Monday, January 30, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 1 x 3 sets, Noon - "Flow"
4 sets @ 95%:
21 Thrusters - 95lb
18 Chest to Bar Chin-ups
15 Push-up Burpees
Rest 6 x work time
1:30, 1:37, 1:50.. had to call it due to the critical drop off. Worst feeling lactate session ever as I usually enjoy these relatively. Not sure what the issue was???

20 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 145- 4496m
turkish get-up tech work @ 32kg - 5 min
20 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 155- 4374m
pec/hip flexor static stretching
20 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 152- 4454m

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Monday - AM - DL Speed + Jerk tech + Snatch tech + KBS work, Noon - "Flow"
A. DL @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 65% RM x 6 sets, 60 sec
B. Behind Neck Split Jerk, 1 tough rep x 5 sets, 3 min
C. Snatch Balance, 5 reps @ 135lb x 3 sets, 2 min
D. KBS - 40kg, 10 reps overhead x 5 sets, 2 min
A. @ 275- felt good
B. 245, 275, 275, 285, 285- felt ok. Didn't warm up to it enough, last sets felt better. No fails
C. complete easy
D. Felt really good, really focused on straight arms and straight up KB at the top.

20 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
upper body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
20 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
lower body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
20 min Run @ Z1 - wear heart rate monitor if possible
Complete and felt pretty good, felt the fatigue in my calves on the last 5 min of the last run but other than that felt good. HR never got much above 150.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Saturday - Oly tech work + MAP Multi (3/3--4/4--5/5--5/3)
Squat Snatch @ 115lb, 3 touch n go reps x 5 sets, 1 min good and easy, smooth
Hang Squat Clean @ 155lb, 3 reps x 5 sets, 1 min - focus on speed under the bar ditto
5 minutes of high/consistent/aerobic work: HR up to 175 on each set depending on movement
10 ohs - 65lb 4 + 10 OHS + 28 DU's-
50 double unders
--5 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
5 chest to bar chin-ups 5+ 25, wanted 6
10 ring push-ups
15 box jumps - 20"
--5 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
15 kbs - 24kg 5 even
15 squats
--5 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
5 chin-ups 10 even
5 push-up burpees
--5 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
row 200m 3 + Row
10 sdlhp - 65lb

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Friday - Noon - DL Intense + Clean and Jerk OR Snatch intense + BSq/GHD Raise work
A. DL CLuster, 1.1 x 4 sets, 5 min
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk, build to a heavy double
C1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3-3-3-3-3, 10 sec - 90% effort each set
C2. GH Raises @ 10X0, 7-15 reps x 5 sets, 3 min - place our hands on your head the entire time
A. 385, 395, 405, 410- first too sets came up surprisingly fast. Felt pretty good
B. 205, 225, 235, 245- power clean felt weak but Jerk felt really good so pleased with this
C1. 305, 315, 315, 325, 335
C2. 12, 12, 10, 10, 10

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (30/30--60/60--60/45--60/30), Noon - "Flow"
4 sets @ high/consistent/aerobic effort:
60 sec Shuttle running inside gym
45 sec walk
60 sec (30 sec Bear Crawl/30 sec Walking Lunges)
45 sec walk
60 sec High Knee Jump Rope
45 sec walk
60 sec (30 sec R Arm KB Snatch - 16kg/30 sec L Arm KB Snatch - 16kg)
45 sec walk
SR- about 17m 1 way - 14 trips/set
Counted Lunges- 25, 26, 27, 27
Didn't count High Knees but stayed consistent never stopped
Per arm- 15, 15, 16, 16

15 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor 4.4miles- HR 132
Handstand Hold tech work - 5 min
15 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor 4.5 miles- HR 140
Muscle-up Speed work, 3 really fast reps x 5 sets, 2 min all under 8 seconds
15 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor 4.5 miles- HR 140

Monday, January 23, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 1 x 3 sets, Noon - "Flow"
3 sets @ 95% effort:
7 squat clean thruster - 115lb
20 ring dips
15 kbs - 32kg
Rest 6 x work time
1:15, 1:13, 1:12
Pace felt really good here, KB Swings felt good too!

15 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 2:12 pace, HR 140
turkish get-up tech work @ 24kg - 5 min
15 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 2:12-2:14 pace, HR 145
pec/hip flexor static stretching
15 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 2:12-2:15 pace, HR 148
Breathing felt good the whole way through on this one even though I pushed the pace up a bit from past 2 weeks.


