Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 30 training

AD/Row/Ski/Run - 75min @ EN2
*running should be in interval format with short work:recovery bouts
Ido Portal Locomotion Routine

Complete. just mixed and match off feel.  No ski erg yet so just AB, Row, Run.  Kept HR around 150, got up to 160's on harder runs but then back down on easy runs.  Down to 140's on bike staying around 50RPM, 150's on row around 2:11-2:13/500m pace.  Felt good sipping on BCAA's and carbs throughout.
Locomotion done.  Can't do back bend walks so just practiced back bends

A. DB 1arm Push Press/ Push Jerk / Split Jerk - 10min practice/mechanics work
B. Bar Muscle-up - 10min practice/mechanics work
C. Strict CTB Pull-up - 50 reps for time
D. Wtd. Vest Wall-facing HS Hold - 6 x 35sec; rest 90sec (15-20#)

A. Up to 55# for 3 PP, 3 PJ, 3 SJ then did 75# for 3 SJ's/arm.  Don't have anything b/w 55 & 75, then jumps to 100# so not good arrangement of DB's
B. 3 x 3 then set of 4.  Felt great! 
C. 6:15- 8, 4, 2---->
D. unweighted, 20#, 20#, 20#, unweighted, unweighted.  Very hard!

Video's coming

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Training July 27/28

Sled Push - 6 x 15sec @ 100% effort; rest 3-4min (sled + load = bodyweight)
32min EMOM
Min-1 - 10 KBs (2p, Russian) + AD @ EN2 for remaining time
Min-2 - 6 Burpees + AD @ EN2... (open 2012/2013 standard)
Min-3 - 25sec HS Hold on Wall + AD...
Min-4 - 30 Double-unders + AD....
Postural Program

100# on sled, complete.  3 was good, 6 I was smoked.  Took me a while to recover.  I can tell it's been a while since Lactate work!  
EMOM- never recovered from sled
Everything done.  First 10-12 min kept bike around 50RPM, after that I dropped off to 40 or less and really just turned into easy spin.  Never got HR down below about 155-160 the entire time.  This was much harder than expected.
Posture done at night
Row - 2k @ 30min TT pace MINUS 2sec/500m
Rest - 60sec
x3 Rounds
Mobility - 30min

CS - Activation
A. Power Clean x1 + Squat Clean x1 - 8 sets of the complex; rest as needed (light-mod / mod across)
B. Pause Front Squat (1sec) - 3 perfect reps on the min for 6min (185-205# across, perfect positions)
C. Snatch Deadlift (Oly style) - 3 perfect reps on the min for 6min (205-225# across, perfect positions)
D. BB SNATCH Grip OH Carry w/ Double-banded KBs - 4 x 20-25m; rest as needed (use BB w/ very light KB's)
E. Front Rack Yoke Carry (whole hand on Yoke bar) - 4 x 15-20m; rest as needed (empty Yoke)
CS - Recovery

2:03.8, 2:03.3, 2:02.3.  HR got up to 182 on the last one.

A. built up to 225, felt good just technique is a little off b/c I haven't done in so long
B. 185 x 2, 195 x 2, 205 x 2
C. 205 x 2, 215 x 2, 225 x 2
Both felt good
D. Bar + 26# KB's, feel strong, hardest part is pressing OH.  I have a little pain that first 1-3 inches off the shoulder on L side.  Had it for probably a year not in the specific ROM.
E. Done, added 90# first 2 sets then 140# last 2 sets.  I have the Wright Exercise Yoke and it's a lot lighter than the rogue yoke.  Worked core a lot and felt it working my back core too.  Really enjoyed this and hope to do more.

Will email video later with sled, clean complex, and yoke carry

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 20-23

Row - 2k @ 30min TT pace
Rest - 60sec
x3 Rounds
Mobility - 30min

Done @ 2:05/500m

CS - Activation
A. Power Clean - 10-12 singles; rest as needed (build to tolerance)
B. BB Zombie Squat - 5 x 5; rest 2:30 (build to tough 5)
C. BB Split Stance Shoulder Press @21x2 - 6-8; rest 2min
D. BB Jerk Grip OH Carry w/ Double-banded KBs - 4 x 15-20m; rest as needed (use BB w/ very light KB's)
Sled Push - 5 x 15sec @ 100% effort; rest 3-4min (sled + load = bodyweight)
CS - Recovery

A. built to 185, felt good
B. 185, 205, 225, 245, 255
C. 95, 95, 105, 115#
D. Bar + 25# KB's
No time for sleds
CS - Activation
A. Strict Lean-away CTB Pull-up @3111 - 4 x AMRAP UB; rest 2:30 (set ends when you can no-longer hold tempo)
B. Wtd. Vest Inverted Bar Row @21x2 - 4 x 12; rest 60sec b/t arms (mod-loading)
AD - 6min @ EN2
EMOM - 6min: 10 WB
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 6min - 10 KBs (2p, Russian)
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 6min - HS Hold on Wall (20sec)
AD - 6min @ EN2
EMOM - 6min - 30 Double-unders
(40min total work)
Postural Progarm

A. 7, 6, 5, 4
B. no time for Row's unfortunately. 
Completed. felt good.  Held AB around 55-56 RPM
HS Holds on wall were by far the hardest.

