Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Training 070615

10min AD @ EN2 (140-160 BPM)
10min Row @ EN2
10min Run @ EN2
x2 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/hamstring/calf)
CS - Activation
A. HB Back Squat - 3,3,3,2,2 rest 3min (building)
B. Snatch DL @31x1 - 3,3,3,2,2; rest 3min (building)
C. Seated DB 2arm Z-Press @21x2 - 5 x 6-8 ea arm; rest 2min
D. BB Snatch Grip OH Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed (115-135# across)
E. KB 2arm Front Rack Carry - 4 x 50m ea arm; rest as needed

CS - Recovery

Started w/ Row, kept 2:08ish pace
AD had to push to about 61-62 RPM (just counting, on AD at home, no monitor)

A. 295, 315, 335, 355, 375. Felt solid
B. 245, 265, 285, 305, 325. all good, I really like these.
C. 30, 35, 45, 45, 45.  First time using 45# on 2 arm I think.  Felt tight overhead but strong
D. 135 across.  felt good
E. 53, 53, 70, 70. Felt good
Will post some video later

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