Thursday, March 29, 2012


Friday - DL intense + Oly intense + Oly Stamina + Airdyne LP1
A. DL, build to a tough single
B. Hang Power Clean, 3-3-3-3, 5 min
C. Squat Snatch @ 155lb, AMRAP touch n go reps x 3 sets, 5 min
D. Airdyne Sprint @ 97%, 30 sec x 5 sets, 3 min recovery
A. 425, hamstrings still smoked from SDLHP so I was pleased to get this. Low back felt a little funny mid way up and is sore now. Going to ice it and keep a watch on it but it should be fine.
B. 205, 225, 235, 245, 245- felt ok on these not great. Feet were going wide on the catch.
C. 8, 9, 9- didn't warm up enough so first set the first few reps were off balance. After that felt good, noticed when I'm in a good rhythm on these my right foot never moves.
D. Felt surprisingly good here. Went hard and had very little lactate build up.

Video to come of 2 sets of HP Clean and Squat Snatch. Forgot to video DL.

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