Friday, June 29, 2012


Friday - Snatch intense + Power Clean moderate + Front Squat with Chains + GH Raise (intensity)
A. Snatch, 1 rep x 12 sets, 2:30 min - 4 sets @ 80%RM, 4 sets @ 85%RM, 4 sets @ 90%RM
B. Below Knee Hang Power Clean from blocks Cluster, x 3 sets, 4 min - all sets @ 80% RM, focus on speed under bar into receiving 
C. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, 5 min
D. GH Raise @ 50X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 3 min
A. Complete @ 175, 190, 200.  Felt good, not as perfect as last week but still good.  No misses
B. 230 for all.  Felt good, definitely dropping under it better.  Performed just below knee cap
C. 245 (5), 255 (5), 265 (3), 275 (3).  First 2 sets felt great, last 2 felt heavy.  No belt and stayed more upright till last rep.
D. Felt good and easy

Will have to do saturday's on sunday.  My grandfather passed away tuesday so the funeral is tomorrow and will spend the day with the family.

Saturday - AM - Flow + Oly Skills, PM - MAP Multi (low % - 10/10)
12 min Row @ 2:05/500m
High Hang from blocks Squat Snatch, 2 reps @ 60% RM x 5 sets, 1:30 min
Split Jerk @ 50% RM, 3 perfect reps x 5 sets, 2-3 min - focus on getting under bar with elbows locked, and lower the back knee closer to the floor (i.e. more bend in rear knee)
Free handstand holds - practice holding for a few seconds here x 10 attempts, rest as needed
12 min Row @ 2:05/500m
1st row felt good
HHSqSn @ 135- solid.  I like this lift and feel like it really helps a lot.  I'm able to focus on foot position and speed under the bar
Split Jerk- felt good.  Really focused on rear knee bend, unstable at first but go more and more comfortable.  LIked using the really light weight to focus on technique
HS Holds- not great.  5-8 seconds per hold.  Out of practice on these, won't take long to get it back
2nd row felt ok just extremely sweaty.  Got to love MS heat and humidity.

10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Run 200m
7 Chin-ups
7 Wall Balls - 20#
--5 minute recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Airdyne 15 cals
10 KBS @ 24kg
5 Burpees
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Run 200m
7 Toes to Bar
7 Thrusters - 45lb
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort
10 cals AD
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down
10 GH Sit-ups
Set 1- 6 rounds + the run.  Stayed consistent the whole time.  First round took 90 sec
Set 2- 5 rounds + 3 Cals.  First round took 2 minutes.  (so sped up just a bit)
Set 3- 6 rounds + 30 sec of run.  This one was the toughest.  I think I drank a little too much BCAA's/Carbs during break before this.  Still felt good though.
Set 4- 5 rounds even.  Good finish

VERY Hot today as usual this time of year in MS.  Feeling much better w/ the aerobic stuff.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Week 2
Monday - Clean and Jerk intense + Snatch Pulls + DL slow + Snatch tech + GH Raise (volume)
A. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, 1 rep x 12 sets, 4 min - 4 sets @ 80%RM, 4 sets @ 85%RM, 4 sets @ 90%RM

B. Snatch Pull @ 12X1, 3 reps @ 235lb x 3 sets, 3 min

C. Racked Deadlifts from knee cap @ 33X1, 3-3-3-3, 5 min

D. GH Raises @ 10X0, 15-20 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
A. 4 @ 230, 4 @ 245, 4 @ 255.  All felt solid and great.  Cleans felt really good.
B. Felt good
C. 365, 395, 405, 415.  I enjoyed this, very difficult w/ just that short range of motion so it obviously works my weakness
D. 20, 15, 15, 18 reps.  Feeling better than usual

Tuesday - Noon - LP1/LP2/MAP
5 x 20 sec Sled Sprint ALL OUT @ 90lb load, 4-5 min b/t sets
3 x 45 sec Row @ 500m PR, 5 min b/t sets
10 x 30 sec Row @ 50%/30 sec Row @ 80-85%
Warmed up w/ Ladder Footwork drills, this was fun.
Sled Sprints felt good, had some partners this week so probably pushed a bit harder.
Row held 1:31, this was very tough on the last set.  Last 8 sec or so slowed down a bit, legs were gassed.
Held 1:52 on the 80-85% efforts, just kept moving on the 50% efforts.  Had to stop on some of the 50% efforts b/c my back was tightening up.  Not low back but more mid back, just uncomfortable.  Other than that it was good.  Breathing was fine.

