Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Aug 7-11

Row - 3 x 10sec @ 100% effort; rest 3min (goal: establish FASTEST /500m pace possible)
Row - 3 x 1k; rest 30sec @ 2:00 pace
Rest - 2min
x2 Rounds (6k total)
Choice Cyclical - 10min flush (Rec/EN1 pace)
Mobility - 30min

Hit 1:21/500m on the sprint on the 3rd one
Row @ 2:00/500m complete. This was pretty tough
Recovery done on bike
A. 2 Position Hang Squat Clean (high hang + below knee) - 1 moderate complex every 90sec for 10 sets (90-100% of last weeks heaviest complex across)
B. Snatch Pull - 4 x 3; rest 2:30 (225# across)
D. Pressing Snatch Balance - 5 x 3; rest 2min (95# across)
E. Front Rack Yoke Carry (whole hand on Yoke bar) - 4 x 25m; rest as needed (180# loaded)

A. 225 for 5 sets, 235 for 4 sets 245 for 1.  Felt good, hands not used to barbell work, did this without dropping it
B. Done, doesn't feel heavy necessarily but not fast or explosive either
D. Complete felt good, better thanl ast week.
E. Done

12min AMRAP @ EN3 (160-170 BPM)
20cals Row
20 Airsquats w/ 40# sandbag (back rack)
40 Double-unders
Rest 4min
12min AMRAP @ EN3
20cals AD
20 BJ @ 20" (step down)
10 Burpees

3 + 10 Cals w/ 2x20# vests for the squats, low back got a little tight on squats, other than that it was all good.  Kept row @ about 1050Cal/hr
3 + 8 Cals, all good.  Legs a bit heavy or stiff feeling on box jumps I think just not used to that explosive contraction.


AD/Row/Ski/Run - 80min @ EN2
*wear elevation mask for 40min (not for running)
Mobility - 30min

Done, 15 min Row @ 2:17/500m + 20 min Bike + 5 min Row w/ Mask then 20 min Run @ 2:11/500m for 8 min then bike 7 min then run 5

A. BB Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk - 15min practice/mechanics work (singles only, work form blocks)
B. Power Clean - 2 moderate reps on the min for 10min (foucs on receiving position)
C. Pause Front Squat (1sec) - 3 perfect reps on the min for 8min (4x 215 / 4x 225)
D. Snatch Deadlift (Oly style) - 3 perfect reps on the min for 8min (4x 235 / 4x 245)
E. DB 1arm 1/2 Kneeling Press @21x2 - 3 x 12 ea arm; rest as needed

A. build to 185# for a PP/PJ/SJ, I don't have jerk blocks so I had to lower them down
B. 185 4 sets, 195, 4 sets 205 2 sets. Used replay and focused on receiving.  Hard to work on balance on that fast and dynamic of a catch b/c it doesn't feel off.
C. Complete, felt good
D. Complete felt good
E. Done w/ 35#.  Need to keep working on these, I feel like they really help the structure of the shoulder
10min General Warm-up
Row - 6 x 150m @ 2k pace; rest 60sec
Row - 2k @ 2:01/500m pace (target 8:04.0)
Rest 60sec
Mobility - 30min

Warm Up done
6 x 150m @ 1:50/500m- 33 sec/set
2k's- 8:04.1, 8:03.9, 8:04.00- very tough.  After first set, I didn't think I was going to make so clad I did.  Last one was more inconsistent slower than 2:01 pace during the middle and had to push a little at the end.
Sled Push - 6 x 15sec @ 100% effort; rest 3-4min (increase load 10# total
30min AMRAP @ EN1/EN2
75m 2arm KB OH Carry (mod-heavy)
75m 2arm Farmers Carry (mod-heavy)
5 Wall-walks (maintain perfect body-line across)
40sec Hollow Hold
75m Front Rack Yoke Carry (moderate)
Postural Program

Sled Push done @ 100# on top of sled, feel better every week on these
30 min was tougher than expected!  Need this work for sure
OH Carries- 26#/h
FC- 53#/h
Yoke- 50# on top
3 rounds + 20m OH Carry
Slipping on Wall Walks slowed me down a little, had to wipe area up after every 2 reps.  Hollow Holds were very tough.

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