Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (7/5--10/5--10/5--10/5), Noon - Swimming
10 minutes @ high aerobic:
10 SDLHP - 65lb
20 Walking Lunges
30 Double Unders
7 + SDLHP + Lunges + 5 Double Unders
--5 min recovery
10 minutes @ high aerobic:
10 OHS - 65lb
Run 200m
7 + 10 OHS
--5 min recovery
10 min @ high aerobic:
15 KBS - 32kg
Row 300m
4 + KBS + 100m
Felt pretty good today, wanted an even 8 on the first two and 5 on the last one. Probably could have gotten 5 on the last one but humidity is terrible today and I was having to wipe my hands off a lot to get 15 UB swings. Was pretty fatigued by this time too but breathing felt fine.

Swim 25 meters every 1 minute for 20 minutes

Monday, February 27, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 2 x 3 sets, Noon - MAP running
3 sets @ 90-95%:
25 Thrusters - 65lb
25 Box Jumps - 24"
25 Push-up Burpees
Rest 10 min b/t sets
2:36, 2:39, 2:33
Felt good here, burpees were slow but steady (still sore from all the burpees this weekend). Very out of breath towards end of burpees but recovered very good 3-5 min after each set

3 x Run 800m @ high aerobic/Walk 400m
5 min rest
3 x Run 800m @ high aerobic/Walk 400m
Runs complete- all under 3:34. Still slow but feeling much better.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Monday - AM - DL moderate + Jerk intense + LP2 (using Prowler), Noon - gymnastics stamina
A. Deadlift @ 80% RM, 1 rep per min for 5 mins - pull it quickly
B. Push Press @ 11X1, 5-4-3-2-1, 5 min
C. 4 sets ALL OUT:
15 Power Clean - 115lb
Prowler 30 sec @ 100lbs
Rest 10 min
A. @ 345 all felt good and pretty quick
B. 185, 195, 205 (2), 205, 215(f). Shoulders and triceps had nothing from the weekend. This was WAY under my PR but not worried about it b/c of how shot my shoulders and tri's are.
C. Felt good, 60 sec each set and same distance covered each set.

Chest to bar Chin-ups, 9 unbroken per min for 10 mins - focus on speed
Ring Push-ups, 15 per min for 6 mins
GH Sit-ups, 25 reps x 4 sets, 1 min
Complete. Pull Ups felt great, Push ups felt pretty good. GH Sit Ups felt good on first set, decent on second, horrible on 3rd.

Stopped after three b/c I basically broke it up to 3 sets. Hips were getting tight, I think my hip flexors were weak from all the burpees. I've gotten tendinitis from these before by doing a lot after not doing them for a while so I wanted to avoid that. Hopefully they'll be much better if we do them next week.


Saturday March Of Dimes
7 min AMRAP Burpees

rest 1 hour

3 rounds for time
15 Ring Push Ups
10 stone ground to shoulder, 116#

rest about 3 hours

Chipper, done on a turf field, all movements were on the next 5 or 10 yard line and you ran/walked back to the goal line b/w each movement
For Time:
Row 1000m
10 Push Press, 155#
20 Over Box Jumps, 24"
30 KB Swings, 70#
40 Double Unders
OH Walking Lunges, 45# plate (from end of field, 30 or 35yrd line, back to goal line)

(9:35 all unbroken, walked b/w movements

Got home and was in the gym so redid Open WOD 12.1
7 min amrap burpees
123 reps

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Friday - Noon - Snatch intense + DL intense (low volume) + LEnd 3 x 2
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 5 min
B. Deadlift, build to 90% of your 1RM quickly for a double - drop each rep
C. Row 1000m @ 97%

A. all @ 185
B. 390 for 1, back wasn't feeling it
C. 3:29, 2 sec PR and felt like 95-97%

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (7/5--10/5--10/5--10/5), Noon - Swimming
10 minutes @ high aerobic:
3 muscle-ups
35 double unders
row 300m
4 + 3 MU + 35 DU + 150m
--5 min recovery
10 minutes @ high aerobic:
5 toes to bar
10 Wall Balls - 20#
15 DL - 95lb
7 + 5 T2B + 4 WB (low back felt tight on the deads, this was main limiting factor a little more so than breathing although breathing was high)
--5 min recovery
10 min @ high aerobic:
15 Hand Release Push-ups
.5 mile Airdyne
5 rounds even, started w/ Air Dyne but I guess it doesn't matter since I did 5 even. Didn't have much drive in my legs here. RPM was around 65-70 throughout.

