Thursday, February 5, 2015


Week 4
10 sets @ 85-90%:
1 min Rowing
1 min rest
1 min AirBike
1 min rest

Row stayed about 1:43/500m avg
Air Dyne no monitor

PM - SN int + CJ mod + LEnd tester
Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, work to a tough double - no dropping b/t reps
Power Clean. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, every 90 sec x 8 sets - 4 sets @ 205lbs, 4 sets @ 225lbs
Every 2 minutes @ 100% x 4 sets:
12 Chest to Bar
9 Thrusters @ 115lbs
6 Bar Facing Burpees
*Record split time
*I want you to go in reverse order on sets 2 and 4 (i.e. burpees>thrusters>chest to bar)

Hang Snatch 195, no misses
Clean Complex got very tough, 225 felt like a max on the last 2 sets
48, 48, 50, 49. Hit chalk bucket with hand on 3rd set.  Harder than I expected.

AM - DL int (varied) + CP Battery Tester
Deadlift @ 315lbs, 2 touch n go every 20 sec x 10-20 sets - # of sets is ability dependent
10 rounds for time:
4 unbroken hang power clean @ 205lbs
4 unbroken kipping hspu to 10 deficit

PM - 10 min MAP x 3 (high gym)
10 min @ 90%:
Toes to Bar - 10,10,10,10,10,etc.
Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft - 3,6,9,12,15,etc.
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
100 Burpees to 6 OH
AMRAP Alternating Pistols in remaining time
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
15 hang power clean and push press @ 75lbs
20 deadlift @ 75lbs
25 box jump @ 24"

DL- 15 sets, probably could have squeezed out a couple more sets but got pretty tough and honestly was worried about next part.
10 rft- 17 min, HSPU were about 13" deficit (didn't measure till after) but they were still relatively the easy part.  Hang Cleans were tough from set 1.  Breathing never got high at all.  Hang Power is my worst version of any lift.

Up to 24 Wall Ball + 10 Toes to Bar- all WB unbroken
100 Burpees in 7:45 + 40 Pistols
3 rounds + 25 reps
**7p.m. after a day of traveling with fam.  no warm up but honestly felt pretty good untill the last piece.  It was the worst, shoulders were burning like crazy with that hang clean to OH.

2 sets @ 85-90%:
5 min AirBike
5 min rest
5 min Rowing
5 min rest

Air Dyne, kept above 60RPM
Row Kept about 1:55/500m

PM - CJ int + SN mod + LEnd tester
A. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, work to a moderate single
B. 2 touch n go Squat Snatch @ 155lbs every 30 sec x 15 sets
C. 2 x 90 sec time cap @ 100%:
300m Row
AMRAP Thrusters @ 95lbs in remaining
3 min b/t sets
265 Cl&J
B. Complete felt good, back started getting a hair tight but not bad.
First set- Row 57.7, 11 Thrusters
Second set- Row 56.8, 13 Thrusters
Honestly, didn't hurt too bad.  Pace on row was about 1:35 which started to hurt but the thrusters felt find and didn't get my breathing any higher, just burned my legs.

AM - DL int (varied) + PChain + SL int + Core
A. Deficit Deadlifts @ 22X1, work to a challening triple - standing on 2 platform
B1. Good Mornings @ 50X0, 3 reps x 3 sets, 10 sec
B2. GH Raises @ 50X0, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, 2 min
C. Front Rack Barbell Reverse Lunge, 6-5-4/leg, 2 min b/t sets
A. Build to 355, felt pretty good.  Got to 315 with clean grip no hook grip
B. 185, 205, 205
C. on Ground
C. 185, 205, 225. Felt strong

PM - CF Tester

208!  Pumped that I got back to the rower finally.  Push the row a little harder on the front end, then slowed down.  Did 5's on TTB and 10's on WB.  5, 5, 4, 3, 3 on muscle ups.  Much better than last time.

AM - MAP Low %’s (skills/core)
30 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
5 min No Push-up Burpees
4 min Rowing
3 min Alternating Step-ups onto 24"
2 min Single Unders
1 min Bear Crawl

About 62 burpees both times
Row around 2:02/500m
About 58 step ups
completed the rest

PM - IGT (potential + fatigued)
5 sets @ high effort:
5 pull-ups + 5 chest to bar + 5 bar muscle-up
2 min box jump overs @ 30"
3 min b/t sets
5 sets @ high effort:
25 Russian KBS @ 32kg
25 Air Squats
25 Push-ups
2 min b/t sets

Had to drop and reset b/w CTB and BMU but unbroken
35 Box Jump Overs every time- breathing got high but legs feeling heavy was limiter.

1:45, 1:35, 1:31, 1:30, 1:26- felt good

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