AM - Flow + Oly Skils
Airdyne 10 minutes @ 2:05/500m
Snatch Balance @ 165lb, 2 perfect reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
Airdyne 10 minutes @ 2:05/500m
Split Jerk @ 185lb, 2 perfect reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
Airdyne 10 minutes @ 2:05/500m
Complete.  Just tried to keep about the same intensity on the Air Dyne as 2:05 pace feels on the rower. Probably a bit slower actually
Snatch balance felt ok, shoulders felt a little uncomfortable.
Split Jerk felt great, No press out at all.

PM - MAP Multi (high % - 3/3 - wt's/gym/cyc)
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 DL @ 135lb
10 RIng Dips
15 cals Row
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
10 Thrusters - 65lb
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down
10 cals AD
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Clean and Jerk @ 95lb
10 Chin-ups
100m Run
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
15 Wall Balls - 20#
15 GH Sit-ups
50 Double Unders
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Power Snatch @ 95lb
5 Burpees
Run 100m
--15 min recovery

3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 DL @ 135lb
10 RIng Dips
15 cals Row
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
10 Thrusters - 65lb
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down
10 cals AD
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Clean and Jerk @ 95lb
10 Chin-ups
100m Run
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
15 Wall Balls - 20#
15 GH Sit-ups
50 Double Unders
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Power Snatch @ 95lb
5 Burpees
Run 100m
Set 1
2 + 10, 1 + 29, 2 + 50m run, 1 + 25, 2 + 10
Set 2
2 + 10, 2 even, 2 + 25m run, 1 + 24, 2 + 10
This was much harder than last week.  I feel like the movements themselves were harder.  Breathing felt good for the most part, muscle fatigue was much more of a limiter than last week.
Not to mention it is literally 100 degrees F here and I trained at about 3:30 this afternoon so it is HOT.
Pull Ups felt heavy but we haven't been doing much of those, not worried b/c I know it'll come back around when time needs too.  Wall Ball/GH Sit Up/DU combo was definitely the toughest set.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


A. Snatch, 1 rep x 12 sets, 3 min - 4 sets @ 80%RM, 4 sets @ 85%RM, 4 sets @ 90%RM
B. Hang Power Clean from blocks Cluster, x 3 sets, 5 min - all sets @ 75% RM, focus on speed under bar into receiving 
C. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3-5 reps x 3 sets, 5 min
D. GH Raise @ 50X0, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, 3 min
A. complete w/ 175, 190, 200.  Felt awesome.  All but 2 were near perfect.  And those two were just a hair off but never moved feet on the landing, solid every time.
B. @ 215 felt strong and fast, warming up on the blocks felt a little funny but once I got to 215 it felt good.  I enjoyed these
C. 60lbs of chains, 245 (5), 265 (4), 275 (3).  May could have squeezed out another rep but back was rounding on the way up so called it.  Please w/ the #'s though
D. 6 reps/set and actually felt good and strong.  

Saturday - AM - Flow + Oly Skills, PM - MAP Multi (low % - 10/10)
10 min Row @ 2:05/500m
Power Snatch @ 60% RM, 3 perfect reps x 7 sets, 1 min
Hang Power Clean @ 60% Clean RM, 3 reps x 7 sets, 1 min
Turkish Get-ups, 30 total reps @ 16kg - slow and steady, focus on perfect repetitions
10 min Row @ 2:05/500m
First row felt good and steady
Snatches and Hang Cleans felt fast and easy
Turkish Get-ups... ehh.. not a fan but got them done in about 8 min i think
Second row was tough to hang on to pace, sweating all over the place and just couldn't focus on pace.  Finished last minute at 2:00/500m just to finish strong.