Swim 25 meters every 1 minute for 20 minutes
Complete, felt much better than last week but still tough. All sets under 25 seconds and stayed on the minute throughout. Lats were very fatigued and form got real sloppy on the last 5 sets

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 2 x 3 sets, Noon - MAP running
3 sets @ 90-95%:
10 Box Jumps - 24"
25 Thrusters - 95lb
10 Box Jumps - 24"
25 Push-up Burpees
10 Box Jumps - 24"
Rest 10 min b/t sets
2:58, 3:10, 3:12.. These #'s are NOT where they need to be! After the first set of thrusters my legs were SHOT and full of lactate. Breathing was not great but definitely not the limiting factor. Burpees were very slow due to lactate legs.
Not sure if I just haven't recovered from the prowler or what the deal was this morning.

4 x Run 400m @ high aerobic/Walk 200m
5 min rest
4 x Run 400m @ high aerobic/Walk 200m
All runs complete around 1:30. still slow but recovery good.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Monday - AM - DL moderate + Jerk intense + LP2 (using Prowler), Noon - gymnastics stamina
A. Deadlift @ 75% RM, 1 rep per min for 5 mins - pull it quickly
B. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 3.2 x 5 sets, 5 min
C. 5 sets ALL OUT:
12 touch n go power clean @ 135lb
Prowler Push 25 seconds - 140lbs
Rest 6 min
A. @ 325
B. 155, 175, 195, 205, 215
C. First 2 sets @ 140lbs, last 3 sets @ 90#
This was tough. I don't think I did the full 20 seconds last week (watch broke). This was tough but I'm glad we're doing it!

Chest to bar Chin-ups, 8 unbroken per min for 10 mins - focus on speed
Ring Dips, 10 unbroken per min for 10 mins - focus on speed
Unanchored Sit-ups, 15 fast reps per min for 10 mins
Complete and felt good. Pull Ups felt better, still not where I want but rhythm felt much better. Sit Ups were 19-22 seconds, still slow.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Saturday - CF tester
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 rep rds for time:
Box Jumps - 30" - step down every rep, no jump downs
*Fastest time right now is 6:30 ish


Felt great here. Tried to go full speed on the Pull Ups b/c I knew my box jumps would be a slower cycle time. Going to the 15 pull ups thought I may have started a little too fast pace but was able to hold on to it.

Pull Ups felt a little heavy but was able to maintain speed and unbroken throughout.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Friday - Noon - Snatch intense + DL intense (low volume) + LEnd 3 x 2
A. Power Snatch. Squat Snatch, 1.3 x 5 sets, 5 min 155, 175, 175, 185, 185 Felt pretty strong here, not sure how these should compare to 1RM
B. Deadlift, build to 95% of your 1RM quickly for a single went up to 415 in about 10 min. Felt heavy
Set # 1:
15,12,9 rep rds for time
Power Clean --115lb
Push-up Burpees
*Fastest time is 2:16, bulk of the times are @ 2:40-2:50
20-30 min recovery
Set # 2 - For time:
30 Thrusters - 95lb
Row 500m
*Fastest time is 2:36
Set 1- 2:42
Set 2- 2:50
Not sure how my set 1 could get much faster, I can see 10 seconds or so but 2:16 is flying! Video to come.
Set 2 felt pretty good, the row was 1:45 which I was pleased with (PR 500m is 1:32) Had a little trouble getting into the rower.

Video to come and would love some critique on these.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (7/5--10/5--10/5--10/5), Noon - Swimming
7 minutes @ high aerobic:
2 muscle-up
10 walking lunges
25 double unders
9 rounds even
--5 min recovery
7 minutes @ high aerobic:
15 OHS - 75lb
Row 300m
3 rounds + OHS + 50m
--5 min recovery
7 min @ high aerobic:
7 toes to bar
7 wall balls - 20#
7 box jumps - 24" - step down every rep
7 rounds + 7 T2B

Swim 25 meters every 1 minute for 20 minutes
Complete, started w/ 25m on the minute then had to go to REST a minute b/w. Finished 20 x 25m in 25 minutes. Not good at swimming.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Tuesday - AM - LEnd 2 x 3 sets, Noon - MAP running
3 sets @ 90-95%:
20 Thrusters - 95lb
20 Russian KBS - 40kg
20 Push-up Burpees
Rest 10 min b/t sets
2:28, 2:33, 2:35 Everything felt ok except that KB, that thing was heavy which gassed me for the burpees. I had to use the 70# on the last set b/c I was not getting the 88 all the way overhead on the second set. Painful session, I'm ready for this to be dialed in more with more lactate training.
3 x Run 400m @ high aerobic/Walk 200m
5 min rest
3 x Run 400m @ high aerobic/Walk 200m
1:36, 1:35, 1:32
1:29, 1:31, 1:30
I know these times are slow but I was pleased with the consistency. HR got up to about 170 each time and back under 130 during my recovery. 200m walk took about 2:30 minutes

