both times
Step Ups- 54, 58
Carries- unbroken for 2 min
Burpees- 16, 20
Felt good.

PM - IGT (potential + fatigued)
@ high effort:
AMRAP Ring Muscle-ups
1,000m Row
(5 min rest)
1,000m Row
AMRAP Ring Muscle-ups
(5 min rest)
25 Chest to Bar
25 Burpees to 6” OH
(2 min rest)
25 Burpees to 6 OH
25 Chest to Bar

20 Unbroken Muscle Ups first set!! Been wanting to hit that # for a long time now.  Almost missed on 19 but kept it together
Row, 4 min
Row, 3:49
10 Muscle Ups
2:25- Pull Ups 18/7
2:53- Pull Ups 8/7/5/5

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