Saturday, May 23, 2015

A. Build to a Moderate 5 Sumo Dead Lift @ 40X0
3 sets @ high effort
15 Wall Ball, 20#
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
10 Alt DB Snatch, 75#
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets

90 min AMRAP
200m Farmer's Carry, 70#
15 Wall Walks
42 Double Unders

4 + Row + Carry + 7 WW's
went to slow on the WW's on first 2 rounds.  Farmer's Carry killed me.  Broke 4x on the first round and only got worse
Forearms are pretty sore today (saturday)

A1. Hang Kneeling Single Arm Press @ 30X3, 5 reps x 3, rest as needed
A2. 3 Point DB Row @ 30X3, 8 reps x 3, rest as needed
B1. Incline SA Bench Press @ 33X1, 8 reps x 5, rest as needed
B2. Chin Over Bar Hold w/ L-Sit, 15 sec x 5, rest as needed
C1. Split Jerk Banded Press, 8/arm x 3, rest as needed
C2. Lying DB reverse Fly's, 8 x 3, rest as needed

A1. 45# DB (L side harder for strength, R side harder for lockout b/c of flexibility)
A2. 45# DB (R side harder)
B1. 45# DB
B2. Done felt pretty good
C1. Done
C2. 8# DB's

A. Kang Squat, 5 reps x 3, rest as needed
B. Pause Good Mornings w/ 5 sec pause at bottom, 3 reps x 3, rest as needed
Gymnastics and movement play video'd below

A. 135, 165, 185
B. 135#

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