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Monday - AM - DL moderate + Jerk intense + LP2 (using Prowler), Noon - gymnastics stamina
A. Deadlift @ 70% RM, 1 rep per min for 5 mins - pull it quickly
B. Split Jerk, 5-5-5-5, 5 min
C. 5 sets ALL OUT:
10 touch n go power clean @ 155lb
Prowler Push 20 seconds - 140lbs
Rest 6 min
A. 300# Felt fast
B. 185, 185, 200, 200 Stayed on the lighter side to ensure good tech and speed. Felt good, getting better at dropping under the bar
C. Complete, harder than I thought it'd be, took about 20 seconds to do power cleans, so about 45 seconds total work. Sled felt heavy, I used a dog sled which has more surface area. Will use the prowler next time. I also plan to get up and eat some light carbs maybe 2 hours before training from now on.

Chest to bar Chin-ups, 7 unbroken per min for 10 mins - focus on speed
Ring Dips, 7 unbroken per min for 10 mins - focus on speed
Unanchored Sit-ups, 15 fast reps per min for 10 mins
*Notes- Pull Ups felt terrible, not hard but not very good rhythm. Did butterfly on the first 6 sets then gymnastics kip. All under 10 seconds/set. Glad to be doing this skill work
Ring dips were good and easy, all under 6 seconds
Sit Ups were a struggle after about 2 sets. Fastest set was 19 seconds, slowest set was 22 seconds. I'll be sore from these!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Saturday - Oly tech work + MAP Multi (3/3--4/4--5/5--5/3)
WOD 5 of 2011 Open
20 min AMRAP (9 rounds + 8 wall ball was my score last year)
5 Power Clean, 145
10 Toes To Bar
15 Wall Ball, 20#

10 + 13
Better but still not great, I really wanted 11 rounds


A. Dead Lift- build to 1RM
B. Snatch- build to heavy single
C1. Back Squat @ 20X1; 1-1-1; 10 sec
C2. GH Raises @ 10X0; 15-20 x 3; 3 min

A. Up to 430 PR! very surprised by this after the days of training at OPT. Felt heavy from 315 on but did 415 then 430 and got it. Definitely have more in me
B. 205 felt pretty solid, missed 215 and called it.
C1. 335, 355, 365. Felt solid
C2. 18, 15, 15 still not good at these

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Testing day 2 at the OPT Camp

This was a painful day and brought out my weaknesses for sure.

Test 1
7 min AMRAP
10 Thrusters, 75#
5 Burpees
8 + 6. Really wanted 9 + rounds but couldn't get there. Could really feel the lactate training from yesterday early on in this wod. Not a terrible score but should have been better.

Test 2
100m Prowler Sprint w/ 180# on the prowler
49 seconds
Rest 20 min
20 sets of 5 unbroken CTB Pull Ups for time
Rest 10 min
3 Min Air Dyne for max Cal
70 Cal/1.2 Miles
Test 2 especially the prowler and the air dyne are just grunt work. My weakness for sure. The prowler was one of the most painful things I've ever done and it was not a great time, should have been closer to 40 seconds or under.
CTB Pull Ups for my body typer should be a breeze and this is a slow time. Definitely want this sub 6 min.
3 min Air Dyne actually felt ok. Paced it out a little too much from the start and didn't realize how good I would feel towards the end. Kicked it in with 30 seconds left and held it till the end. Very poor score here, needs to be over 100 Cal.

Over all great 2 days. Lots of learning and exposing going on. I think it will help a lot with my program going forward with Michael Fitz seeing and knowing my #'s from these 2 days. Confident that I will be ready by regionals.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Testing @ OPT Camp in Scottsdale, AZ

Today was day 1 of 2 of the OPT Athlete Camp. Great learning day and testing day. We learned about different limiters of fatigue for different athletes and what to do with those as far as our training leading up to competition goes. More on this later.

Testing Day 1
8 min to Find 1RM Power Clean
286 PR big time! We were using kilo's so I didn't really know what I was lifting until after. Previous Power Clean PR is 265. The only time I've done 285 is at Regionals 2 years ago and that was squat clean.
Rest 2 min
8 min @ 90% of 1RM max reps Power Clean
Used 256. Got 15 reps. 2 ways to look at this. It's not that many reps so it's kinda disappointing BUT I'm looking at it pleased b/c if you had told me going into today I would do 15 reps w/ 256 I wouldn't believe you b/c like I said that 10lbs under my previous PR. So again walked away pleased.

For time
Row 250m
15 KBS, 70#
25 Burpees
15 KBS, 70#
Row 250m
3:47. Pleased with time. Actually pleased with how I felt too, felt really strong all the way till the last Row then it hurt really bad. The longest lactate session I've trained in the past month is 90 seconds so I was nervous going into this one. After 15 burpees, breathing and muscles still felt pretty good so I tried to pick it up on the last 10 burpees, moved through the KBS relatively easy and like I said the row hurt bad.