10 minutes of work @ 75-80% effort:
Run 100m
5 Wall Balls - 20#
5 Toes to Bar
--5 minute recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75-80% effort:
Airdyne 10 cals
10 KBS - 24kg
10 Walking Lunges
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75-80% effort:
Row 100m
15 Air Squats
15 Anchored Sit-ups
Set 1- 10 rounds even, felt good
Set 2- 7 rounds even, didn't feel quite as good but still good
Set 3- 7 rounds + row I think, felt good.  Squats burned a bit but all good.
Again, pleased with how the MAP sessions are feeling this week.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Week 1
Monday - Clean and Jerk intense + Snatch Pulls + DL slow + Snatch tech + GH Raise (volume)
A. Squat Clean and Push Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 90% effort x 3 sets, 5 min
B. Snatch Pull @ 12X1, 3 reps @ 225lb x 3 sets, 3 min
C. Romanian Deadlift @ 30X0, 6-5-4, 5 min
D. GH Raises @ 10X0, 12-15 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
A. 225, 235, 245- felt good to clean again.  Video to come over 235
B.Snatch Pulls felt strong, wanted to go heavier but stuck to the 225
C. 275, 295, 305.  Wasn't sure where to start w/ this so I did a set of six w/ 225 then bumped it up.  Felt good, felt like it was hitting directly what my weakness is in the dead lift.  Now sure how these #'s are supposed to compare to my normal dead lift.
D. 12/set- tough as usual...

Tuesday - Noon - LP1/LP2/MAP
5 x 20 sec Sled Sprint ALL OUT @ 90lb load, 4-5 min b/t sets
3 x 35 sec Airdyne @ 95%, 5-6 min b/t sets
10 x 30 sec AD @ 50%/30 sec AD @ 80-85%
Complete. Sled sprints felt a little slow starting but felt good, same distance every time.
Air Dyne Sprints, pushed a bit faster/set
MAP- stayed consistent @ a little high pace than I normally maintain on MAP so pleased w/ the effort.  Good day.

AM - Flow + Oly Skils
Row 10 minutes @ 2:05/500m
Snatch Balance @ 155lb, 2 perfect reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
Row 10 minutes @ 2:05/500m
Split Jerk @ 175lb, 2 perfect reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
Row 10 minutes @ 2:05/500m
Complete, felt good.  Really enjoyed doing the Oly Tech b/w Flow Row sets

PM - MAP Multi (high % - 3/3 - wt's/gym/cyc)
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
10 Russian KBS - 32kg
15 Box Jumps - 20"
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 C2B Chin-ups
10 Wall Balls - 20#
15 Double Unders
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Clean and Jerk @ 75lb
5 Burpees
Run 100m
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Power Snatch @ 75lb
5 Ring Dips
Row 150m
--15 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
10 Russian KBS - 32kg
15 Box Jumps - 20"
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 C2B Chin-ups
10 Wall Balls - 20#
15 Double Unders
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Clean and Jerk @ 75lb
5 Burpees
Run 100m
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% effort:
5 Power Snatch @ 75lb
5 Ring Dips
Row 150m
Round 1
Set 1- 3 + 9, set 2- 3 + 11, set 3- 3, set 4- 2 + 10 +20meters

Round 2
Set 1- 3 + 15, set 2- 3 + 17, set 3- 3 + 2, set 4- 2 + 10 + 40meters

Felt really really good here.  Been worried about this long session since I received the email.  Hamstrings are smoked from monday, hip flexors from yesterday.  Started at a steady pace, got through the first round feeling good so my goal was to improve every set and I was able to do that.  Hopefully this is a start to something good w/ my aerobic system!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