Track-style warm-up - 20min
(aerobic prep + DROM + running drills)
Run - 1mi time trial
*map out your course using google maps/google earth
*record total time, average HR, peak HR
Run - 4 x 400m @ 1mi pace; rest 2-3min (90% recovery)
Mobility - 20min (lower-body, hips, ankles, etc)

1 mile using MAPMYRUN, 7:05.  Not a true TT obviously, was constantly looking at phone and questioning distance/pace.
4x 400m, ranged from 1:32-136.  Kept rest at 2 min so I definitely could have pushed mile faster.
HR got up to low 170's during runs and recovered to under 130 in 2 min
CS - Activation
A. DB/KB TGU - build to mod-heavy single on ea arm then complete 5 alt reps on ea arm @ that weight
B. DB Snatch - 4 x 10 reps ea arm; rest 90sec b/t arms (build, should be SOME press-out at the top)
C. Wtd. Vest Wall-facing HS Hold in perfect HB Position - 6x 30sec; rest 60-90sec (15-20#)
D. DB 1arm Trap 3-Raise - 3 x 15 ea arm; rest as needed
15 V-ups
15 Deadlift @ 155 (clean grip)
Rest 60sec

A. 70# DB, didn't do the 5 extra b/c of time
B. 50, 60, 70, 70#, last 2 reps w/ 70's was tough on both sides
C. Done, no weight vest and it wasn't needed.  This was very tough on last 2 sets
D. 10# DB
Complete not timed, used 70# DB's for Dead Lifts.  V-Ups were bent knees

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 16-20


CS - Activation
A. Power Clean - 10-12 singles; rest as needed (build to tolerance)
B. KB 2arm Front Rack Squat @22x1  - 5 x 10; rest 2min (moderate, note tempo change)
C. BB Split Stance Shoulder Press @21x2 - 3 x 8-10; rest 2min
D. BB Jerk Grip OH Carry w/ Double-banded KBs - 4 x 10-15m; rest as needed (use BB w/ very light KB's)
E. KB 2arm Farmers Carry - 4 x 50m ea arm; rest as needed b/t arms (heavy)
CS - Recovery

A. 135 x 3, 155, x 4, 175 x 3-5 reps
B. 53# x 2 sets, 62# x 3 sets
C. 95# across, harder than expected both on balance/core and triceps
D. 45# bar + 26# kb's. felt good.
E. 70#/h

Row - 4 x 500m @ 2:03; rest 30sec
Rest-walk - 2min
x2 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)

Done, all around 2:02, last one about 1:58

CS - Activation
A. Wtd. Vest Strict Lean-away CTB Pull-up @3111 - 5 x 3.3.3; rest 30sec + 2min (10# across)
B. DB 1arm Elbowing Bench Row @21x2 - 5 x 6; rest 60sec b/t arms
C. Wtd. Vest Prone Hand-over Hand Rope Pull-ups - 3 x 4-5; rest 2min (must climb up & down)
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations (Moose Antlers) - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 3 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 3 x 30sec; RAN
CS - Recovery

A. 10# first 4 sets, no vest last set.
B. 35#, R arm is harder for sure
C. Complete, 20# vest, don't feel this working much other than grip.  Towel pull ups felt better


AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min: 10 WB
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min - 10 KBs (2p, Russian)
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min - HS Hold on Wall (20sec)
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min - 30 Double-unders
(40min total work)
Postural Progarm

AB stayed around 225 Watts or 53-54 RPM
Everything else felt solid.
Forgot HR monitor

AM Training
CS - Activation
A. Power Clean x1 + Squat Clean x1 - 6 sets of the complex; rest as needed (build by feel, NOT TnG)
B. Pause Front Squat (2sec) - 4,4,3,3 rest 3min (build)
C. Snatch RDL @3030 - 4,4,3,3;  rest 3min (build)
D. BB Snatch Grip OH Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed (115-135# across)
E. KB 2arm Front Rack Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed
CS - Recovery

A. build to 185#
B. 225, 245, 265, 275# harder than expected
C. 185, 225, 245, 255 **didn't use hook grip till last rep at 255#
D. 135# no prob.
E. 79#/h, hard to get them up but not bad to carry.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Training July 13-14

Jul-13 **begin strength deload week
20min Run @ EN1/EN2 (120-160 BPM by feel)
20min Row
20min AD
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)