Great day and lots of fun, more pain to come tomorrow. Much more! Unfortunately/fortunately we already know the workouts. You'll see tomorrow but they are going to hurt!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Monday - AM - DL Speed + Jerk tech + Snatch tech + KBS work, Noon - "Flow"
A. DL @ 11X1, 1 rep @ 75% RM x 5 sets, 1 min
B. Power Clean. Split Jerk, 1.1 x 5 sets, 1 min @ 185lb
C. Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance, 1.1 x 5 sets, 1 min @ 135lb
A. @ 320lb
B/C. Complete felt good
No time for runs, heading out for Scottsdale soon for testing. Looking forward to the next 2 days.

10 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
upper body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
10 min Run @ Z1 - wear a heart rate monitor if possible
lower body stretching - 10 min - active release based first, then static
10 min Run @ Z1 - wear heart rate monitor if possible

Friday, February 3, 2012


Saturday - Oly tech work + MAP Multi (3/3--4/4--5/5--5/3)
Split Jerk @ 135lb, 3 perfect reps x 3 sets, 2 min
Split Jerk @ 155lb, 2 perfect reps x 3 sets, 2 min
Power Snatch @ 95lb, 5 touch n go reps x 5 sets, 1 min - work on speed
All complete and felt good
5 minutes of high/consistent/aerobic work:
2 muscle-ups
10 box jumps - 30" - step down every rep 6 + 2
--3 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
5 hspu
50 double unders 5 + 20
--3 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
Row 200m
15 air squats 4 + 20
--15 min recovery - take in some carbs during this time
5 min high aerobic:
10 chin-ups
10 db push press - 40/hand
15 gh sit-ups 3 + 20
--3 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
10 ring dips
10 russian kbs - 32 kg
10 box jumps -30" - step down 4 + 16
--3 min recovery
5 min high aerobic:
.5 mile on Airdyne
15 air squats 2 + .3miles

Felt pretty good today. I suspect my #'s may be a bit low on some and I'm going to give some reasons (hopefully don't look like excuses)
The GH Sit Ups killed me, pull ups and push press were fine and sit ups were awful by the second set having to pause at about 8 reps. Just had no drive in my hip flexors as these have always been a weakness. Breathing was fine though. Sit Ups also made my head hurt a little bit.

The next set felt ok, head was still hurting a bit from the sit ups but felt ok. Stepping down with my short legs on that 30" is a little time consuming but I hope this score was decent.

The airdyne I'm not sure if this is a decent score or not but I felt completely fine here and my squats stayed very fast the whole time. I suspect our Air Dyne needs adjusting as far as reading the right distance but maybe this score is fine.

All in all felt better than the past weeks long MAP sessions.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Friday - Noon - DL Intense + Clean and Jerk OR Snatch intense + BSq/GHD Raise work
A. DL, build to a heavy single - no failures
B. Snatch, build to a heavy double
C1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3-3-3-3-3, 10 sec - 95% effort each set
C2. GH Raises @ 10X0, 7-15 reps x 5 sets, 3 min - place our hands on your head the entire time

A. 245, 335, 355, 375, 385, 395, 405, 415- felt decent but definitely not great
B. 135, 155, 175, 185, 195 all felt really solid. Tried 205 and failed twice just from lose shoulders in the catch which is usually not the issue. Pull felt good so I was still pleased
C1. 315, 325, 325, 335, 335
C2. 12 all sets

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Wednesday - AM - MAP Multi (30/30--60/60--60/45--60/30), Noon - "Flow"
3 sets @ high/consistent/aerobic effort:
90 sec Rowing 1:48 pace throughout
45 sec walk
90 sec (30 sec Bear Crawl/30 sec Walking Lunges/30 sec Bear Crawl) 25 lunges/set
45 sec walk
90 sec Double Unders 150, 135, 130- just tripped up a few times, last set got difficult breathing
45 sec walk
90 sec (30 sec R Arm KB Snatch - 16kg/30 sec L Arm KB Snatch - 16kg/30 push-up burpees)
45 sec walk KB Snatch/arm- 15, 15, 16/Burpees- 11, 12, 13
Felt pretty good today, not sure what happened to the 60/45 map session but this felt ok. Breathing was pretty high but I'm not sure I could have done this a month ago and felt ok.

20 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor 138- 5.6 miles
Handstand Hold tech work - 5 min
20 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor 140- 5.7 miles
Muscle-up Speed work, 3 really fast reps x 7 sets, 2 min
20 min Airdyne @ Z1 - HR monitor 142- 5.8 miles