A. Split Jerk - build to 1RM
B. Squat Snatch - build to 205lb for a single
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to a heavy single
D. 1 mile Run ALL OUT
A. 285 PR... Finally, been a long time since I've even hit 275 (previous PR).  Very pleased for this to finally go up!
B. Felt solid (also hasn't been feeling good but this felt great)
C. Built up to 375 (previous PR) felt good, had more in me
D. 6:23, 3:15 out and 3:07 back in.  Wanted 6:00 and it's there just need to learn the pace a little more.  Legs were a little heavy from the squatting b/c I was pushed for time and obviously should have gone out a little harder if did that big of a negative split.  Felt strong!
Much needed good day in the gym, now I sit and think about what's to come below for tom...

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
15 KBS - 32kg
15 Burpees
7 + 17
Hurt, started off at a good pace a slowed down a good bit.  Video to come to see if I started too fast or slow but attacked it more than usual.  Not sure what a good score here is.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


10 rounds for time
4 Burpees
6 KBS, 70#
8 Wall Ball, 20#
First round in about 43/44 seconds, 5 rounds in 3:57.  Disappointed didn't get sub 8 but still feel like I did better than I would have 6 months ago.  Will discuss tomorrow w/ Coach.

Row 20 min @ 2:05/500m pace
Very busy day, didn't get to it.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LP1/LP2, Noon - Z1 Run
15,12,9 rep rds for time:
Power Clean @ 115lb
*Goal is sub 2:30 min
*Video this
2:36, I think my time last time was 2:47.  Obviously wanted to 2:30 but glad I improved.
Video to come

Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort
Wasn't able to b/c of rain so I did about 12 min on the air dyne, then 15 min of double unders and mobility work, then 5 min or so of air dyne

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Monday - Snatch tech + Jerk tech + DL Speed + KBS heavy + Prowler Sprint
A. Deadlift, build to a 1RM
B. High Hang Squat Snatch @ 135lb, 2 perfect reps x 5 sets, 1 min
C. Snatch Balance @ 155lb, 2 perfect rep x 5 sets, 1 min
D. Split Jerk @ 175lb, 3 perfect/fast reps x 5 sets, 1 min
E. Russian KBS - 97lb, 20 reps x 3 sets, 2 min
F. Prowler Push @ 185lb, push it as far as possible in 1 minute

A. 425, previous 1 rep is 430. Went for 435 and couldn't even budge it.  Felt very weak
B. Smooth and solid landings
C. Same as B
D. Same as B
E. Felt strong
F. 77meters, our prowler does have a little more surface area than the one we used in Scottsdale but I still feel like this was a poor performance.  Didn't feel strong and went into a walk pretty early on.  Recovered faster than scottsdale which tells me I couldn't dig as hard.

Overall, frustrated.  But it's just one day, on to the next, hoping to crush the next 2 testers

Saturday, June 9, 2012


CF for Hope WOD
3 rounds- 1 min each station
Snatch, 75#
Box Jumps, 24"
Thruster, 75#
CTB Pull Ups

264, not real happy.  Thought I would have been better.  Can't seem to find good pacing in tester style workouts at all. Not sure if I'm pacing too much or not enough or what.  May need more regular testers??? Not sure

Legs are pretty fatigued and it's raining so probably going to hit this instead of the runs this afternoon.
Complete 1 round every 75 sec x 10 sets:
2 Muscle-ups
8 KBS - 32kg
10 min rest
Every 3 min for 15 min
Run 400m; goal is all sub 1:40

Decided to kinda combine workouts b/c it quit raining and I know I need to work the running.
the "Nate" sets were good and all under 38 seconds
Runs were 1:29, 1:30, 1:33, 1:33, 1:35
Only did 5 runs b/c it was a long day with CF for Hope this morning.  Pushed pretty hard on these to test my recovery.  Felt like about 95% but was recovering so this tells me a little bit about my map sessions.  Need to push the pace a little more.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Friday - Snatch intense + Jerk intense + Back Squat with Chains + Throwing/GH Raises
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep every 2 minutes @ 200lb x 5 sets

