Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Testing day 2 at the OPT Camp

This was a painful day and brought out my weaknesses for sure.

Test 1
7 min AMRAP
10 Thrusters, 75#
5 Burpees
8 + 6. Really wanted 9 + rounds but couldn't get there. Could really feel the lactate training from yesterday early on in this wod. Not a terrible score but should have been better.

Test 2
100m Prowler Sprint w/ 180# on the prowler
49 seconds
Rest 20 min
20 sets of 5 unbroken CTB Pull Ups for time
Rest 10 min
3 Min Air Dyne for max Cal
70 Cal/1.2 Miles
Test 2 especially the prowler and the air dyne are just grunt work. My weakness for sure. The prowler was one of the most painful things I've ever done and it was not a great time, should have been closer to 40 seconds or under.
CTB Pull Ups for my body typer should be a breeze and this is a slow time. Definitely want this sub 6 min.
3 min Air Dyne actually felt ok. Paced it out a little too much from the start and didn't realize how good I would feel towards the end. Kicked it in with 30 seconds left and held it till the end. Very poor score here, needs to be over 100 Cal.

Over all great 2 days. Lots of learning and exposing going on. I think it will help a lot with my program going forward with Michael Fitz seeing and knowing my #'s from these 2 days. Confident that I will be ready by regionals.

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