Sunday, October 30, 2011


Part 1
A. Back Squat- 65% + Chains; 12 x 2; EMOM 255 + 100# of chain at top
B. Dead Lift @ 65% + Bands; 6 x 2; EMOM 275 + Bands
C1. Snatch Pull @ 110%- 5 x 3; rest 10 sec 245
C2. Box Hurdles- 5 x 5; rest 2:30
D. Front Squat @ 83%; 3 x 3; rest 2 min 275

Part 2 Didn't get to part 2. Turned out to be a very busy day so instead of squeezing it in I took the rest
30-45 min @ 70%
Farmers walk 50m w/ 70#/hand
Sled Walk Forward 25m w/ 135# on sled
Sled Walk Backwards 25m w/ 135# on sled
Hand Stand Walk 25m
10 Toes To Bar Straight Legs Kipping
30 sec FLR on Rings

Saturday, October 29, 2011


5k Run for time
23:25, not very fast but PR for me so pleased
rest 1 hour

30 Cl & J, 135 2:00 goal was sub 2 but that is still over a minute PR so please here too

Thursday, October 27, 2011


A. Split Jerk- slowly build to heavy 2 w/ perfect form focusing on big split and dropping under the bar Up to 255 w/ 2 sec pause in the split, felt ok..
B. Jerk Dip Squat @ 425#- 3 x 3; rest 2 min
5 sets; rest 2:40
20 sec AirDyne Sprint

5 sets; rest 5 min
3 Hang Power Clean, tough and fast
6 Burpees AFAP
15 sec Prowler Sprint
185, 205, 225, 245, 255 (2)
all b/w 38 and 41 seconds, felt good and fast

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


A. Power Jerk- heavy double- 245
B. Power Jerk- 3 x 7; rest 1 min 185
5 sets
AMRAMP Strict Ring Dips (-2) (35, 20, 18, 15, 14)
Rest 20 sec
6 Box Jumps, 36"
Rest 20 sec
AMRAP Double Unders in 30 sec (57, 58, 59, 57, 58)

50m @ 90%
Rest 1 min x 15 Complete. Pool was 67 degrees! Guessed on the 50m but I basically swam 50 seconds and rested 1 min x 15

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Lactic Endurance
3 sets @ 97%; rest 10 min
10 TnG squat clean tough
15 CTB pull ups
10 burpees
15 Russian KB Swings, 70#
Run 300m
Used 155 on the squat cleans, everything was unbroken and transitions stayed about the same. Everything felt pretty good but the runs were SLOW!
Times: 3:00 (run was short), 3:15, 3:20

Rest 4+ hours
3 sets @ 97%; rest 12 min
Row 1000m
3:33, 3:37, 3:36 Legs just had no drive from this morning and yesterdays strength work. times are not where I want them and it was very very tough to hang on to that pace on second 2 sets. Almost didn't do the last one but glad i did seeing I was able to hang on to the same pace.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Monday (Priority Day)
A. Back Squat @ 60% (225) + Chains- 12 x 2 EMOM (ended up doing 275 no chains b/c our chain hook up broke) felt good and fast
B. Dead Lift @ 60% (255) + Bands- 6 x 2 EMOM complete, felt heavy
C1. Snatch Pull @ 105% (230)- 5 x 4; rest 10 sec felt fast here, good pulls
C2. Broad Jump- 5 x 5; rest 3 min
D. Front Squat @ 80% (265)- 3 x 3; rest 2 min felt surprisingly good. thought it was going to feel heavy just b/c of everything done before

30-45 min sustainable effort:
Sled Drags
Side Planks
Hand Stand Walks
GHD Sit Ups x 10
Foam Roll 1 min
40 min just staying moving, did 4 sets total, 2 sets w/ 3-45's on sled and 2 w/ just 2

Saturday, October 22, 2011


A. Split Jerk- heavy single 265 (failed 275-3 times.. very frustrating)
B. Split Jerk- 90% above- 2 x 2 235
C. Split Jerk- 80% above- 2 x 3 215

Tested Bulgarian Split Squat @ 30x0- goal is 30% of bodyweight/hand for 8 reps- complete w/ 53# KB in each hand

30 CTB Pull ups unbroken
Run 400m
25 CTB PU unbroken
Run 400m
20 CTB PU unbroken
Run 400m
15 CTB PU unbroken
10:38 all unbroken except last 15 pullups had to do 12 + 3. Pull Ups did not feel good

Friday, October 21, 2011


A. Snatch- heavy single worked up to 220 PR felt good coming off the ground but took several attempts to stick it in the bottom.
B. Clean- heavy single worked up to 275
C. Dead Lift- heavy single worked up to 405

(taken from OPT Big Dawg)
10 Box Jump 36"
Row 1000m
20 Box Jump 36"
Row 1000m
30 Box Jump 36"
Games standard on BJ and HSPU. 14:38. First row was around 3:45, second was around 2:00, slower than I wanted. BJ also were slow. HSPU unbroken

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Training for Wednesday
4 sets; rest 5 min
4 Squat Cleans TnG (185, 205, 225, 235) felt pretty good hear. all smooth tough and go)
20 sec AirDyne Sprint Times were- 35, 37, 37, 41 seconds
Rest 10 min
4 sets; rest 5 min
4 Squat Snatches TnG (135, 155, 175, 185- did 3 TnG + 1 with the 185)
20 sec AirDyne Sprint Times were- 35, 36, 36, 41 please with this since 185 has been feeling heavy

Row 1000m; rest 10 min x 3
Felt like getting outside so I did 3 x 800m instead. 2:58, 2:58, 3:00