Monday - AM - DL Speed + Jerk tech + Snatch tech + KBS work, Noon - "Flow"
A. DL @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 60% RM x 8 sets, 60 sec 255, felt easy but still slow
B. Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 80% RM x 7 sets, 90 sec 225, felt pretty good, not great
C. Hang Squat Snatch, build to a challenging single 135, 155, 165, 185, 195- 185 felt awesome, 195 failed 2 attempts and got the 3rd and it felt easy. Started from a dead pause at mid thigh
D. Russian KBS - 40kg, 20 reps x 5 sets, 120 sec felt great!
15 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
upper body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
15 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
lower body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
15 min Run @ Z1 - wear heart rate monitor if possible
HR was 145 first set then 148 or so on the next two sets but felt good, felt I could have maintained pace for very long time. Ran at about a 10 min/mile pace, I know it's slow!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Saturday - Oly tech work + MAP Multi (3/3--4/4--5/5--5/3)
Power Clean @ 50% effort, 3 reps x 5 sets, 90 sec - focus on 2nd pull speed
Split Jerk @ 185lb, 3 fast perfect reps x 5 sets, 1 min - take bar from floor
4 minutes of high/consistent/aerobic work:
2 muscle-ups
30 double unders
--4 min recovery
4 min high aerobic:
6 hspu
9 russian kbs - 32kg
12 box jumps - 20"
--4 min recovery
4 min high aerobic:
9 chin-ups
9 ring dips
row 150m
--4 min recovery
4 min high aerobic:
10 wall balls - 20#
5 push-up burpees
--4 min recovery
4 min high aerobic:
10 gh sit-ups
30 double unders
Power Clean- 3 sets @ 185, 2 sets @ 205. Felt fast and easy, focused on landing foot position
Split Jerk felt good and fast. First set felt a bit tight, rest of them shoulders felt much better than usual.
MU/DU- (accidentally did 5 min) 7 + 2 Muscle Ups- HR 171
HSPU/KBS/BJ- 4 + 15- HR 176
PU/RD/Row- 3- HR 174
WB/Burpee- 4 + 7- HR 176
SU/DU- 4- HR 175

This is off memory b/c I left my book at gym but I think it's accurate. May have a change or 2.
Breathing felt off today, maybe it's just getting into the longer MAP sessions but felt like my #'s should have been higher on most all of these.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Friday - Noon - DL Intense + Clean and Jerk OR Snatch intense + BSq/GHD Raise work
A. DL CLuster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 7 min - start @ 370lb
B. Power Snatch, build to a heavy single
C1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4-4-4-4-4, 10 sec - 90% effort each set
C2. GH Raises @ 10X0, 7-15 reps x 5 sets, 3 min - place our hands on your head the entire time
A. 370, 395, 385- I know, not supposed to drop weight, 370 felt good, 395 last rep was a huge struggle so dropped to 385 and it was perfect, meaning very difficult
B. 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 175, 185
C1. 295, 305, 305, 315, 315- had more confidence here so started heavy and glad I did, felt good.
C2. 12, 10-->
Felt pretty good today, squats felt great and dead lifts ok but feeling better. GH Raises hurt bad as usual

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (30/30--60/60--60/45--60/30), Noon - "Flow"
4 sets @ high/consistent/aerobic effort:
60 sec Box Jumps - 30" - step down
60 sec walk
60 sec Double unders
60 sec walk
60 sec Rowing
60 sec walk
60 sec KBS - 24kg
60 sec walk
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
Box Jumps- 24/157 24/170 24/171 24/171
DU's- 108/163 109/171 104/172 109/176
Row(pace)- 1:55/148 1:55/151 1:55/160 1:55/161
KB Swings- 27/161 27/166 27/166 27/168

12 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor
Handstand Hold tech work - 5 min
12 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor
L Sit tech work - 5 min
12 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor
HR/round- 1) 135 2) 137 3) 141 (this was good though, someone came in and was talking to me and I maintained the same pace as previous 2 sets but was talking a lot which is why, I assume, the HR was bit higher.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 1 x 3 sets, Noon - "Flow"
3 sets @ 95% effort:
15 thrusters - 95lb
15 c2b chin-ups
15 push-up burpees
Rest 6 x work time
1:14, 1:14, 1:15
HR was 170, 30 sec following the last set. 150-90 seconds later
Rest time was 7:30, felt pretty good but can tell I haven't been doing much lactate training

HR stayed around 132 throughout @ 2:22 pace
12 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor
turkish get-up tech work @ 24kg - 5 min 5/hand
12 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor
pec/hip flexor static stretching had a major not in my calf from yesterday i guess so I did trigger point on it during this instead of pec stretch
12 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor


