Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog info + first day of training

As far as what my goals are right now: BIG goal is 2012 CF Games. Over the next two months my priority days are going towards bringing my leg strength up to match my upper body strength. My close grip (16") bench press is about 315# (hasn't been tested in a while), and my power clean is 265#. When the goal is "balanced fitness" these two #'s should be about equal. As far as lower body #'s go everything is in the right percentages based off my high bar back squat except for my dead lift which is low. So as for now my priority is to get overall leg strength up and especially my dead lift.

On the conditioning side of things I'm going to focus on Anaerobic Lactic training with maybe 1 MAP session/week. I'm going to mix in some recovery work in Z1 training zone as often as I have time and can get to it as I think it is very beneficial.

Any thoughts anyone wants to post or any questions anyone has about what I've posted above please feel free to ask.

Monday 10-10-11
Z1 recovery + Skill + Z1 recovery (legs are sore from yesterday's again faster wod which was 150 air squats, 2k row, 150 air squats)
10 min Airdyne @ Z1
Every minute on the minute for 10 min perform 3 muscle ups all unbroken
EMOM for 5 min perform 3 Ring HSPU all unbroken
5 min Airdyne @ Z1

A. Back Squat @ 185# + 100# of Chain at the top- 12 sets of 2 EMOM focusing on speed
felt fast for how sore my legs were
B. Dead Lift @ 215# + orange bands- 6 sets of 1 EMOM focus- speed
felt fast and easy
C. Power Clean TnG- 3 x 10; rest 2 min
155, 175, 175 this was mainly for volume with some heavy weight, felt good.
D1. Good Mornings @ 20X0- 3 x 10; rest 90 sec
155 all sets; these hurt. Probably going to be a staple in my program for a while
D2. Strict K2E 2010- 3 x 10; rest 90 sec
surprisingly easy

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