Row stayed around 2:12-2:15
HR on run got up to about 150
HR on Row tipped into 160's
HR on AD was mid 140's tipping into 150 at the end
CS - Activation
A. HB Back Squat - 5,3,1 rest 3min (building to moderate)
B. Snatch DL @31x1 - 5,3,1; rest 3min (building to modereate)
C. Seated DB 2arm Z-Press @21x2 - 3 x 6-8 ea arm; rest 2min
D. BB Snatch Grip OH Carry - 3 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed (115-135# across)
E. KB 2arm Front Rack Carry - 3 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed
CS - Recovery

A. 275, 325, 355
B. 225, 245, 265
C. 35#s
D. 135#
E. 70#

CS - Activation
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 4 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 4 x 30sec; RAN
10min Aerobic Prep (4/3/2/1min @ 75-80-85-90% effort)
Row - 60sec @ target 30min TT pace
Row - 30sec @ easy recovery pace
Row - 45sec @ target 30min TT pace
Row - 15sec @ easy recovery pace
x2 Rounds
Rest 3-4min
Row - 30min for max distance

CS - Plyo

Rehab complete
10 min Aerobic Prep- 2:11, 2:06, 2:01, 1:57
TT pace at 2:01 during interval prep
7075 total meters
2:07.2 avg pace/500m
0-6:00- 2:03.9
6-12- 2:06.5
12-18- 2:08.3
18-24- 2:09.5
24-30- 2:07.5

Low back fatigued on this and pull just felt week.  Frustrated i couldn't sustain faster but I did barely beat last times. First 10 min HR was upper 150's, mid 10 min HR was low to mid 160's then last 10 min was upper 160's into 170's peaking at about 175 at the end.

Need this to be just at or above 2:00/500m for me would be good.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Training July 9-10

AD - 10min @ EN3 (160-170 BPM)
Rest - 3min
x3 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)

Cals- 100, 107, 104
first one was around 155 BPM, I mistakingly thought it was supposed to be 150-160.

CS - Activation
A.  Sumo Deadlift - 3,3,2,2; rest 3min (tough)
B. KB 2arm Front Rack Squat @22x1  - 4 x 10; rest 90sec b/t legs (moderate, note tempo change)
C. DB 2arm Tall-Kneeling Press @21x2 - 4 x 8-10; rest 60sec b/t arms (moderate, squeeze glutes / brace core)
D. KB 2arm OH Carry - 4 x 50m ea arm; rest as needed
E. KB 1arm Farmers Carry - 4 x 50m ea arm; rest as needed b/t arms (heavy)
CS - Recovery

355, 375, 395, 415 **used hook grip
B. 53# across.  Pause in bottom made these tough.
C. 35# across till last set dropped to 30#.  These after KB Front Squats are tough!
D. 35, 35, 25, 25# tough, wasn't feeling great on these today.
E. 70# across, not bad


CS - Activation
A. Wtd. Vest Strict Lean-away CTB Pull-up @3111 - 5 x 3.3.3; rest 30sec + 2min (10# across)
B. DB 1arm Elbowing Bench Row @31x1 - 5 x 6; rest 60sec b/t arms (note tempo change)
C. Prone Hang-over Hand Rope Pull-ups - 3 x 3-4; rest 2min (must climb up & down)
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations (Moose Antlers) - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 3 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 3 x 30sec; RAN
CS - Recovery

A. 12# first 3 sets, took vest off on 4th set after 3.3, last set no vest.  Hard time making contact at the end.
B. 30# across
C. Complete, need to add vest

Row - 1k @ 30min TT wattage minus 4sec
Rest - 60sec
Rest 3min

x2 Rounds

Done, avg 2:02-2:03/500m

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Training 060715

CS - Activation
A. Wtd. Vest Strict CTB Pull-ups - 4 x 4.4; rest 20sec + 2:30 (moderate)
B. BB Pendlay Row - 4 x 6-8; rest 2min (moderate)
C. Banded Face Pulls - 4 x 10-12; rest 90sec (light-mod)
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 4 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 4 x 30sec; RAN
Track-style Warm-up - 15min (Aerobic prep + DROM + speed play)
Run - 40sec @ Threshold (170-180 / 90-95% effort)
Rest - 20sec
*build into the first 2 repeats OR get to higher HR zones during the warm-up...that should reduce drop-off from early rounds
Rest 2min
AD - 40sec @ Threshold
Rest 20sec

CS - Plyo

A. 16#, completed felt pretty good. got tough
B. 135, 155, 155, 155
C. Green band
Rehab completed
Runs complete.  HOT outside.  I think I'm going to try to start doing this in the morning, 2p.m. is just too hot and I think it's effecting the pace I'm able to sustain.