Monday - AM - DL Speed + Jerk tech + Snatch tech + KBS work, Noon - "Flow"
A. DL @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 55% RM x 10 sets, 60 sec - focus on speed off floor to full extension, not touch n go reps, reset every time
B. Push Press. Push Jerk. SPlit Jerk, 1.2.3 x 3 sets, 5 min - @ 70% Jerk RM
C. Squat Snatch, build to 85% RM for 1 rep
D. Russian KBS - 40kg, 15 reps x 6 sets, 90 sec
A. Done @ 235# felt a little better but still feel slow off the floor
B. 185, 205, 215- sorry totally missed the 70% when I read it this morning at 4:45 wish I had b/c I failed the last split jerk.
C. 155, 165, 175, 185, 190 felt ok once I got going. Didn't have much pop in my pull had to really focus on keeping my butt down.
D. These felt great, grip felt strong

12 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
upper body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
12 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
lower body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
12 min Run @ Z1 - wear heart rate monitor if possible
Complete- ran in neighborhood with mixed terrain so HR was between 135 and 145 depending on terrain. Generally around 138 or so

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Saturday - Oly tech work + MAP Multi (3/3--4/4--5/5--5/3)
Power Snatch @ 50% effort, 3 x 3, 2 min
Hang Power Snatch @ 50% effort, 5 x 3, 2 min
3 minutes of high/consistent/aerobic work:
1 muscle-up
10 fast walking lunges
--3 min recovery
3 min high aerobic:
10 SDLHP - 65lb
15 Air Squats
--3 min recovery
3 min high aerobic:
150m Row
10 hand release push-ups
--3 min recovery
3 min high aerobic:
25 double unders
5 toes to bar
--3 min recovery
3 min high aerobic:
7 ring dips
7 box jumps - 40"
Power Snatch- 135, 155, 155 felt good and fast
Hang Power Snatch, 115, 135, 135 same (actually did these after the MAP, totally forgot about it until after the MAP session a client saw it on my board and remind me)
MAP session scores:
MU/Lunge= 9 + 1 Muscle up (i think, may have been 10 + 1 but it's the only one i didn't video)
HSPU/SDLHP/Sq= 4 + 5 hspu (had a little leg burn in the squats but nothing bad)
Row/PushUp= 3 + 40m
DU/T2B= 5 + 28 tripped up 2x on DU so should have been 6
RD/BJ= 4 even, I was nervous about the box jump but it actually felt pretty good)

Overall feel good, recovered, breathing was a little heavy today but was fully recovered in 3 min so was able to feel pretty good all the way through it. Was not limited by anything other than speed of movements on the MAP session which is what it's designed to be so that was good. Video's to come to check breathing patterns and pacing. Great week!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Friday - Noon - DL Intense + Clean and Jerk OR Snatch intense + BSq/GHD Raise work
A. DL CLuster, x 3 sets, 7 min - start @ 350lb
B. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough single
C1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5-5-5-5-5, 10 sec - 90% effort each set
C2. GH Raises @ 10X0, 7-15 reps x 5 sets, 3 min
A. 350, 365, 375 felt pretty strong here, back got tight
B. 155, 205, 225, 255 and stopped there. Felt good and solid but didn't want a failed rep so stopped safely (PR is 275)
C1. 265, 275, 285, 295, 305 these felt surprisingly good going off how my back felt. Did not think I was going to feel strong here which is why i started low. Every set felt great, last set slowed a little bit on 4th and 5th reps
C2. Did 10/set. first 3 hands on temples, last 2 hands on chest

Video's to come to check form on DL, Cl&J and speed on Squat
Good day, good energy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (30/30--60/60--60/45--60/30), Noon - "Flow"
6 sets @ high/consistent/aerobic effort:
30 sec Wall Balls - 20#
30 sec walk
30 sec Double unders
30 sec walk
30 sec Box Jumps - 24" - step down each rep
30 sec walk
30 sec Shuttle Run inside gym
2 min walk recovery
Wall Ball- 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17
DU's- 55/set
Box Jumps- 16, 17 for the rest (hate stepping down on 24", I'm too short!)
Shuttle Run- about 10m x 9 each set
energy was good, breathing was good. Enjoyed this MAP session, felt I could have maintained for a very long time.
video of last set will be up tonight

10 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor
Handstand Hold tech work - 5 min
10 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor
L Sit tech work - 5 min
10 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor
HR around 125
HS Holds pretty good, not good at this but getting better
L-sit I'm terrible at, flexibility and hip flexor strength are both bad


