6min AD @ EN2 (140-160 BPM)
6min Row @ EN2
6min Run @ EN2
x3 Rounds
Mobility (static) - 15min (glute/hip-flexor+quad/groin/ hamstring/calf)
CS - Activation
A. HB Back Squat - 5,5,5,3,3; rest 3min (building)
B. Clean Grip RDL - 5,5,5,3,3; rest 3min (building)
C. Seated DB 1arm Z-Press @21x2 - 4 x 6-8 ea arm; rest 45sec b/t arms
D. KB Bottoms-up Overhead Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed b/t arms
E. KB Bottoms-up 90/90 Carry - 5 x 30m ea arm; rest as needed b/t arms
CS - Recovery
Complete felt good
First bike was tough to get above 130 again, next two were about 143 HR
Row 2:07-2:09/500m high 140's first, 153ish, 156ish
Run HR- 145ish, 155ish, 158ish
Bike is definitely lowest HR for me and more leg burn. Done on Air Dyne again
A. 275, 295, 315, 335, 345. Felt strong here
B. 275, 295, 315, 335, 355# didn't feel as strong
C. 25, 25, 30, 35#'s. Best it's felt yet, 8 reps each time. L side a hair weaker but much better.
D. 26, 26, 35, 35, 35#'s
E. 26--->. L side definitely harder but made it w/ 26 across this time.
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