Training 070615

10min AD @ EN2 (140-160 BPM)
10min Row @ EN2
10min Run @ EN2
x2 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)
CS - Activation
A. HB Back Squat - 3,3,3,2,2 rest 3min (building)
B. Snatch DL @31x1 - 3,3,3,2,2; rest 3min (building)
C. Seated DB 2arm Z-Press @21x2 - 5 x 6-8 ea arm; rest 2min
D. BB Snatch Grip OH Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed (115-135# across)
E. KB 2arm Front Rack Carry - 4 x 50m ea arm; rest as needed

CS - Recovery

Started w/ Row, kept 2:08ish pace
AD had to push to about 61-62 RPM (just counting, on AD at home, no monitor)

A. 295, 315, 335, 355, 375. Felt solid
B. 245, 265, 285, 305, 325. all good, I really like these.
C. 30, 35, 45, 45, 45.  First time using 45# on 2 arm I think.  Felt tight overhead but strong
D. 135 across.  felt good
E. 53, 53, 70, 70. Felt good
Will post some video later

Monday, July 6, 2015

Training July 2-4

AD - 15min @ EN1/EN2
**Grass Run if possible
Run - 30sec @ 90% effort (don't let HR dictate intensity here)
Walk - 30sec @ brisk pace
Rest-walk 2min
x3 Rounds (15 total)
Row - 15min @ EN1/EN2
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)

Complete, ran in grass with shoes on.

CS - Activation
A. Clean Grip DL - 3 x 3; rest 3min (tough)
B. KB 2arm Front Rack Squat @21x1  - 4 x 10; rest 90sec b/t legs (moderate)
*goal of this and carries on Monday is to improve postural endurance in FR position
C. DB 1arm 1/2 Kneeling Press @21x2 - 4 x 8-10; rest 60sec b/t arms (increase if possible)
D. KB 2arm OH Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed
E. KB 1arm Farmers Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed b/t arms (heavy)
CS - Recovery

A. 325, 345, 365
B. 53 x 3, 62 x 1.  Shoulders felt pretty stable, only 90 sec rest so didn't want to push weight too much but 62's were pretty tough
C. 35, 45, 35, 35 (don't have 40# obvioulsly) felt harder than previous weeks maybe b/c of B, not sure.  Arms felt equal so it wasn't the injury
D. 35#, focused on keeping rib cage locked down, I can feel in low back as soon as I lose position. Very tough position for me
E. 53#


CS - Activation
A. Strict Lean-away CTB Pull-up @3111 - 5 x 3.3.3; rest 30sec + 2min
B. DB 1arm Elbowing Bench Row @21x1 - 5 x 6-8; rest 60sec b/t arms
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations (Moose Antlers) - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 3 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 3 x 30sec; RAN
CS - Recovery

A. Complete felt better than last week
B. 25, 30---> R arm feels harder I think b/c of mobility

Row - 1k @ 30min TT wattage minus 3sec (3sec faster than 30min TT pace)
Rest - 60sec
Rest 3min
x2 Rounds

Done on sunday, pace ranged from 2:04.6 to 2:04.9

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Training 063015

CS - Activation
A. Wtd. Vest Strict CTB Pull-ups - 3 x 5; rest 3min (build)
B. BB Pendlay Row - 3 x 5; rest 2min (moderate across)
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 4 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 4 x 30sec; RAN
Track-style Warm-up - 15min (Aerobic prep + DROM + speed play
Run - 40sec @ Threshold (170-180 / 90-95% effort)
Rest - 20sec
Rest 2min
Row - 40sec @ Threshold
Rest 20sec
CS - Plyo

A. 20#---> pretty tough, you can kinda still see R arm pulling a hair more in video
B. 115, 145---> felt good
Rehab done
Runs--> about same paces as last week, still dropping off on second set.  This is probably my hardest run session for me.

Training 062915

5min AD @ EN2 (140-160 BPM)
5min Row @ EN2
5min Run @ EN2
x4 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)
CS - Activation
A. HB Back Squat - 5 x 3; rest 3min (building)
B. Clean Grip RDL - 5 x 3; rest 3min (building)
C. Seated DB 1arm Z-Press @21x2 - 4 x 6 ea arm; rest 60sec b/t arms
D. BB Snatch Grip OH Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed
E. KB 2arm Front Rack Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed
CS - Recovery

Complete, did Row first and kept HR at more stead pace around 152-154 but it was still dipping to low 140's on the bike.  It was cooler this morning so felt pretty good. onlly like 90 degrees :) 

A. 275, 305, 325, 345, 355.  felt heavy
B. 275, 325, 345, 345, 345. felt hevy
C. 25, 35, 45, 45# felt pretty good
D. 95, 115---> felt good just cautious 
E. 53#---> nervous cleaning them up to rack position but this felt good, maybe stronger than pre-injury.