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 1 x 3 sets, Noon - "Flow"
3 sets @ 95% effort:
20 thrusters - 75lb
20 chin-ups
Row 100m
Rest 6 x work time
1:23, 1:22, 1:19 felt good all the way through. Didn't feel like I had any lactate build up in the legs at all. Recovery was fast. Video to come
10 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 125-127
turkish get-up tech work @ 24kg - 5 min 5 or 6/hand, I'm not a fan of these, which is why I never programmed them
10 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 127-129
pec/hip flexor static stretching
10 min Row @ Z1 - HR monitor 127-129

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Monday - AM - DL Speed + Jerk tech + Snatch tech + KBS work, Noon - "Flow"
A. DL @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 50% RM x 12 sets, 60 sec - focus on speed off floor to full extension, not touch n go reps, reset every time 425 x .5 = 215 felt easy and fast
B. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1 x 7 sets, 2 min - use 70% of your Split Jerk 1 RM 275 x .7= 195 Most sets felt good, definitely stronger than it has been feeling
C. Squat Snatch, 5 touch n go reps x 5 sets, 1 min - use 135lbs - focus on speed under bar felt good but was more winded than I thought I'd be.
D. Russian KBS - 40kg, 15 reps x 5 sets, 90 sec had good pop, legs and low back felt strong. Grip got fatigued on every set after the first one, may need some grip work!

10 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible HR was 137-139
upper body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static Trigger point on shoulders for over head position and tri's for rack position
10 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible HR was 135-137
lower body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static foam roll then static stretching, hips mainly
10 min Run @ Z1 - wear heart rate monitor if possible HR was 135-139

Saturday, January 7, 2012


At my wife's house in gulfport
Light day
10 min run @ 80%
rest 1 min
9 min run back home @ 85% (in the rain, felt great!)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday 1/6/12

10 sets
30 sec Row @ 148-1:50 pace
30 sec active rest
30 sec Double Unders 55/set (54 on the 6th set)
30 sec active rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 30" 11, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14
30 sec active rest

A. Snatch Dead Lift @ 31X1 @ 125%; 3 x 3; rest 2 min done w/ 275 felt solid
B. Snatch Pull @ 115%- 3 x 3; @ 12X1; rest 2 min done w/ 255 felt really strong and fast
C. Power Snatch @ 80%- 1 every 30 sec for 5 min 165 felt pretty good, feet were landing a bit wide
D. Snatch Balance x 1/OHS x 1- heavy set- 175, 185, 205, 225, 245 felt solid

6:10. Goal here was zero pacing and see where it took me. Did 21 UB PC then steady on the burpees, held on to a decent pace but felt like I could have had a faster time had I partitioned the 21 PC to start. This wod hurt.
Power Clean, 135
Bar Facing Burpees
(2nd event @ MS Garage Games testing it out for my athletes competing)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday 1/4/12

A. Clean Pull @ 115%- 3 x 5; rest 2 min @ 325
B. Front Squat w/ 40# of chains- 3 x 6; rest 2 min 215, 225, 235
4 sets; 3 min clock
1 Hang Power Clean, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Squat Clean 215, 225, 235, 235 (felt good)
5 TnG Box Jumps, 30"
All sets under 35 seconds- felt fast on all of it

5 sets; rest 8 min
7 Power Jerk heavy 185, 195, 195, 195, 205
15 CTB Pull Ups all ub
Run 400m @ 90% all around 1:40
total times: 2:20, 2:25, 2:20, 2:22, 2:20

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

5 min @ Z1
30 sec @ 90% 1:50
30 sec @ 50% 2:30
x 20
5 min @ Z1

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Jan 2, 12

A. Axle Bar DL- heavy double 385
B. Back Squat- 3 x 5; rest 2 min 295, 315, 295
C. Halting Cl DL x 1/Clean Pull x 1) x 2; 3 sets; rest 2 min 245, 275, 295
D. Sq Cl & J- heavy single 245
session felt good, stayed away from failure on everything. 245 felt good for the fatigued state


5 sets
AMRAP Muscle Ups 12, 8, 8, 8, 9
rest 30 sec
HS Walk 60 sec
rest 30 sec
Air Dyne 3 min @ Z1
rest 30 sec

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A. Snatch- build to a heavy single 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205 (did power snatch + OHS)
B. Snatch Pull @ 115%- 3 x 3 @ 255
3 min @ Z1
30 sec @ 90% 1:45 pace
30 sec @ 50% 2:25 pace
x 10
3 min Run Z1

4 rounds for time
6 front squats from the ground @ 225
4 Box Jumps, 36"
2 Rope Climbs, 20' 12:35 front squats got real heavy! first 2 rounds in 4:15