Thursday, February 12, 2015


Week 5
5 sets @ 85-90%:
2 min Rowing
2 min rest
2 min AirBike
2 min rest
Kept row around 1:50
AirDyne 65+RPM

PM - SN int + CJ mod + LEnd tester
Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
Below Knee Hang Power Clean. Split Jerk, 3.3 x 6 sets, 2 min - start @ 185lbs, add 5 lbs per set
For time:
45 Pull-ups
45 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 min EZ Run

205 on snatch, felt pretty solid
Cl&J complex felt pretty good.  Jerk felt better
2:30 on metcon.  Pull Ups were a bit harder than expected.  Broke thrusters @ 33 reps then finished 12.  Really wanted to go unbroken but lockout over head was the struggle.
10 min run done 

AM - DL int (varied) + CP Battery Tester
Deadlift @ 315lbs, 5 touch n go every 45 sec x 6-9 sets - # of sets is ability dependent
For time:
30 Hang Power Clean @ 185lbs
10 double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm
20 Hang Power Clean @ 185lbs
20 double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm
10 Hang Power Clean @ 185lbs
30 double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm

DL- 6 sets complete felt REALLY heavy.
Metcon- 15:18
Broke it up like this:
6's on HC for set of 30
10 UB
8/7/5 for set of 20 HC
20 UB
10 UB HC
15/15 last set of squats
**I don't think I do well with heavy weights in the morning.  I got plenty of sleep and wasn't rushed this morning.  DL felt really have and it was a real fight to just get the 6 sets.
Then on the Hang Cleans they felt REALLY heavy to start. Sets of 6 was harder than the final set of 10 almost.  Only limiter on the squats was left shoulder being able to keep the KB's up in front rack.
I think I could shave a pretty substantial amount of time off this if I redid it and it mattered.  I wanted to keep pretty big sets on the hang cleans just to gain some confidence on them.

PM - 10 min MAP x 3 (high gym)
10 min @ 90%:
100 cal Rowing
AMRAP Burpee Ring Muscle-ups in remaining time
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
100 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10 ft
AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24 in remaining time
10 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
10 Toes to Bar
25 DU's
10 Ring Dips
25 DU's

1st- Finished row at about 5:30, then 21 BMU's.  Pull on the MU's felt really weak.  Surprisingly the muscle up was more the hard part than anything
2nd- Wall Ball done in about 4:30ish (I did 45/15/15/15/10)  Wanted to get to 50 but it would have been basically max effort.  Then I kinda settled down after the first set of 15.  WBs been feeling pretty good if I can break them into smaller sets.  That 45 was still a pretty tough effort.  I got 45 BBJO's.  Just stayed pretty smooth and consistent on those.
3rd- 6 rounds + 8 TTB. Just took this at bout 80% till the end b/c I know if I wasn't careful I could easily start out too hot with these movements.  All unbroken the whole time

1 set @ 85-90%:
10 min AirBike
10 min rest
10 min Rowing
AirDyne- kept around 65RPM
Row- Kept @ 2:00/500m or under

PM - CJ int + SN mod + LEnd tester
A. Squat Clean. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, 1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Power Snatch. OHS, 1.2 @ 175lbs per min x 15 mins
1 min CJ @ 95lbs
1 min rest
1 min Burpees to 6 OH
1 min rest
1 min Rowing
*Goal is 85+ total reps

A. 255
B. Complete felt great
C. 77 reps.  Time got away from me.  I did it unbroken but just needed to go faster.  I can't make up enough ground on the rower.
22 CJ's
23 Burpees
32 Cals

AM - DL int (varied) + PChain + SL int + Core
A. Deadlift, work to a moderately tough single
B1. Good Mornings @ 50X0, 2 reps x 4 sets, 10 sec
B2. GH Raises @ 50X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
C. 5 sets:
20 sec L Sit on Rings
10 sec
10 tough Front Rack BB Walking Lunges

A. 390 felt really heavy
B1. 205 felt tough
B2. done
C. L-Sit done but more of a tuck position.  Lunges done w/ 205# every set.  Did reverse lunges b/w I was in my garage. 

PM - CF Tester
3,6,9,12,15,18,21 for time:
Bar Facing Burpees
Thrusters @ 95lbs
11:54.  Pretty happy with how this felt.  There's a little more in the tank.  Did it all unbroken.  Felt 1000% better than last year.

AM - MAP Low %’s (skills/core)
30 minutes @ 75%/moderate:
25ft HS Walk
20 unbroken DU’s x 3 sets
15 cal Rowing
10 Strict Knees to Elbows
5 R Arm TGU @ 16kg
5 L Arm TGU @ 16kg
4 + 8 Cal Row.  Shoulder burn all around on this.  

PM - IGT (potential + fatigued)
4 sets @ high effort:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
5 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups
2 min No Push-up Burpees
3 min b/t sets
4 sets @ high effort:
30 Box Jump Overs @ 24"
20 Chest to Bar
10 Strict HSPU
3 min b/t sets

First sets- All MU's unbroken and finished BRMU about 57 seconds (for both MU's and BRMU's) Burpees were 37, 32, 35, 34
Second sets- All Unbroken- 2:05, 2:00, 1:55, 2:01.  Felt pretty good.  Legs were heavy I think from yesterday but not bad.  Last set hurt a little.

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