B. Split Jerk, 1 rep every 2 minutes @ 250lb x 5 sets
D. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 1-1-1, 5 min - all tough efforts
E1. GH Sit-up in Med Ball toss against wall, 10 fast/powerful reps x 5 sets, 10 sec - tuck med ball to chest then launch it off chest against wall on the way up
E2. GH Raises @ 30X0, 6-8 reps x 5 sets, 3 min - hands on head, add DB if possible
A. only got 3 reps, felt like garbage over head.  Need more heavy Snatch Balance and Snatch Pulls I think.  That works well for me I believe
B. Felt ok but not great
D. 315, 345, 355- 315 felt easy, 345/55 was rough but happy with it.  I feel like Squat is the only thing improving as far as strength goes right now.  We'll see next week with testing...
E1/2. Complete Sit ups were good, I liked these.  Raises, getting better.  All 5 sets w/ 10lb weight & 8 reps

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP single, Noon - Z1 Row
3 sets @ moderate effort:
1 minute KBS - 24kg
30 sec recovery
1 minute Burpee Box Jumps - 24" - Regional Standard
30 sec recovery
1 minute (15 toes to bar/remaining time on Double Unders)
30 sec recovery
1 minute (15 Ring Dips/remaining time on Airdyne)
30 sec recovery
Feeling fatigued this morning
KBS- 27, 26, 27
BBJ- 13, 12, 11
DU's- 46, 46, 22 (1 trip up on first 2 sets, last set just had to breathe, I was gassed)
AD- Same RPM's throughout
Much tougher than I thought it was going to be.  Not sure I got enough carbs in after yesterdays lactate session till this morning.  Nervous about the afternoon row.

Row 20 minutes @ 2:05/500m

Monday, June 4, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LP1/LP2, Noon - Z1 Run
5 sets @ 97%: Prowler Sprint 35 sec @ 100lb, 6 min b/t sets
10-15 min rest
5 sets @ 90-95%: 6 fast touch n go Clean and Overhead @ 135lb/12 C2B Chin-ups/9 Burpees, rest 6 min b/t sets
This was one of the most painful training sessions ever.  Definitely the most painful sense regionals!
Prowler got slower each set.  Last 2 sets I was walking the last 10 seconds, hurt really bad!
Cl&J/C2B/Burpee times were (in seconds) 56, 56, 54, 56, 50.
As you can see had a little gas left in the tank.  I was still recovering from the prowler.  This went pretty good especially considering what I felt like after the 4th Prowler.
Prowler definitely needs to stay a staple in my training.

Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort
Complete- felt pretty good, it's really hot here now.  Legs are smoked after today.  Hopefully the ice bath will help.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Monday - Snatch tech + Jerk tech + DL Speed + KBS heavy + Prowler Sprint
A. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 2 min - 135lb per set
B. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 2 min - 145lb per set
C. Behind the Neck Split Jerk, 5-4-3-2-1, 2 min - start @ 135lb, add 10lbs per set - focus on fast drop underneath bar with elbows locked
D. DL @ 13X1, 2 reps @ 70% RM x 6 sets, 1 min
E. Russian KBS - 97lb, 15 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
F. Prowler Push @ 185lb, 10 sec all out x 5 sets, 3 min
Did dead lifts @ 300#
Everything else complete and felt great.
Prowler was heavy but once I got it moving it was ok.  Looking forward to next week's testing!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Saturday - AM - MAP Multi, Noon - MAP Running
10 sets @ moderate effort:
3 Muscle-ups
9 Chin-ups
12 Wall Balls - 20#
1 min b/t sets
seconds- 68, 68, 67, 67, 65, 65, 66, 67, 66, 65
felt good to do some upper body stuff.  Breathing was good, shoulders got fatigued.

Run 200m @ 90% effort every 90 sec for 30 minutes - goal is 45 sec per set, or less
Complete- first 2 were 47, 46 seconds.  Next 12-14 were 43 seconds, last few were 45 seconds.
Challenging but good.