Monday, October 17, 2011

A. Split Jerk Waveload- 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min; build each set
205, 225, 245, 215, 235, 255, 225, 245(failed) stopped after failing 8th set very very frustrating here. 275 is all time PR and this felt terrible. Haven't hit 265 in over a month and this just made it worse. Hoping for improvement soon though.
15 min AMRAP @ 80% maybe closer to 70% just moved through this as skill work
2 TnG Rope Climbs, 10' 7 rounds here: RHSPU #'s were- 6, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
Max Rep Ring HSPU

25m freestyle
rest 45 sec x 6
25m underwater
rest 45 sec at end x 6
complete felt pretty good. water was COLD!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dynamic Effort Lower Body
A. Back Squat @ 55% (205#) + Chains (100# at top); 12 x 2 EMOM complete, felt fast
B. Dead Lift @ 55% (235#) + orange bands; 6 x 2 EMOM same as above
C1. Snatch Pulls @ 105% (225#); 5 x 3; rest 10 sec did 100% for 5 x 5 starting with more volume- felt really good on these pulls
C2. Freeze Box Jumps on 36"- 5 x 5; rest 3 min good
D. Toes to Bar- 4 x 15; rest 1 min only 3 sets due to time but the last set was challenging to keep rhythm

Run 5 min @ Z1
Run 30 sec @ high tempo working on breathing
walk briskly 30 sec x 10
Run 5 min @ Z1
Run 30 sec @ high tempo working on breathing
walk briskly 30 sec x 10
Run 5 min @ Z1
complete and felt good. maintained same pace throughout. felt very fatigued afterwords. Not sure if it's the strength work or what. hopefully will recover tomorrow better.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


(taken from OPT Big Dawg Blog)
15 min ARMAP
3 Power Snatch, 155
6 Over Head Squat, 155
9 CTB Pull Ups

I think 9 but it may have been 8. I took video but it stopped during the middle of my 6th round at 8:30 on the clock.

Felt terrible during this, got light headed when I power snatched 95# in the warm up. Started getting light headed after the second round in the workout. Not real sure what the problem was, haven't eaten since the night before at about 8:30 and this was at 9:30 in the morning so I guess 13 hour fast is way more than I'm used to.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A. Halting Clean Grip DL @ 32X2; 3 x 3; rest 2 min @ 315
B. Clean Pulls @ 105%; 3 x 3; rest 2 min @ 300#
C. Sq Clean EMOM- 6 x 1 @ 245#
D1. Back Ext- 3 x 20; rest 1 min
D2. GHD Sit Ups- 3 x 20; rest 1 min


4 sets; rest 8 min
10 burpees
10 wall ball, 25#
10 box jumps, 24"
20 double unders
150m row
1:48 (tripped du's)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Today working the split jerk, that's mainly what I'll be doing as far as upper body pushing movements go (even though it's more legs) b/c it is a major weakness relative to my press and push press #'s.
Also, most of my anaerobic Alactic or Lactic work is going to start with a hip dominant movement just to help out that posterior chain and leg strength. ex. todays started w/ the power snatches.

A. Split Jerk Cluster- 4 x 2.2.2; rest 4 min
205, 225, 225, 225 *failed 1 rep each set of the 225 so I couldn't go up.
5 sets; rest 5 min
10 TnG Power Snatch @ 115
15 sec Airdyne Sprints
All sets under 43 seconds, fastest one was 40 sec. Power snatches felt light and fast

Swim work
20 sec underwater swim x 10; rest 1 min
All complete, recovery was fast, this felt better than last time I did it a couple of months ago

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anaerobic Latcic Endurance

Tuesday's Training
4 sets; 6 min clock (rest was about 4:40 each round)
Run 400m @ 85% (at the gym w/ turn around)
Rest 8 min
Didn't do the 8th run due to time constraints but might have stopped anyway. 7th one was only 4 seconds slower than my fastest but felt much harder so I could tell my power was about to drop significantly.
Was going to do a swim this afternoon but I'm going to rest instead, still recovering from tough weekend. I'll be on a better schedule next week.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog info + first day of training

As far as what my goals are right now: BIG goal is 2012 CF Games. Over the next two months my priority days are going towards bringing my leg strength up to match my upper body strength. My close grip (16") bench press is about 315# (hasn't been tested in a while), and my power clean is 265#. When the goal is "balanced fitness" these two #'s should be about equal. As far as lower body #'s go everything is in the right percentages based off my high bar back squat except for my dead lift which is low. So as for now my priority is to get overall leg strength up and especially my dead lift.

On the conditioning side of things I'm going to focus on Anaerobic Lactic training with maybe 1 MAP session/week. I'm going to mix in some recovery work in Z1 training zone as often as I have time and can get to it as I think it is very beneficial.

Any thoughts anyone wants to post or any questions anyone has about what I've posted above please feel free to ask.

Monday 10-10-11
Z1 recovery + Skill + Z1 recovery (legs are sore from yesterday's again faster wod which was 150 air squats, 2k row, 150 air squats)
10 min Airdyne @ Z1
Every minute on the minute for 10 min perform 3 muscle ups all unbroken
EMOM for 5 min perform 3 Ring HSPU all unbroken
5 min Airdyne @ Z1

A. Back Squat @ 185# + 100# of Chain at the top- 12 sets of 2 EMOM focusing on speed
felt fast for how sore my legs were
B. Dead Lift @ 215# + orange bands- 6 sets of 1 EMOM focus- speed
felt fast and easy
C. Power Clean TnG- 3 x 10; rest 2 min
155, 175, 175 this was mainly for volume with some heavy weight, felt good.
D1. Good Mornings @ 20X0- 3 x 10; rest 90 sec
155 all sets; these hurt. Probably going to be a staple in my program for a while
D2. Strict K2E 2010- 3 x 10; rest 90 sec
surprisingly easy