CS - Activation
A. Power Clean - 10-12 singles; rest as needed (build to tolerance)
B. KB 2arm Front Rack Squat @22x1 - 5 x 10; rest 2min (moderate, note tempo change)
C. BB Split Stance Shoulder Press @21x2 - 3 x 8-10; rest 2min
D. BB Jerk Grip OH Carry w/ Double-banded KBs - 4 x 10-15m; rest as needed (use BB w/ very light KB's)
E. KB 2arm Farmers Carry - 4 x 50m ea arm; rest as needed b/t arms (heavy)
CS - Recovery
A. 135 x 3, 155, x 4, 175 x 3-5 reps
B. 53# x 2 sets, 62# x 3 sets
C. 95# across, harder than expected both on balance/core and triceps
D. 45# bar + 26# kb's. felt good.
E. 70#/h
Row - 4 x 500m @ 2:03; rest 30sec
Rest-walk - 2min
x2 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)
Done, all around 2:02, last one about 1:58
CS - Activation
A. Wtd. Vest Strict Lean-away CTB Pull-up @3111 - 5 x 3.3.3; rest 30sec + 2min (10# across)
B. DB 1arm Elbowing Bench Row @21x2 - 5 x 6; rest 60sec b/t arms
C. Wtd. Vest Prone Hand-over Hand Rope Pull-ups - 3 x 4-5; rest 2min (must climb up & down)
A. Seated Neck Retractions - 4 x 20-25; RAN
B. Kneeling T-spine Rotations (Moose Antlers) - 4 x 15 ea side; RAN
C. T-spine Peanut Crunches - 2x 2-3 ea joint segment; RAN
D. Band Assisted Natural Knee Extensions - 3 x 5-6; RAN (engage glutes, maintain posterior pelvic tilt)
E. Table - 3 x 30sec; RAN
CS - Recovery
A. 10# first 4 sets, no vest last set.
B. 35#, R arm is harder for sure
C. Complete, 20# vest, don't feel this working much other than grip. Towel pull ups felt better
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min: 10 WB
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min - 10 KBs (2p, Russian)
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min - HS Hold on Wall (20sec)
AD - 5min @ EN2
EMOM - 5min - 30 Double-unders
(40min total work)
Postural Progarm
AB stayed around 225 Watts or 53-54 RPM
Everything else felt solid.
Forgot HR monitor
AM Training
CS - Activation
A. Power Clean x1 + Squat Clean x1 - 6 sets of the complex; rest as needed (build by feel, NOT TnG)
B. Pause Front Squat (2sec) - 4,4,3,3 rest 3min (build)
C. Snatch RDL @3030 - 4,4,3,3; rest 3min (build)
D. BB Snatch Grip OH Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed (115-135# across)
E. KB 2arm Front Rack Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed
CS - Recovery
A. build to 185#
B. 225, 245, 265, 275# harder than expected
C. 185, 225, 245, 255 **didn't use hook grip till last rep at 255#
D. 135# no prob.
E. 79#/h, hard to get them up but not bad to carry.